This is the ideas thread still. Some of my current ideas.
1. This is still a good idea! Just listening to my Beatles-1 and wishing it I could set up a right click slide show from its artwork folder whilst on this album. (standard view)
A right click context menu setup for a cover art slideshow based of the currently playing albums folder (with options for sub folders - /art/images/coverart), and with the option to have the rotated reflection effect (with quality setting). All on the right click context menu when right clicking over the cover image (standard view). A cover art slideshow from the currently playing album folder - rotated reflection effect. when the trk changes to another album, so does the slideshow... and so on.
This could also have options to change the speed of transition, not just one but two options here. Long and short transition times and a chaos factor option as well to mix up between long and short image transitions.
2.Option to not auto play when changing the 'car radio' playlists. If left ON by default it should not interfere with anyone who wants auto play. Nice to have the option to turn off or some other states. I had not considered other states just on and off, but other options could be worked out for semi-auto play depending upon conditions maybe.
3. When changing playlists, and or starting MC up - to scroll down and highlight the last playing file (and options around this, inc type of highlight and colours). An easy in UI way of doing this. What I find it does do currently upon car radio playlist change is it plays the first track in the playlist and sort of scrolls down to the area where the last track was played in that list.
4. A wave form seek bar/scrub window, similar to soundcloud. Not separate by default but enabled to fit (dock) nicely above the playlist buttons in standard view (just below cover art) or for that matter just above the cover art, or anywhere on the standard view (maybe). This could if one wanted to replacing the timeline altogether (optional), replacing with a waveform seek/scrub section.
With quality/graphics options to optimise and refine for those with more gpu power. Smoothing, anti-aliasing to the point it almost looks soft focus. You know, just good graphics ideas we could build on.
I would actually love to have an all in one 'soundcloud' type waveform seekbar option to play with. Integrated into standard view either in the same place as the timeline is now. And other options for placement/detachment.
With options for turning it off/hiding etc for those who do not want it.
5. Option to back up to a 2nd location as well as the default one at the same time. As and when jriver does it auto backing up.
6.The audio path does not show blue (direct) for the skin Black on Black. Could this be updated please.
7. Could the dark skins like Black on Black support the 'Size' option where possible please. Not sure if these are in house or user created. Black on Black being my main skin at the moment. We all use so many different options for viewing these days, and scaling. So surely skins should now take advantage of all the scaling options in JRiver.
Thank you, Black on Black has the size option now.It would be good to see some more in house dark, grey, skins for larger TVs in dimmed rooms and night time of course. The skin shown by this user is a good one: HERE but is not willing to share it Sad
8.Some new black and dark grey skins by in-house which bundle with the software. new UI designs for large TV screens in dim rooms for people wanting easy on the eyes dim and night time UI's. I'm a night owl and up all night with a large plasma screen, so all dark and grey everything suits my eyes.
I thought it might be good to look at introducing some win10 style skins in the up coming year. I've not moved to W10 yet but see its style. I would like to see some dimmed room and night time skins. Dark grey, Dark-grey-blue tint, with orange and or blue marine button colors. Blue's and orange's and some green's seem to fit well with dark grey themes.
For example look at this jriver win10 style dark grey theme with green buttons. It's a private skin one jriver member created but alas will not share despite me asking politely a few times. This is a perfect look for me on my large plasma screen in a dimmed room. The green works well in this win10 style, but so would orange and some marine blue.
My eyes hurt with bright themes and this is perfect on my large 50 inch plasma screen.
10.Old and new style VU meters able to pop out the GUI of a VST plugin.
I've got the VU meters suggested in the other recent same sort of request thread: Where someone mentioned looking into a detached window, either from the main UI or from DSP studio.
Would be great to be able to have these display in there own detached window, without always having to open DSP studio.
Maybe there are two ideas here. One is to have VST VU's be able to detach from DSP studio and float anywhere without the need to have DSP studio main window open.
And second, to maybe have in-house VST VU meters as floating window options for JRiver down the line. I've not really found a good selection of good VU meters. The one from the link above. And ideas based off the photo in this thread:
I mean the software is a player, it has volume control so I thought why not also offer 1-5 (old and new) VU meters bundled in. To enhance the visual impact of using JRiver without needing more 3rd party stuff. And right there in a detached border less window, and also integrated into standard view somewhere if that option was checked. Just a thought for the future.
11.I would like to see a separate option section for the Car Radio / playing now playlists.
One option to be able to turn off auto 1st track play when switching car radio playlists. And also to scroll down and highlight the last played track in each of the 12 car radio playlists. And for this to still work after editing the playlist adding in more tracks and deleting others. And maybe also a separate audio book section of options and little features all built in ready to go with a few check boxes and spinners to set values.
For example, the member 6233638 kindly gave me
this script to remember the place in an audio book and mark it a color so I knew where to start from when coming back to the playlist of many audio books one after another in the car radio playlist.
I wonder how many other cool little script ideas like this could be made into features to called up by right click context menu when using files marked as audio books. And with options found in the Car Radio/Audiobooks section somewhere in the options menu.
Ideas that I have no idea of yet, but could make great features for an audio book set of tools all there on the right click context menu. Maybe turned on and off from the main options section I mention above, as to not clutter the right click section with unwanted features.
Including lots of member scripts and ideas into little add-ons easily added via right click in the various sections would be something to really bump novice users like myself.