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Author Topic: The DJ's Feature Request Thread  (Read 50879 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« on: April 17, 2009, 09:49:21 pm »

Hey there.

So I've been using MC for ages to DJ dances.  I don't need to do fancy things like beat matching and looping, and I don't really believe that that sort of behavior is really appropriate for MC, however there are some pretty simple extensions that would make MC work a LOT better for me as a DJ.

1)  Stop after every file.

I was really excited when the "Stop After Current File" option got added.  It gave me a little more control over how I moved from song to song in my playlist, or if I had to stop after a song to make an announcement, this gave me the way.  However, on occasion, I'd like the player to stop after each track.  This is the equivalent of "single" mode on a DJ CD player.

Added to build 13.0.160 as a Repeat-Mode option! (Player | Repeat | Stop After Each Item)

2)  Multiple live instances of the MC window.

Per the DJ thread here you can use multiple instances of MC to be able to interact with multiple zones separately.  The unfortunate side effect of multiple instances of MC open is that any beyond the first don't have write access to the database, nor are the Playing Nows linked between instances.  I'd much rather have a second MC window that was part of the singular instance of the program where everything was linked together.

This sort of implies that a zone's playing now and status would be modular, and I think that's of great advantage to anyone who wants to make a single screen controller for a multi-zone system.

Along with this, of course, is the ability to save that layout for the future.

2b)  As an alternative to #2, having an ability to show multiple zone statuses from the main screen would be great.  If the zone I was working in was set to headphones, I'd still like to at least know how much time was left on the track in the main zone without having to switch zones in the player.

In progress as of 13.0.161.

3)  Cue in and out points as part of the library, per track

iTunes allows you to set cue in and out points, showing which parts of a file you always want to play.  This would be fantastic.

As a corollary, specifying how the track cuts in and out would be great too (normal, fade in/out, crossfade, etc.)

4)  Expanded playlist support

Right now, you can select an alternate playback mode as you're playing, so if you want to change mid-stream from gapped playback to crossfade, you can.  What would be even more awesome is having the playlist capability expanded so that you can specify transitions between tracks ahead of time.

For example, if I load up 4 tracks, I'd like to be able to change the gap between tracks 1 and 2, set a cross-fade from 3-4, and go gapless from 2-3 as part of the playlist.

5)  Configurable crossfade

There are a handful of different types of crossfade.  It'd be nice if we could choose the one we wanted via a picture and have that apply per #4.

6)  VST plugin support

There's a DirectX plugin manager.  The best audio plugins are VST and not really available as DX.  Let's get VST plugin support.

Added to 13.0.166.  The ability to reorder plugins may not be available in JRMC13.


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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2009, 11:59:03 pm »

All of these things would be sweeeeeeeet!
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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2009, 07:22:44 am »



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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2009, 11:54:30 am »

3)  Cue in and out points as part of the library, per track

Pretty please.  This would be a great feature in MC.  12'' DJ music has 1-2 minutes of constant beat at the start and end of the track which allows the DJ to mix tracks together.  However when you're listening to the same music at home that 1-2 minutes of constant beat can become annoying.  To have the option to set your own cue points within MC would be sweet.  A cue field where I can manually type in track start time of 2:05 and end time of 8:45 would be greatly appreciated. 


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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2009, 01:52:29 pm »

All of these things would be sweeeeeeeet!

Seconded  ;D

Pretty please.  This would be a great feature in MC.  12'' DJ music has 1-2 minutes of constant beat at the start and end of the track which allows the DJ to mix tracks together.  However when you're listening to the same music at home that 1-2 minutes of constant beat can become annoying.  To have the option to set your own cue points within MC would be sweet.  A cue field where I can manually type in track start time of 2:05 and end time of 8:45 would be greatly appreciated. 

There is a workaround for this but it takes work per track to do it. If your cue points stay fixed its worth it but otherwise it better to wait till they provide the functionality.

Create a cue file, its a txt file and in it set the beginning time, then import that cue file into MC and it will show up as a track with the truncated duration, start at the point you want it to. Thing is i don't think you can set an endpoint this way :(


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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2009, 03:12:21 pm »

I've posted several things on this subject before over the years.

Overall MC does a great job.  I am primarily music only oriented but I can see moving into video now that storage is so cheap.  For me, I would like to see more tools for creating playlists.  A dual turntable setup would be helpful so you could work out the mix by "tailing" the last 20 - 30 seconds of a song and the start of the next song to "try it on" and decide if it fits in the mix.

