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Author Topic: Media Center 10.0.78 beta available  (Read 3033 times)


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Media Center 10.0.78 beta available
« on: February 25, 2004, 04:58:28 pm »

This is a beta.  Avoid this if problems, changes, or crashes will upset you.  Do NOT try this if you aren't prepared for trouble.

Please reserve this thread for obvious bugs.  If you're not sure, or you need to ask a question, please start a new thread.

Please keep a list of issues you find and report them with each build until we have addressed them.

The latest known stable version of 9.1 is here:

Please check the license and price thread before you download:;action=display;threadid=17336

The latest beta of 10 is here:

IMPORTANT -- This build includes a re-worked handheld system.  Only IPOD, WMDM, and Nomad Jukebox players currently work (for Nomads, please install the new plug-in).  Tread lightly if handheld support is important to you.

10.0.78 (2/25/04)

1. Fixed: 3D visualizations could fail to initialize after several starts / stops on some machines.
2. Fixed: Scrollbars didn't redraw until a scroll with the keyboard in a list finished.
3. Changed: If Theater View has a page with no options, it'll show a Back button instead of no buttons.
4. Fixed: Clicking to start playback with missing files in the playlist could cause the playing file and the display to get out of step.
5. Fixed: Some corrupt WAV files could crash MC.
6. Fixed: MC wouldn't always show an error message when a file failed to play. (still only shows if no other file in Playing Now can be started)
7. Changed: 'Customize Toolbar' dialog was labeled 'Customize Menu Bar'.
8. Fixed: Browser schemes were not getting backed up with the library backup command.
9. Fixed: Previous / Next tooltips could show 'hold to rewind / fast-forward' even when nothing was playing.
10. Fixed: When doing multiple CD rips, only the cover art for the first CD was getting retrieved.
11. Fixed: The "Please wait. Loading page..." page sometimes would not disappear.
12. Fixed: Export playlists window would close even if the output file was not created.
13. Fixed: Improved error messages in export playlists window.
14. Fixed: Dragging a view scheme or playlist group to one if its childen would cause the items to dissappear. (possibly causing corruption / crashing database problems later)
15. Fixed: In Download Manager, the pause button would not work if downloading has not reached 1%.
16. Fixed: Download Manager interrupted the track playing when it tried to play one that it had just finished downloading.
17. Fixed: After portable player file deletes, MC would retrieve player info two times.
18. Changed: Added checkbox in Portable Sync dialogue to send all files.

10.0.77 (2/24/04)

1. Fixed: 3D Picture Cube wasn't changing images with track changes, and was using too low of a texture quality.
2. Fixed: Tag Info window wasn't properly handling views that didn't have any files.
3. Fixed: Loading from the sorting preset menu didn't always work properly.
4. Fixed: Clicking the 'Enter' button in Theater View when no items were visible could crash MC.
5. Changed: MC shows status overlay while starting a movie.
6. Fixed: When data files were dropped onto CD burner, then folder naming choice was changed, files would disappear from burn queue.
7. Fixed: Files dropped onto a CD burner folder would appear in the root directory instead of in the folder where they were dropped.
8. Fixed: Filters did not apply to top level view schemes.
9. Changed: Improved speed for WMDM interface with Portable Devices
10. Changed: When synchronizing generic drive portables, if 'Delete unselected files' is selected, only files in the default directory will be removed.
11. Fixed: Auto rip mode was broken.
12. Fixed: Empty menus don't show up instead of showing up as an empty "n/a" menu.
13. Fixed: Ocasionally, backup / restore path in Windows Media Manager was empty.
14. Fixed: Windows Media Manager would crash if backup / restore path was empty.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re:Media Center 10.0.78 beta available
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2004, 06:20:39 pm »

1. [date] field not being saved to file. (option is set in tree & view settings)

2. Image > quick find in file/coverart directory does not pick up correctly named [artist] - [album].bmp files. (works with .jpg's)

3. 'Right click > locate > external, opens the containing folder in explorer, but the target file is not selected.

4. 'Right click > locate > on disc - internal' : Couldn't get it to crash, but, going "back" doesn't go, erm, back. The list searched from is lost.

5. Right-click > send to > play > replace (shuffled) is not shuffling the tracks.


Wishlist Please consider these...

Put on hold for a while....

Thank You.

