Thanks for the positive feed back. About 15 years back I started putting together a home automation system that became quite extensive with time. The original goal was to get rid of CD changers controlled by the system. There was no end of imagination of improvements to do. But I had to start from scratch. The changers inherently start playing with the disc present in the slot, so the system naturally "resumes" play. Later I extended this via the programing to start at the last track. Once the used is spoiled with the ability to continue playing through the entire collection, it becomes a requirement for any system. For every MP3 player I looked at, none would do this and would not purchase.
The code I wrote to do this is incredibly simple and did not take more than about 10 minutes to accomplish. One line was needed to save the location and track # when shutting down. And one line in the start up sequence to imitate the play at the last disc and track.
We already have the option in MC20 to start play back at the last track in the "playing now" window. This would be a good starting I think.
One suggestion I would like to add is to make this as an option. Some users may not like this at all. So something along the lines of an button manually start play at the last location, and also have the option to set automatic start up when changing a play list or group.
I have a number of other little features that ended up in my system, if anyone thinks putting them on the consideration table, I would be happy to submit and can send some photos of the results.
Regards, Harroun
Bangkok, Thailand