It would be nice if there was some flexibility on each transition on how you mix the two.  Beat mix, 2 second delay, or no delay what ever you decide works for you.  Let all this be stored in a separate M3U file that may also have some gain adjustments as a part of the mix.

Another feature that would be nice is to be able to identify the key the music is played in.  Here is a site that might be of interest:



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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2009, 07:13:17 pm »



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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2009, 07:20:02 pm »

I'd like to be able to use something like an Ergodex DX1 (or a Belkin Nostromo, etc) to build up a custom button pattern as well as a few sliders to control MC.


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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2009, 08:44:05 pm »

As much as I'd like to see this actually be taken into consideration, better not hold your breaths.

You may be right Craft.  The solution may be to have 2 systems, MC as a database manager and seperate DJ software.



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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #9 on: April 23, 2009, 11:04:41 pm »

It may be futile, but we're paying customers and if we want something we should ask for it.  It doesn't mean that our voice is the priority - yet.  But I think if there are a sufficient number of us, and we're all in the same place asking for the same things, that our voice might be heard.  Especially since DJs tend to be pretty influential with others.  I know that there are several people using MC because of my recommendation, and I'm using it because of someone else's recommendation.

The best thing there is to do right now, I think is get everyone who's looking for DJ features to post here.


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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #10 on: April 24, 2009, 06:29:45 am »

Defined in and out points would be a great feature!

1. I think it would have interest beyond just the DJ scene, as it's something normal listeners would want too (especially for those club tracks which do have really annoying intros, or mix CDs which start to mix into a new song that you don't necessarily want to hear, etc.

2. It could have value beyond just music - I can imagine using it for video too, to cut out intros, commercials, or any other crap at the beginning of a video file.

3. I  wouldn't imagine this would be that much work to integrate into MC, and it might even just require a tweaking of the existing bookmarking engine.


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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #11 on: April 28, 2009, 04:07:30 pm »

1)  Stop after every file.

I was really excited when the "Stop After Current File" option got added.  It gave me a little more control over how I moved from song to song in my playlist, or if I had to stop after a song to make an announcement, this gave me the way.  However, on occasion, I'd like the player to stop after each track.  This is the equivalent of "single" mode on a DJ CD player.

How about if "Stop After Current File" didn't uncheck itself until you manually unchecked it?

After talking about this some more with the team, we think adding another repeat mode "Stop After Every Item" would make more sense.

2)  Multiple live instances of the MC window.

Per the DJ thread here you can use multiple instances of MC to be able to interact with multiple zones separately.  The unfortunate side effect of multiple instances of MC open is that any beyond the first don't have write access to the database, nor are the Playing Nows linked between instances.  I'd much rather have a second MC window that was part of the singular instance of the program where everything was linked together.

This sort of implies that a zone's playing now and status would be modular, and I think that's of great advantage to anyone who wants to make a single screen controller for a multi-zone system.

Along with this, of course, is the ability to save that layout for the future.

2b)  As an alternative to #2, having an ability to show multiple zone statuses from the main screen would be great.  If the zone I was working in was set to headphones, I'd still like to at least know how much time was left on the track in the main zone without having to switch zones in the player.

What if there were a Playing Now for each zone in the tree?  You could then open each one in its own tab.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #12 on: April 28, 2009, 04:45:28 pm »

How about if "Stop After Current File" didn't uncheck itself until you manually unchecked it?

After talking about this some more with the team, we think adding another repeat mode "Stop After Every Item" would make more sense.

What if there were a Playing Now for each zone in the tree?  You could then open each one in its own tab.

If the "stop after every item" could have a configurable behavior - to either stay on the current track, or advance to the next track in playing now - that would be awesome!

As for the second item, it's not the Playing Now list itself that I necessarily need to see, so much as its current status (how far along it is in its current track).  I'm pretty efficient with Ctrl-T and using the Send To->Playing Now (Zone#) options, and don't find that to be a burden.


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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #13 on: April 28, 2009, 05:19:35 pm »

If the "stop after every item" could have a configurable behavior - to either stay on the current track, or advance to the next track in playing now - that would be awesome!

In build 160 and later:
NEW: Added new repeat mode "Stop After Every Item", which can be useful in DJ settings.

We don't think it's worth yet another option to configure whether it advances or not, since you manually have to start playback again anyways.

As for the second item, it's not the Playing Now list itself that I necessarily need to see, so much as its current status (how far along it is in its current track).  I'm pretty efficient with Ctrl-T and using the Send To->Playing Now (Zone#) options, and don't find that to be a burden.