Media Center Registered 10.0.78 -- C:\Program Files\Media Center\

Microsoft Windows XP  Workstation 5.1 Service Pack 1 (Build 2600)
AMD Athlon 1610 MHz MMX / Memory: Total - 1048 MB, Free - 597 MB

Internet Explorer: 6.0.2800.1106 / ComCtl32.dll: 5.82 (xpsp1.020828-1920) / Shlwapi.dll: 6.00.2800.1400 / Shell32.dll: 6.00.2800.1233 (xpsp2.030604-1804) / wnaspi32.dll: 4.71 (0001) , ASPI for Win32 (95/NT) DLL, Copyright © 1989-2002 Adaptec, Inc. / Aspi32.sys: 4.71 (0001)

Ripping /   Drive P:   Copy mode:Normal   CD Type:Auto   Read speed:Max
  Drive Q:   Copy mode:ModeSecure   CD Type:Auto   Read speed:Max
  Drive R:   Copy mode:Normal   CD Type:Auto   Read speed:Max
  Digital playback: Yes /  Use YADB: Yes /  Get cover art: Yes /  Calc replay gain: Yes /  Copy volume: 32767
  Eject after ripping: No /  Play sound after ripping: No

Burning /  Drive Q: TDK      DVDRW0404N         Addr: 2:0:0  Speed:16  MaxSpeed:16  BurnProof:Yes
  Drive R: PLEXTOR  CD-R   PX-W1610A   Addr: 2:1:0  Speed:16  MaxSpeed:16  BurnProof:Yes
  Test mode: No /  Eject after writing: Yes /  Direct decoding: Yes /  Write CD-Text: Yes
  Use playback settings: No /  Normalization: None


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Re:Media Center 10.0.78 beta available
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2004, 10:44:54 pm »

1) Cover art still does not display in the Track Info window of Playing Now when songs are played via Media Server, but it displays in all other views (3D visualizations, AW "Image" screen, etc.)

2)  WMA radio stations are still broken.

3)  Searching radio stations by speed is still broken -- the speed dropdown box has no effect on searches.

4)  3D visualizations are still quite buggy -- a few of them do not always properly wrap the cover art  image around the 3D object ("3D text," for example, is often just grey or black text against the cover art background.)  Others, like tunnel, always work correctly.  Switching back and forth between the other 3D modes will usually get them to work correctly, but when the song changes the problem often reappears.  This basically makes "some" of the 3D vis modes "effectively" useless.  I've noticed this on 4 different systems now.  All of them have different graphics cards, but they're all nvidia.



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Re:Media Center 10.0.78 beta available
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2004, 11:11:33 pm »

Code: [Select]
4)  3D visualizations are still quite buggy -- a few of them do not always properly wrap the cover art  image around the 3D object ("3D text," for example, is often just grey or black text against the cover art background.)  Others, like tunnel, always work correctly.  Switching back and forth between the other 3D modes will usually get them to work correctly, but when the song changes the problem often reappears.  This basically makes "some" of the 3D vis modes "effectively" useless.  I've noticed this on 4 different systems now.  All of them have different graphics cards, but they're all nvidia.

Larry I see the same thing here.

Thought it would be fix, but.

Nvidia G4 personal, AIW 7500 and AIW 9000pro.



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Re:Media Center 10.0.78 beta available
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2004, 06:00:01 am »

Cover art for multiple rips is working great again, thanks! However, when converting from ape to mp3, about 1/3 of the album covers are not "converted" into the new format even though the image is inside file. I thought that it was because I was using an external encoder, but the same thing happens internally


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Re:Media Center 10.0.78 beta available
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2004, 08:23:29 am »

lalittle and griff,
The 3d problems may be video driver problems.  Please use a new thread for them.  

I think you reported another video related problem as well.


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Re:Media Center 10.0.78 beta available
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2004, 09:53:04 am »

A synching problem came up with this build.  When I go to do an iPod sync, the playlists don't show up in the sync window -- it's just blank space.  If I check and uncheck the "synchronize all files" checkbox at the top of the window, the playlists suddenely show up again.  I need to do this little "check/uncheck" procedure in order to see and select the playlist/s I want to sync.



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Re:Media Center 10.0.78 beta available
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2004, 10:06:32 am »

File renaming isn't working consistently when you tell MC to rename files based on the file properties (tags).  Although it updates the information in MC, the files stay wherever they are.

Also can you make it an option to have artwork stored in the album folder?  Use a flexible naming structure like you do with file naming.

I know Kingspartas plugin works nicely, but it is an unnecessary step when you rip a lot of files.  


