I couldn't agree with you more. I think one of the biggest things the MC team could do for us now would be someway to position elements. Whether it be something like DIVs or Tables, or something else. Being able to position elements wherever we want would really open a lot of new possibilities. There's just so much wasted space under the image and it would be really nice to use that space.
I'm thinking this is going to involve some deep diving into the theater skin
I pull the band member data from MCUtils/AMG. I wish it told you the members role in the band, something like:
Brendan Canty – Drums
Guy Picciotto – Vocals, Guitar
Ian MacKaye – Vocals, Guitar
Joe Lally – Bass Guitar, Vocals
You can get this from MCUTILS as well. You need to configure the AMG script to pull the credits tag then use the Varlist option to organize the credits into Keywords. The generic instructions are in the amg+discogs.txt configuration file. Its in the MCUtils\data\config subdirectory:
# Credits
# You can define how Credits are handled. Credits are split into a Name and one or more
# Roles. For example, the credits:
# Joe Batonwaiver Conductor, Artist
# Sally Hornblower Artist
# will be split into a series of role-based lists of names:
# Conductor: Joe Batonwaiver
# Artist: Joe Batonwaiver,Sally Hornblower
# You can define how you want the roles to be handled. They can be mapped into an MC field,
# or can be ignored (i.e. suppressed). You define a pattern that matches the name of the
# role, and an MC field name where the list of names will be stored.
# A Credits mapping is of the form:
# destination:rolepattern
# The 'rolepattern' is a regular expression pattern used to match the role's name. It is a
# regular expression coerced to be fully anchored, which means your 'rolepattern' must
# entirely match all of the characters in the role's name.
# The 'destination' can be either the word 'ignore', which means this role will be ignored
# entirely, or it can be an MC field name such as Producer, Composer, Musicians, etc.
# You can have multiple Credits mapping definitions, and each Credits line is a comma-
# separated list of mappings. The role matching is done in the order you've listed the
# mappings. The first role that matches, wins.
# Examples:
# The following two examples ignore any credit that begins with 'Technical As', 'Photo'
# or 'Saxophone', and map the credit 'Producer' and 'Composer' to the MC fields Producer,
# and Composer, respectively. Both examples are equivalent, the second one employing a
# regular expression using alternation.
# Amg::VarList: Credits = ignore:Technical As.*:, ignore:Photo.*, ignore:Saxophone, Producer:Producer, Composer:Composer
# Amg::VarList: Credits = ignore:(Technical As.*|Photo.*|Saxophone), Producer:Producer, Composer:Composer
# This example shows that multiple Credits lines may be used, making your credit mappings
# easier to read. Credits mapping definitions are cummulative.
# Amg::VarList: Credits = ignore:(Technical As.*|Photo.*|Saxophone)
# Amg::VarList: Credits = ignore:Marketing
# Discogs::VarList: Credits = Producer:Produce.*
# Discogs::VarList: Credits = Writer:Written-By
I found it via Google, but I modified it. In the original image the Music part of it was black text, I inverted it in Photoshop. Here it is
Thanks, it looks much better than the one I was using. I may have to break down and open Photoshop one of these days
Sure, it uses a font that I made that contains stars and half stars. It can be found here http://moesrealm.com/img/MC/Fonts/ The stars are mapped to A,B,C,D (capitol letters)
Then the expression is
<font face="Stars" color="226399" size="175">listitem(;D;B;BD;BB;BBD;BBB;BBBD;BBBB;BBBBD;BBBBB, math([AMG Rating] * 2))<//font>/
<font face="Stars" color="747474" size="175">listitem(BBBBB;BBBB;BBBB;BBB;BBB;BB;BB;B;B;, math([AMG Rating] * 2))<//font>
Thanks! This will be integrated in a few minutes. I feel better about this already