If I enable "USB debugging" I get the same problem:
This is the problem:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8y-hqUqRJttVXlBYTNDcGktNDQ/edit?usp=sharingWhen I had my old phone with SD-Card (64GB) I didn't have any problem. My old phone have android 4.1 and I could use FAT file-system in my SD-card. Now I can't use FAT file-sytem. Google has forbidden FAT file-system for don't pay copyright to microsoft for each phone. Is not possible enable FAT in android 4.4.4 (I think). My one+ have 64GB.
I get the exact same errors. I get pages of those tagging errors every time I try to sync my Note 3.
I have a lot of files on my phone (64GB SD card); when I first connect the phone and navigate to it in drives and devices, MC takes about twenty minutes to half an hour before displaying the files, and then throws pages of those tagging errors. After that I can sync, but the sync doesn't always detect existing files on the phone correctly.
It's been this way for me for a few months, and I've switched to "syncing" my phone using windows file transfers.
Some of the folks in the thread I linked above were seeing the same issue. I'm not aware of a MC workaround at the moment.
Also I have a lot of files in my phone. And yes, I have the same problem than you. I can see the same: very slow for show the files inside the phone and tagging errors.
How do you do for create the m3u without sync? is it possible create m4u lists?
This is normal. I wish it was faster too.
this is not normal my friend. With my old phone with android 4.1 I could sync without this problems. Now I need wait many minutes and before was instantaneous.
Are you using FlexRAID?
I don't know what is it

RAID for SD? my phone don't have SD card.
That should be irrelevant.
this is very relevant my friend. If you use m3u in a phone with UTF (unicode system of characters) and you use files with special chars like òäëéñç... this audio-files are not played in the playlist (but this files are synced); the path of the file have strange symbols and it is not correct. You need save the playlist with UTF format with notepad for don't have this problem.
That's strange. I have a Nexus 5 running literally hot off the presses android (slimkat) and have never had this issue. Could you try enabling USB debugging mode in developer options and seeing if that helps (I always have my phone in USB debugging mode).
I've tried withe USB debuggin mode and I've can't solve it.
In J river 20 this problem persist??