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Re:Media Center 10.0.78 beta available
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2004, 11:25:56 am »

Friendly reminder...

1) Flac inclusion into MC (in_FLAC.dll 0.7 is now 1.0)
2) Enc_OGG.dll sourcecode for Oblong to facilitate an Enc_FLAC.dll (since no SDK exists)



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Re:Media Center 10.0.78 beta available
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2004, 12:59:55 pm »

2. Image > quick find in file/coverart directory does not pick up correctly named [artist] - [album].bmp files. (works with .jpg's)

We don't do this because of speed considerations.  It takes more time to search for several file types, which can make a difference during large imports or on directories filled with lots of files.  Is using a jpg a big deal here?

3. 'Right click > locate > external, opens the containing folder in explorer, but the target file is not selected.

Is there a way to tell Explorer to select a file?

4. 'Right click > locate > on disc - internal' : Couldn't get it to crash, but, going "back" doesn't go, erm, back. The list searched from is lost.

5. Right-click > send to > play > replace (shuffled) is not shuffling the tracks.

Both fixed next build.

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re:Media Center 10.0.78 beta available
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2004, 01:41:04 pm »

2. Image > quick find in file/coverart directory does not pick up correctly named [artist] - [album].bmp files. (works with .jpg's)

We don't do this because of speed considerations.  It takes more time to search for several file types, which can make a difference during large imports or on directories filled with lots of files.  Is using a jpg a big deal here?
No, not at all. Some indication that "qick find" will only search for .jpg's might be useful though. I posted it as a bug because it used to work. I must have missed it in the changelogs. This may confuse some folks later on, especially as the "add from file" option allows a choice of .jpg, .bmp or.gif.

3. 'Right click > locate > external, opens the containing folder in explorer, but the target file is not selected.

Is there a way to tell Explorer to select a file?

I've honestly no idea. What I do know is that if you open the properties dialogue for a shortcut and click the "find target" button, windows explorer opens the folder and selects the target file. Again, It's not a real big problem, it's just I have a couple of folders with over 500 files inside, and found myself wishing that "Locate external" would select the file in the same way. I posted as a bug, because when "locating" in those folders, it's only doing half the job as I still need to find the file after the folder's been opened. If MC can do it, that would be grand, if it can't, it can't. I won't mention it again.

4. 'Right click > locate > on disc - internal' : Couldn't get it to crash, but, going "back" doesn't go, erm, back. The list searched from is lost.

5. Right-click > send to > play > replace (shuffled) is not shuffling the tracks.

Both fixed next build.


Thank You.

Rob L

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Re:Media Center 10.0.78 beta available
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2004, 01:54:07 pm »



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Re:Media Center 10.0.78 beta available
« Reply #12 on: February 26, 2004, 02:02:28 pm »

Thanks Rob.  It'll be in the next build.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center

Rien van Ham

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Re:Media Center 10.0.78 beta available
« Reply #13 on: February 26, 2004, 02:27:12 pm »


Is it possible to search on another CDDB-site then MC does?
iTunes finds nearly all my cd's; MC hardly any.



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Re:Media Center 10.0.78 beta available
« Reply #14 on: February 26, 2004, 02:51:51 pm »

explorer /select,c:\folder\file

see here:

Thanks Rob.  It'll be in the next build.

Cool stuff. Thank you both  8)


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Re:Media Center 10.0.78 beta available
« Reply #15 on: February 26, 2004, 03:24:42 pm »

When adjusting the volume slider over a Mini-skin by using the Mouse wheel, the percentage of volume change varies widely between skins and in some cases volume increases are bigger than volume decreases within the same skin. "Bottom Right" and "Bottom Left" skins are affected most by this with obviously large discrepencies - however most skins I tried have this happening to some degree.


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Re:Media Center 10.0.78 beta available
« Reply #16 on: February 26, 2004, 03:48:24 pm »

Report from previous bug thread:

1. Fixed: 3D Picture Cube wasn't changing images with track changes, and was using too low of a texture quality.

I was excited when I saw this as I thought it might fix the same problem in standard visualisations but alas it does not.  Here's an OnEquation for an Image from Vis Studio:  on=if(t<75,1,0);t=(t+1)%800

With this and many other OnEquations except 'Always On' the image often does not get changed when you hit next track.  It would be really good if you could fix this.  I can no longer show cover art in a vis on my plasma monitor because Always On gives me worries about burn in.
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