I don't see how the user interface could nicely support two player bars or two main interface windows.  Making it easier to switch between zones (like having each Playing Now in a tab for quick flipping) is the only compromise we can think of.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #14 on: April 28, 2009, 06:29:47 pm »

In build 160 and later:
NEW: Added new repeat mode "Stop After Every Item", which can be useful in DJ settings.

AWESOME!  Thanks, Matt!  And totally fair regarding restart advancing or not.

I don't see how the user interface could nicely support two player bars or two main interface windows.  Making it easier to switch between zones (like having each Playing Now in a tab for quick flipping) is the only compromise we can think of.

I have an idea which doesn't require a UI change at all - what about a couple of additional tags in the Display Text?  What if you had a tag like [Zone0 Time Remaining]/[Zone0 Total Time] [Zone0 Artist], [Zone1 Time Remaining] etc.  Would that be possible?


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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #15 on: April 28, 2009, 07:10:41 pm »

I have an idea which doesn't require a UI change at all - what about a couple of additional tags in the Display Text?  What if you had a tag like [Zone0 Time Remaining]/[Zone0 Total Time] [Zone0 Artist], [Zone1 Time Remaining] etc.  Would that be possible?

That would be pretty straight-forward.

However, we've coded, as a test, having each zone in its own tab (or split view so you see them all at once).  It seems kind of neat.  Whatever zone you click on (tab or split view) also switches the display at the top of the program to that zone.  It seems like it'd be pretty nice if you were trying to actively manage two or more zones.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #16 on: April 28, 2009, 07:52:39 pm »

As long as you can see the time remaining on the currently playing track for each zone without having to switch views, that would work for me.  To give you some insight as to why I ask, if I'm using the visible zone to preview tracks, I need to keep an eye on how much time is left in the track playing to the speakers in the other zone.  Right now, I have to switch over (Ctrl-T).  That takes time, and also makes it a lot easier to accidentally perform an action in the wrong zone.

If there's a way to adjust the playing now header bar like in my attached picture, then having the ability to put each playing now in to one of the splits in a split view would be perfect.

Hope that helps explain what I'm asking for.


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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #17 on: April 28, 2009, 07:57:58 pm »

Also, thanks a lot, Matt, for looking into this stuff for us!


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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #18 on: April 29, 2009, 11:13:06 am »

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #19 on: April 29, 2009, 11:55:17 am »

Right on.  Some usability thoughts - if you have two Playing Nows open in split view (one per zone), there's still no way to tell what's happening (second-by-second) in the inactive zone. 

I do see that there's an inactive highlight bar that moves with the currently playing file in the inactive zone which is definitely good.

I have to say this is a HUGE step in the right direction for me, and if I could get something like my image above, then I'd be really happy.


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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #20 on: April 29, 2009, 12:04:38 pm »

How about something in the bottom bar when you hover over it? (Not necessarily even on hover, could have it in there by default?)
Don't like the idea of sticking it in the tab header, this would get extremely messy with multiple tabs.




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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #21 on: April 29, 2009, 12:14:31 pm »

Hovering doesn't work for me.  I need it visible all the time.  Honestly, I don't much care where it ends up, as long as I can see it at all times.

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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #22 on: April 29, 2009, 01:05:18 pm »

This getting cool...

Matt, one other thing.  If you're viewing a zone in PN, then you go thru the menu and make another zone active, the player bar updates, but the PN view doesn't change.  This seems confusing, I'm not sure what the best way to handle this is, perhaps just change the view to that zone in PN?

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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #23 on: April 29, 2009, 04:14:39 pm »

Native VST plugin support is coming soon.

We're only going to do v2.x, because v3.x is totally different and the plugins for that version look pretty few and far between.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #24 on: April 29, 2009, 04:24:13 pm »

I should add that the VST Plugins will be stackable.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #25 on: April 29, 2009, 06:09:10 pm »


Can't wait.


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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #26 on: May 01, 2009, 09:20:24 am »

I still want the specific time TopHits SmartList (most played in the last week, in the last month etc. - customizable) integrated in MC13 like usual TopHits.  :'( This feature is also another DJ future request - I play music with MC13 at a Radio Station. Perhaps a separated plug in? I will pay for this.

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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #27 on: May 01, 2009, 09:36:46 am »

MC has a wizard for creating that kind of smartlists.

