Bob, sorry to pester you about this, but could you confirm if enabling Volume Levelling in DSP on Id, while it acts as a renderer only, is supposed to work? (It does not)
Also, I wonder if you are interested in a couple of error messages I am encountering. From time to time, when I boot, the BIOS boot process waits until someone attaches a keyboard and presses enter with the text: "The following are warnings that were generated during this boot. These can be viewed in setup on the Event Log Page. WARNING : Processor Thermal Trip Press the Enter key to continue." Needless to say, for a device that is not supposed to have a keyboard attached, it would be good to auto-dismiss or disable those if possible. To the best of my knowledge, this happens relatively often but there are no signs of anything overheating, fans etc.
Finally, each time I reboot from GUI mode (for example using update option or when switching back to the text mode) once the text-based display takes over the screen it displays some 30 similar errors in quick succession (Setting default value: Failed to read: session.screen0.xxxx, then an rpcbind error), then it goes blank, fan spins at normal speed. At that point half of the time it will lock up, leaving only the option of force power-down, to bring life back to it.