Have learned that path/filenames for music server files need to be less than 180 characters to avoid problems with backup to external drives such as WD Passport.
However, just tried to burn a copy of a Playlist using the MC "Burn a CD/DVD" option and app indicated that 2 of the 30 or so selections in the Playlist exceeded the 100+/- character limit. The popup indicates that the filenames will be "truncated" to not exceed the limit. I assumed that this truncation was not literal but could not find the two guilty tracks in the subsequent burn so MC file editing may have compromised the recognizibility of the track on the DVD.
Is there some way to avoid this issue in using the Burn CD/DVD option in MC? It would be nice to not have to edit (overly) long path/filenames to accommodate this function particularly since many path/filenames come close to, if not exceed, the 100 character MC limit.