See the attached screenshot. (log in to the forum if you can't see it)
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Vali Mihai

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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #28 on: May 02, 2009, 12:04:39 am »

I know that. But the number of plays not show the reality specific in the last 7 days. MC Counts the all number of plays from beginning of media library.
The smart list should be like this:
[Number Plays]=>0 [Media Type]=[Audio] [Last Played]=04/27/2009-05/03/2009 ~sort=[Number Plays]-d,[Rating]-d,[Last Played]-d,[Date Created]-d,[Sequence],[Date Imported]-d ~n=20
But the result is wrong, 'cause is not returns the reality.....

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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #29 on: May 02, 2009, 06:14:24 am »

MC does not store the date & time of each play. It only counts the total number of plays and stores the date & time of the last play.

You would need to do some manual maintaining to get what you want.

For instance, in order to get the weekly number of plays you could create a new field and copy the Number Plays values to the field in the beginning of the week.

In the end of the week you would need store the weekly statistics: create a smartlist that shows all tracks that were played during the week and use a calculated field to do the math: Math([Number Plays]-[your custom field]).

After that you could copy the list and the values included in the visible columns to a spreadsheet table (Ctrl+A > Ctrl+C > paste to Excel or similar) and in addition export the playlist in mpl and m3u formats (m3u is just a playlist, mpl contains also the field values) and store the files in a specific "week number" folder.

A different approach could be:
1. save a snapshot of the library to a new library backup file and name it appropriately
2. store the total number of plays to a custom field (this would be the sum of Number Plays and "last week's stored total number of plays")
3. reset the Number Plays values.
Whenever needed any of the stored library backup files could be restored to a new separate library and the statistical data could be accessed and exported.

Prossibly the steps 1-3 could be automated. Mr. ChriZ's Scripting Plugin might be able to do that.
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Vali Mihai

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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #30 on: May 02, 2009, 12:17:29 pm »

Ok. I understand. I'll try this. Just two questions. How can I reset the number of plays? And second? Where can I find the plug in (Mr. ChriZ's Scripting Plugin)?
Thanks a lot!

Vali Mihai

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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #31 on: May 02, 2009, 12:42:36 pm »

One more thing. I can't copy the field Number Plays. In the copy/move fields command it doesn't exist... Help!

Alex B

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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #32 on: May 02, 2009, 01:05:27 pm »

Oops, you are correct. Also the Last Played and Last Skipped fields are not available there. I wonder why.

I just created a calculated field that has the string [Number Plays] in the expression box. It shows up in the copy/move fields tool and makes possible to copy the playcount value to another user field.
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Alex B

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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #33 on: May 02, 2009, 01:13:39 pm »

How can I reset the number of plays?

Select the files and reset the counter in Action Window > Tag > Number Plays (You can select the empty value to reset it.)

Where can I find the plug in (Mr. ChriZ's Scripting Plugin)?

Mr ChriZ's Scripting Plugin:

Sample scripts:

Script Runner Standalone:

A recent application for adding cover art dimension info to the database:
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Vali Mihai

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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #34 on: May 02, 2009, 01:42:17 pm »

Ok. Thanks. But I don't to create a calculated field. It will be great if you want to create a blank media library for me, then introduce the new customized field number plays there. And after that save the library and send it to my e-mail address: [removed]. Thanks again!  :)

Alex B

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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #35 on: May 02, 2009, 02:25:03 pm »

Instead of sending a mail I think it is better to give you advice here. Other users may need help as well.

I attached a couple of screenshots of the fields I created. You can add new fields in Options > Library & Folders > Manage Library Fields...

"Number Plays copy" shows automatically the current playcount value

"Number Plays store" is an example of a field that you can use for storing the value when you copy the field value from the "Number Plays copy" field.

For instance, technically nothing would restrict you from creating a new field for each week. They could be named like "number plays week 1", "number plays week 2", "number plays week 3", etc. You could create a playlist of each past week and show only that week's "number plays" column in the playlist view.

To update the total number of plays you can select the files and paste a string like =Math([Number Plays]+[Number Plays store] to yet another custom field. The example string would calculate the sum of the the two included field values and return a static integer number.

(Log in to the forum if you can't see the attachments.)
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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #36 on: May 02, 2009, 03:50:36 pm »

Very Cool! Thanks a lot for help. Right now I start a brand new library with all the new features. Basically what i learned today I'll combine with smart lists that i already present you in an anterior post. It's a little bit sophisticated but I hope it works! Thank You!. As usual MC rules! After I understand the mechanism and all will works fine, I'll come back with a complete tutorial.


