I wanted to update my Id today. In have ever only used it in the text mode (never GUI). I had trouble with the previous update, but Id continued working. Today, I attached the keyboard and selected option 12. It did not progress beyond 1 line of text output and it hang. I rebooted it, and I could see it listing a large number of Linux boot log messages, many about "stuck CPU", but it never gave me back the text menu. I have waited a few hours, but it did not recover like the last time.
From now on, whenever I reboot, it lists a few lines, then goes blank, even the keyboard is dead (no light comes up when I click caps lock).
The only thing I seem able to do, is when I hit the space bar at boot, then E then Ctrl X then select the topmost line (can't read them well as the screen is a bit garbled), which gives me a very stretched and wrapped text menu, but none of the options really work: I tried option 12 again, it just reboots a few seconds later and goes into a blank screen (after a few boot messages). I tried making it go to GUI, reboots, a bit of text, blank, dead keyboard... I tried 77, same effect.
Is there a way to somehow reinstall all software on it, myself, or do I have to post it all back to you?