Networks and Remotes > Remotes

eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!

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I purchased also and saw the same crash mentioned in playing now that has been addressed.

The video seek issue, for me at least, is when a video starts to play it plays fine, however if I tap the screen and move the progress slider it moves but the video does not advance to this point. I do not think this is a limitation of my device as it works in Gizmo.

Very nice looking app. Great work and I look forward to your development.


One other item....

Home screen: Artist - Starts With - R
shows all R artists

The search only works with the first letter, typing a second shows no result

Artist - Starts With - Ru
Shows nothing.

This works fine if using: Favorites - Starts With - Ru



--- Quote ---SleepTimer  -- if Gizmo has this I am not aware of it.  This little feature is great for sending the kid's off to sleep.  They can listen to an audio book for awhile and the Eos stops playback at a set time.  Love it!  Now it just needs to implement a Awake Timer, where Eos will start playback at a set hour -- a zone controlled alarm clock if you will.
--- End quote ---
i've been beta testing this for some time, and just the sleep timer was enough for me to purchase EOS, we use it everynight, and it works great...who wants music playing all night long? a timer solves that problem. We also really like the volume on playing now, those of us that have kickstand cases know what a pita it is to have to lift your phone flip it, to tap the volume buttons, so having it in the interface saves alot of time and hassle.

paid for . I must admit - it is welll designed. Thanks for giving us this alternative.
I tried to install the app on my wife's Galaxy S5, it asked for payment again. I backed out of it.
I know you pay for app once.
How do I put this on my wife's phone without paying a second time?

Thanks again.


If you use different google accounts on the two phones, you cannot share purchased applications.


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