Hi All, I have my new IdPi running on a Raspi 4b 2GB w/Hifiberry DAC RCA hat, Raspberry Pi std 7" touch screen installed in a SmartPI Touch 2 case & a 4TB WD Gaming USB30 HDD attached that has my flac files. IDPI is connected via ethernet not WIFI. JRiver is running in audio only mode. I temporarily have a keyboard/mouse attached to the PI via a powered USB2.0 Hub.
My Goal is to use "unit" as a kiosk music player. Like going into a fast food restaurant and ordering up music on their "order kiosk." I'd like to be able to blast some tunes to whatever zone(s)/player(s) I choose when I walk in the house. I like that Theater mode is capable of showing artist photos as a song is playing.
I've been playing with the IDPI's settings mainmenu, Raspbian Toolbar Menu and Theater Mode, trying different things. The touch screen is only capable of 800x480 but I've set the screen size to default of 720x480, expanded the menu bars, and played with other settings via the 17 Custom RPi configuration selection in the mainmenu. I'm using the newer "fake GL" setting.
1. Is there documentation explaining the OS toolbar menu selections? Not sure what "head" or "alpha:255" or some of the "iconbar mode" selections mean.
2. Any recommendation for handling or using workspaces?
3. Can I change the location of the clock when I'm in Theater Mode with the Playing Now selection on screen? The clock covers the right side of the text bar. Even better, how much customization is available in the Theater Mode view?
4. Is there a way to calibrate the touchscreen? It's pretty accurate as it is but it might be helpful to load up a calibration utility for future use.
5. What's the recommended "quit playing tunes" procedure? While playing music, if I press back, Menu, Exit, then System Sleep, Shutdown... then Close Media Center, I get a white screen and then at the top of the minute, JRiver fires back up and the tunes start up with the last song that was playing. Should I use STOP via the Playing Now selection bar and then let the screen go blank after it times out? It's not like the Raspberry PI is using a lot of juice.
I'm thankful for the JRiver staff! Stay safe. Any guidance would be great.