Networks and Remotes > Remotes

eos, a remote for JRiver - now for Android!

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--- Quote from: kensn on June 22, 2014, 12:12:16 pm ---One other item....

Home screen: Artist - Starts With - R
shows all R artists

The search only works with the first letter, typing a second shows no result

Artist - Starts With - Ru
Shows nothing.

This works fine if using: Favorites - Starts With - Ru


--- End quote ---

I just tried this, and haven't seen this behavior. I can type out the full name of any artist in my library while the filter type is set to Starts with and that artist is always visible.

What artists do you have in your library that start with Ru? Do they have an article in front of them (e.g. "An", "The" etc)? eos does a literal "Starts with" on the entire string, it does not do any fancy string processing or tokenizing. (It does ignore case, however.) So, if the artist's name begins with an article, it will not be found. An example - let's assume you have "The Rolling Stones" as an artist:

If you're doing "Starts with" filtering:
-If you type in "Rol", you will not find The Rolling Stones, since the name begins with "The " and not "Rol"
-If you type in "The Rol", the The Rolling Stones will appear
-If you type in "The Rol " (notice the space after the final "L"), you will NOT find The Rolling Stones, since there is no space in the full artist name

If you're doing "Contains" filtering:
-If you type in "Rol", you'll find The Rolling Stones. You'll also find bands like Finntroll (FinntROLl)
-If you type in "Rol ", you will NOT find The Rolling Stones (same as above)
-If you type in "Rol The", you won't find The Rolling Stones, but you'd find a band called Control The Sun (if such a band existed in your library)

I hope this helps to clarify!


App crashes whatever I try to do. HTC ONE Desire. Pictures, audio, video, al list well, but once an item is tapped the app immediately crashes.


--- Quote from: Trumpetguy on June 22, 2014, 04:36:41 pm ---App crashes whatever I try to do. HTC ONE Desire. Pictures, audio, video, al list well, but once an item is tapped the app immediately crashes.

--- End quote ---

I checked the crash reports for both the free app and the paid app, but I don't see any reports from an HTC One. Which app are you referring to - the free or the paid? If it's the paid app, are you attempting device playback, or are you trying to control playback on the JRiver server?

If you can reproduce the issue and you're prompted to submit a bug report, can please do so? It will help immensely in trying to track down your issue.




--- Quote from: Hendrik on June 22, 2014, 02:17:25 pm ---If you use different google accounts on the two phones, you cannot share purchased applications.

--- End quote ---

I will have to set up my account on my wife's phone if it is possible.
I have not used goggle account in almost 18 months, so I really have forgotten the limitations.


Thanks for the responses to my earlier post.

More testing of live streams (1.0.1) playing to local device.
- : "A media player error has occurred"
- : crashes eos (logs sent)


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