It can !!
Just give it a try! Every view can be locked (at least every view I tried).
That doesn't seem to be true. Or it's pretty bugged. At least for me. Is no one else experiencing the issues I detail below?
Alright, I've retyped this several times as I delved more and more into what exactly is going on here.
Donno if this is a bug or not. I'm assuming it is, because it makes no sense.
I'll check and see how to submit it as such after I finish this post, in case just posting about it here isn't enough.
First off, you
CANNOT lock all Views in a split View setup. One must remain unlocked.
CAN get all three Views to
show as locked with the checkmark in a 3-View setup, but when that's the case,
NONE of the views is
ACTUALLY locked. You can make changes to all of them, despite showing as locked. As long as one is left unchecked, it'll operate as expected.
If you switch down to a 2-View from a 3 which showed 1 & 2 both as locked, it'll show both views as locked with checkmarks, but
neither will actually be locked.
If you go to a 2 from a 1
OR from a 3 where one of the first two views was unlocked, you'll only be able to get one View checkmarked as locked. If you lock the other one, the checkmark will appear next to it, and clear from the other. This will also operate as expected, with an attempt to change a locked view changing the unlocked one instead.
So, there's several issues here.
First off, are we supposed to be able to lock all views so that no changes can be made whatsoever? If that's the case, it's not working.
Secondly, if one
is required to be left unlocked, it's totally screwed up.
Actually, it's pretty screwed up no matter how it's supposed to operate.
Hopefully my descriptions of the issues are clearer than they seem.