I'm too scared! I loved Media Jukebox, and now love Media Center, but the fact is that all the posts and all the builds scare me. I come from an engineering background, where things run in realtime and work for years (without new builds every month). I had 9.1-something installed on my laptop as a trial, and the database was sluggish. I only have 25,000 tracks, with no lyrics or bios, maybe 50% have embedded images, but that should not impact MC...
Some of the directions that MC has taken are seemingly noble, but really dilute the power of this program (I shudder to think how much better MC10 could have been if someone didn't spend time on 3D-interactive pong). I fear that the more time that is spent trying to add fluff and flash, the program will stumble. I am what you would call a hard-core fan of music: I don't need all the screen savers, I prefer the DIRT display to the fancy animated stuff in the now-playing screen. And that is what I think MC should focus on: being the best darn media player/organizer/recorder possible. After it does all those things reliably, and without performance hits, THEN pursue some of the flashy, glitzy stuff (with options to disable, of course!). Now, this is just MY opinion.
I may try installing the trial version on my laptop to see if MC10 is worthy. Stability, speed, and reliability are high on my list. Added fluff-ware make me cry.
Ok, off the soapbox...Thanks for reading.