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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #37 on: May 05, 2009, 09:49:06 pm »

Just a brief update from me -

I DJed using .161 this past weekend.  Having the separate playing now fields was awesome, as was the Stop After Every File.   It was a little inconvenient to have to refresh the playlists when they blanked out, but I know this will be fixed in the next version and was definitely surmountable.

(The dancing was so intense, it shook the floor and dimmed the lights in the bar below us!)

Also, I talked to one DJ in Chicago who uses MC and another DJ who is planning on switching to it, and it was definitely a plus that I was able to tell them that we were getting features added to support us.


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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #38 on: May 06, 2009, 02:19:25 am »

Having the separate playing now fields was awesome, as was the Stop After Every File.   

(The dancing was so intense, it shook the floor and dimmed the lights in the bar below us!)

How do you manage this if you stop at the end of each track ?


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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #39 on: May 06, 2009, 08:36:40 am »

How do you manage this if you stop at the end of each track ?

So the stop at the end of the track just means that it won't automatically advance.  This lets me choose the length of the pause  between songs.  If I want it to be "none", then I can start up the next song as the last song is finishing (status of "waiting...") and it'll go straight into the next track.

Also, you have to work the dancers up into a frenzy.  That generally helps.  :)


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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #40 on: May 06, 2009, 04:01:46 pm »

Build 166, available at the top of this board, adds native VST support.

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #41 on: May 06, 2009, 06:57:30 pm »

i guess im a dummy... but what is VST?


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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #42 on: May 06, 2009, 07:05:42 pm »

VST is another type of audio plugin similar to DirectX, designed to emulate studio equipment.  If you want compressors, or limiters, or 31-band EQs or parametric EQs or distortion or noise reduction effects added to your output, VST provides a way to do that.

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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #43 on: May 08, 2009, 12:28:33 pm »

I made it. The specific time TOP HITS LIST (most played in a week, month or even at a party) is perfectly working in MC13! If someone needs help, reply. It's a little bit complicated, but it works! Great peace of software! Keep the good work guys!

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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #44 on: May 08, 2009, 12:30:43 pm »

One more thing. SPECIFIC TIME HIT LIST works separately and do not affect the CLASSIC TOP HITS LIST!


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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #45 on: May 09, 2009, 07:06:43 am »

 :-[ Completely automatic perfect beat-matching transitions and switch tracks anytime without losing the beat.  ;D :D
It would be awesome, LEGEN -wait for it- DARY!! ;)


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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #46 on: May 09, 2009, 12:33:46 pm »

I made it. The specific time TOP HITS LIST (most played in a week, month or even at a party) is perfectly working in MC13! If someone needs help, reply. It's a little bit complicated, but it works!

How bout starting a new thread to brag about it :)


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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #47 on: May 13, 2009, 08:27:07 pm »

So, here's a brief recap, which is by no means an attempt to keep bumping this thread.  :)

Things we've gotten:

* VST Plugin Support
* Repeat Mode : Stop After Each File [Single mode on CD players]
* The ability to have each zone's playing now as a separate view in split views

Things we're still asking for:

* Completely automatic perfect beat-matching transitions and switch tracks anytime without losing the beat.
* A way to see track status in an inactive zone (specifically time left on a playing track)
* User settable cue in and out points for each track in the library [iTunes has this feature]
* Support for USB Midi DJ controllers [this would need more definition]
* Per track transitions in a playlist [silence, crossfade, etc.]
* Add key determination (G, Bb, etc.) to audio analysis
* Configurable crossfade types, with pictures so we know what the fade looks like

Did I miss anything, DJ folks?  yooz - Are you still trying to figure out how to do previewing on headphones without switching zones?


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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #48 on: May 14, 2009, 09:43:54 am »

To pile on with Keither, here's how I would rank his wishlist in terms of stuff I'd love to see:

1. User settable cue in and out points for each track in the library [iTunes has this feature]
2. Configurable crossfade types, with pictures so we know what the fade looks like
3. Per track transitions in a playlist [silence, crossfade, etc.]
4. A way to see track status in an inactive zone (specifically time left on a playing track)
5. Add key determination (G, Bb, etc.) to audio analysis


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Re: The DJ's Feature Request Thread
« Reply #49 on: May 14, 2009, 06:41:07 pm »

Hovering doesn't work for me.  I need it visible all the time.  Honestly, I don't much care where it ends up, as long as I can see it at all times.
How about creating a "Zone Summary" action window? Something like how the "rip disc" window looks, except it shows the zone name, song title, and progress bar for each zone (with maybe limited pause/play functionality?)
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