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Author Topic: Feature Requests  (Read 109046 times)


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #150 on: July 27, 2013, 02:48:07 pm »

This is a pretty random one, but I would love to be able to have a custom webservice call as an expression.  I maintain all of my live recordings in a MySQL database with some pretty strict metadata rules so it would be fantastic to have MC19 call a webservice with the location of a FLAC file and have my database respond back with the venue, artist, taper, source, etc.  Right now I maintain the two independently.  This way I could tell MC to go to my database and get values when tagging & importing.  Instead I rely on the metadata that someone else has added to the FLAC files, which isn't as consistent as I would like.

Perhaps this is possible today with some magic, I hadn't really tried to link these things together...  Just a thought.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #151 on: July 28, 2013, 08:39:12 am »


Here are my wishes for the new version:

- Linux version
- diaporama while music is playings (acually playing a diaparama is seen as an audio playback)
- artist or movie information integrated (maybe just a link to wikepedia or last fm could be automatically added)
- improvement of the theater view (in my opinion useless on a computer)
- name of the artist while listennig to a webradio (like rds system). Otherwise there is no interest listenning a radio with JRiver
- integration of other VOD programms (don't forget europeen users that don't have netflix ou hulu...)
- integration of Quobuz (high quality music, far better than HD tracks)

for the moment, that will be all!

Thanks and good work



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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #152 on: July 28, 2013, 10:26:13 am »

As a longtime JRiver-user I also purchased the new version.

Here are my wishes:

Thanks for a great product.



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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #153 on: July 28, 2013, 07:56:05 pm »

   • Documentation in the form of a logically sequenced self-contained user manual
   • Wizards
      ○ for easy setup video/TV/epg /display
      ○ for setup import options and tagging
      ○ for setup  audio
      ○ more library view schemes maybe based on existing  advanced user templates eg mixed audio/music video, classical music, compilations…
      ○ An expression wizard or some of way making expression language more accessible to non coders (very difficult I suspect).
   • Synchronize option for standard view and theatre view schemes (not just add library item from standard view once)
   • Support for Australian TV guide OTA
   • Read/write capability for more than one client simultaneously accessing a networked library would be neat. (allowing total synching and editing which is not fully possible with library server)
   • Free bmw M3 sports car with every MC early upgrade (just  kidding a Toyota would be fine)
   If none of these things are possible, just keep up the good work.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #154 on: July 29, 2013, 09:39:41 am »

Coming  from a Squeezebox background, I enjoyed exploring my collection by branching off from a particular Tag; Artist, Genre whatever.

I use MC in Theartre View mainly, but need to go in to Standard View to do the same thing, which takes away from the experience a lot.

To be able to "branch off" from Tags in Theatre View in this way would be superb!

Thanks. :)


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #155 on: July 29, 2013, 09:51:16 am »

Coming  from a Squeezebox background, I enjoyed exploring my collection by branching off from a particular Tag; Artist, Genre whatever.

I use MC in Theartre View mainly, but need to go in to Standard View to do the same thing, which takes away from the experience a lot.

To be able to "branch off" from Tags in Theatre View in this way would be superb!
You can use Play Doctor from Theater View.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #156 on: July 29, 2013, 12:09:13 pm »

Conversion of SACD .iso files to wav or mp3 so we can transfer selected tracks to our mobile phones/ipods etc.
Foobar does it, but it is rather cumbersome to switch between MC and foobar to build a playlist for a portable device.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #157 on: July 29, 2013, 05:40:21 pm »

You can use Play Doctor from Theater View.

Can Play Doctor be set up to be that precise though?
I'm thinking terms of, say, Listening to Artist B, and I want to "branch off" and:

..bring up a list of other albums by them
..or explore other bands with the same genre, year etc.

thinking in terms of being able to bring up lists specific to tags used for whatever is being currently played and is showing in "Playing Now".

Basically mean Jim the right click on Now Playing track/Locate/... functionality in Standard View - but in Theatre View.

Not used Play Doctor much before, but I understood it to be a dynamic "playlist generator" of sorts.
Can it be set in Theatre View to bring up specific things like other albums by the same artist?

