Okay, that is all great.
Based on what you have said, let's go for the "Make it all work" option.

That means that the aim is to have Client/Server working between your two PCs for when you are home, but with a fully independent Library on PC2 that you can use while at home or on the road. Also, we shall go for all Cover Art and Smart/Playlists on both PCs all the time, and for changes on PC2 to make their way back to PC1. That means synchronisation in both directions, but initiated manually. It also means that PC1 will have one Library, which will be the Server Library, and PC2 will have two Libraries; the Client Library that is synchronised to the server Library via MC's Media Network, and a local Library that is synchronised independently using GoodSync.
I'm sure you have progressed with the Client/Server since your last post, but I'm going to ask you to make some changes.
[Setup: Get drive letters set to better values]
In order to make the Libraries work together with no issues, and allow a Library backup from PC1 to work on PC2 and visa versa, the drive letters of your external drives on each PC need to be the same. This is so that when MC is looking for a file on PC1 it will be looking for example on the M: drive, and on PC2 the Library there will also be looking on the M: drive. Without doing this and backup fromPC1 would need to be "fixed" before it could be used on PC2, by changing the place that MC looks for media files. The drive letters that you use should also be well away from any drive letter that Windows assigns for any future drives or other devices, which means it should be at the upper end of the alphabet, so that the drive letter doesn't get changed.
So, I suggest that on both PC1 and PC2, with the external drives connected to each, change the drive letter for the external drive to M: (for Music). This can be done simply using the Windows Disk Management application. Note that when you search for "Disk Management" in Windows it will come up with "Create and format hard disks" as the result. That is what you want.
Part A - Update Drive Letters for External Drives in WindowsA0. Assuming that your GoodSync process has finished, do the following on
A1. First, we need to stop MC from trying to fix things when you change the drive letter, so
turn off the setting in "Options > Library & Folders > Auto-Import >
Run auto-import in the background".
A2. In "Options > Library & Folders > Auto-Import > Configure auto-import" you can leave "Update for external changes" turned on, but make sure "
Fix broken links" is set to "
Yes (protect files on missing drives)".
A3. Shutdown MC and Media Server if it is running. In fact, set "Options > Startup >
Windows Startup" on PC1 to "
Nothing" for now, so that MC and Media Server don't get started when we reboot later.
A4. Start Disk Management, select the external drive i.e. F: on PC1, right click on the Volume and select "Change Drive Letter and Paths...". The click "Change" and change the drive letter from F to M.
Do the same on PC2.
A5. Now reboot both PCs and check that their external drives still get assigned drive letter M:.
A6. Now eject the M: drive on both PCs and disconnect them, then reboot the PCs, then reattach the external drives to each PC and check that their external drives still get assigned drive letter M:.
If the drive letter doesn't stay M: for both drives I will need to dig up the procedure to always make that happen. Stop here and let me know if that is the case.Part B - Change the MC Library to Point to the New Drive LetterB1. Start MC on
PC1 and create a Library backup. Top menu, "File > Library > Back Up Library". Perhaps change part of the proposed file name to "Before change to M drive" or similar so that you can easily find the correct backup if you need it, which you shouldn't.
Take note of where your backups are being saved.
B2. In the Navigation bar on the left, click "Audio > Files", then click on the first file, then press Ctrl-A to select all files. MC should indicate that your 36,000+ files are selected at the bottom of the screen.
B3. Now we are going to tell MC to look on drive M: instead of drive F:. Press F6 to open the "Rename, Move, & Copy Files" function.
Note that this won't move any files, just update the Library, which is an index of files.
B4. In the RM&CF dialogue box, in the top left set the drop-down list to "Update database to point to new location (no file rename, move, or copy)"
B5. Untick the "Directories" and "Filename" boxes.
B6. Tick the "Find & Replace" box and set the "Find What:" box to "F:\" and the "Replace With:" box to "M:\" (no quotes). You will see the proposed changes on the right. No directory structure changes will be made. Just the F: drive will be replaced with the M: drive in the file paths.
B7. Click OK and wait for the process to finish. It should be pretty quick. On my test Library of 2314 files it finished in about 2 seconds.
On PC1 and PC2, go to "Options > File Location" and change any mention of the F: drive to M:. Specifically, the Audio section will now need to point to the M: drive, but all other settings should probably be changed as well.
B9. Once you have done that, could you
make an image of the "Options > File Location" dialogue on PC1 and post it to the forum? Or message it to me if you wish. Thanks.
Part C - Change MC Settings back to Working ConditionsC1. On PC1, start MC and change "Options > Startup >
Windows Startup" back to what you had it before.
C2. On PC2, if you had finished the GoodSync and Client/Server setup, start MC and connect to the MC Server on PC1 again. This will refresh the Library on the Client with changes we made on the Server. Check that your files are visible, pointed to the M: drive, and play on PC2.
C3. On PC2,
check the box for "Options > Media Network > Client Options (when connected to a library server) >
Play local file if one that matches Library Server is found". This will mean that the local copy of your music files will be used when you play them on PC2, so that the MC Server doesn't have to serve them over the network. It should make things work a little quicker, and save network traffic.
C4. You can also
turn on the setting in "Options > Library & Folders > Auto-Import >
Run auto-import in the background" again.
C5. Finally, could you
tell me what you called the Libraries you are using in your Client/Server setup on PC1 and PC2. i.e. On my Server my Library is called something like "HTPC Server", while on my Workstation the Client Library that connects to that Server is called "HTPC Server Library". This is just in preparation the next steps.
On PC1 and PC2 change the "Folders to Watch" settings in Auto Import configuration to point to the new drive letter, and the folders within it you want to watch. Okay, that will probably do for now. You may want to print out thse instructions and tick them off as you go. I knew they would be long, but I didn't think this long!
Let me know how you go with that, or ask questions if you wish before you start. I think I have covered everything to set up for the next stages; Synchronisation of important files other than just the media files, and creating a local library on PC2 so it can work stand alone. Note that as your external drives are now both called M: you will need to make changes in GoodSync if you want to use it again before we finish this process. I will cover the GoodSync process again later though.