Networks and Remotes > Remotes

eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!

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The Wake on LAN function is a sensible feature. Nice.

Where does the user specify the MAC address? If it's there I missed it in server settings.

Does this function work in the trial so that it can be tested?

If it uses the access key, it can get the MAC from the JRiver server, just like Gizmo does for its wake on lan functionality.

I spent about 10 minutes playing around with the trial version & I like what I see. I appears you've built a nice looking & powerful interface, $4.99 seems a more than reasonable price.

One question which I suppose is more of a feature request: Are there any plans in the pipeline to to introduce playlist management? I'm thinking something where you can add to playlist on the fly much as you would add to playing now currently.


--- Quote from: astromo on June 20, 2014, 07:22:05 pm ---The Wake on LAN function is a sensible feature. Nice.

Where does the user specify the MAC address? If it's there I missed it in server settings.

Does this function work in the trial so that it can be tested?

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As Hendrik mentioned, if you connect to your server via access key the MAC addresses come from the JRiver server. If you didn't use the access key, there's a text field alongside server address and port where you can specify MAC addresses.

Wake on LAN is available in the test version. Unfortunately I don't have any devices that support Wake on LAN, so I wasn't able to verify that it's functional. If your server supports it, please try it out and let me know if it works! I'm not sure if you noticed, but on the Settings page there's a Power action item - clicking that will show a dialog with options to Power Off or Wake-on-LAN the currently selected server.


--- Quote from: jmone on June 20, 2014, 05:27:31 pm ---Looks good but will wait to test on the paid version.  Also will you be able to buy multi device licence (eg 10?)

--- End quote ---

I think that if all of your devices use the same Google Play account you only need to buy it once. At least, that's how the BlackBerry store works. I'm still getting used to Google Play!


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