Thanks much.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #158 on: July 30, 2013, 04:24:21 am »

It's been several versions now, and the meta data and image scraper system is still lacking. Would it be possible to do something to improve the system, or at the very least add some more relevant tags?

I'm thinking along the lines of allowing people to choose which source to scrape specific tags from. And/or to add customized code for scraping to the appropriate library fields, so each user could download meta data from what ever location they want. I'm not sure how easy this would be, but it should be possible to add something similar.

Adding more images and meta data is also high on my list. This is a previous thread which I think is up to date.

I'd be thrilled if some effort was put into improving this important feature! Thanks for considering.

I see the MC19 version is public now. So, feel free to move the post if needed.
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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #159 on: July 30, 2013, 07:02:07 am »

This is great software, but I have a couple of requests.

1.  For those who have 2.35 or 2.37 constant-image-height systems, it would be nice to have the option to place the OSD options within the 2.35/2.37 viewing window when watching a movie.  For example, when I call up the progress bar showing elapsed and remaining time, it now appears at the bottom of the 16:9 screen.  This ends up being off the screen when in 2.35/2.37 mode.  I need to switch to a 16:9 viewing mode to see it.  The option to move the progress bar up slightly on the screen would avoid this issue.

2.  I think this has been discussed over the years, but it would be nice to be able to view items within stacks in theater view.

My thanks to the JRiver team for continually working to improve their product.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #160 on: July 30, 2013, 07:47:38 am »

This is great software, but I have a couple of requests.

1.  For those who have 2.35 or 2.37 constant-image-height systems, it would be nice to have the option to place the OSD options within the 2.35/2.37 viewing window when watching a movie.  For example, when I call up the progress bar showing elapsed and remaining time, it now appears at the bottom of the 16:9 screen.  This ends up being off the screen when in 2.35/2.37 mode.  I need to switch to a 16:9 viewing mode to see it.  The option to move the progress bar up slightly on the screen would avoid this issue.

2.  I think this has been discussed over the years, but it would be nice to be able to view items within stacks in theater view.

My thanks to the JRiver team for continually working to improve their product.



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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #161 on: July 30, 2013, 08:09:54 am »

I would request extending linked zones to support video files. In mc18 this can be done (sort of) from the playing now list so the software is capable, however, proper support would be useful as adding video to the playing now with zones already linked forces you to unlink zones (error - media type unsupported error - unlink and continue or cancel)



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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #162 on: July 30, 2013, 09:19:10 am »


Scraping metadata from sites comes in two forms: parsing the page's raw HTML (the hard, non-robust way) and using a site's APIs (the easier, more robust, sanctioned way).

The problem with the former is that it is very cumbersome to maintain, resource intensive, and is error prone (and can get blocked).

The problem with the latter is that a) the developer typically must sign-up for an account and use a provided unique identifier for all requests, b) there are usage quotas, and c) there are almost always fees based on usage.

This isn't a technical problem so much as a business problem.

So smaller companies are in a bind...
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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #163 on: July 30, 2013, 09:50:03 am »

I would also like to see some customizability with what gets pulled.  One example is [Keywords].  This field just adds noise to my database, and I'm constantly deleting all keywords.  I'd rather just stop them being populated in the first place.  As for grabbing from more/other places, I can see that there may be other issues with this, but even allowing some tags from one place, and some from another place  (TMDB for cover art and Wikipedia for descriptions for example) would be a step in the right direction, IMO.

There were many posts on this in the past, some had some great ideas and examples, but if memory serves, there was a lot of arguing mixed in which will make it more difficult to find the good ideas, but it's still probably worth searching for some good ideas in this area.
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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #164 on: July 30, 2013, 10:04:58 am »

Here is a feature I would like.

The ability to create web pages from images and send them to my personal WWW server. I have my own server so I would like to just copy the files and not ftp them to the correct place. I know some of this can be done via share to web but this is limited to 120 pics. I would like to build pages of 1300 holiday photos with slideshow and thumbnails



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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #165 on: July 30, 2013, 12:37:38 pm »

A more customized system for scraping is certainly not easy. I understand that. A way of giving the users the ability to add some customization would probably allow us to go around certain restrictions. At least when grabbing data with HTML and non API method. Adding more meta data to the existing tools would probably be a breeze though. So, I hope that there will be at least SOME improvements in this area.
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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #166 on: July 30, 2013, 01:09:29 pm »

For starters I would be happy if it would grab all the info available, instead of only a small subset.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #167 on: July 30, 2013, 02:00:18 pm »

When you click on an album it shows play, in this instance I believe is would be much better if this list style could behave more like categories and show Play and Files. So many times when I navigate through I see an album & I want to pick one track from that album, currently I have to change the list style or go into a different view altogether..
Even worse is when you are playing a different album and in an attempt to view the files you double click the album


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #168 on: July 30, 2013, 07:20:07 pm »

Are there any plans to include the ability to make MP3 cd's? This is a feature that is sorely missing IMO from such a great program as this one.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #169 on: July 30, 2013, 09:10:02 pm »

- Linux version

+1 on a Linux Version that can be run in either GUI (Linux run level 5) or Text/Server mode (Linux run level 3).

The Text/Server mode (Linux run level 3) should be very small and lightweight.
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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #170 on: July 30, 2013, 09:15:00 pm »

+1. Already published data on sites JRiver is connected to via API would be my first ask, since it seems like it would be the easiest. Example would be cinematographer from TMDb.

My second ask would be to add image options for more fields. For example, I'd love to be able to add images for the Director field (like the artist field for music), even if it means going out and getting it myself (though i will note this is also a possible call from the TMDb API).


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #171 on: July 31, 2013, 06:15:02 am »

JRiver is the best data manager but definitely not the best at helping to get it (yet).


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #172 on: July 31, 2013, 08:08:31 am »

I need german data for movies, my wife cannot understand englisch.



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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #173 on: July 31, 2013, 08:53:49 am »

I would also like to see some customizability with what gets pulled.  One example is [Keywords].  This field just adds noise to my database, and I'm constantly deleting all keywords.  I'd rather just stop them being populated in the first place.
Yes, I hate this.

Because there don't appear to be any guidelines on keywording from whatever source they are being pulled from, the keywords are useless data.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #174 on: July 31, 2013, 12:38:39 pm »

I use the "Clean File Properties" action quite often to clean and then rename files in a large library database of music, video, pics, etc.  

Certain fields get "cleaned"/renamed inaccurately for various reasons. For example: a video from "NASA" gets converted to "Nasa".  The band "ABBA" gets converted to "Abba". The band "ACDC"... well, you get the point.

I would like to have a saved "user library" (similar to the way MS Word has a user library) wherein I can enter certain words such that the above field corrections no longer occur. I can input the correct spelling/case (ie, "ACDC" not "Acdc") and the "Clean File Properties" and "Rename File" function would not auto correct the input to the wrong case.

Just a thought.



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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #175 on: July 31, 2013, 12:55:44 pm »

Maybe this exists and I've missed it but foobar has a plug-in component presents any UPnP MediaRenderer devices present on your home network as foobar2000 output devices.  It takes the output from foobar's player and streams it (bitperfect) to the renderer.  The advantage to this is you get gapless regardless of the renderer's capability.  Psaudio is working on something like this that will take the output of any player to stream to their Perfectwave dac which has gapless issues.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #176 on: July 31, 2013, 04:56:05 pm »

I believe this request is similar to what I mentioned in this thread:

If I have access to an API, or maintain one for my music, I would love to be able to integrate that to MC19.  Opening this door would be huge for me to add in whatever other webservices I have access to.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #177 on: July 31, 2013, 06:53:07 pm »

It is already there.

MC has a hierarchy of media serving capabilities.

The top level is called "Media Network" (formerly known as Library Server, formerly known as Media Server, as far as I can tell). See and
The next level down is DLNA server capabilities. See
The next level down is UPnP server capabilities. See

From my understanding, when you turn off DLNA Server in the Media Server configuration, you are left with UPnP services. But I'm no expert in this area. All settings are under the Media Network section of Options.

Have a read of this:

Spoiled for choice.  :)
What specific version of MC you are running:MC27.0.27 @ Oct 27, 2020 and updating regularly Jim!                        MC Release Notes:
What OS(s) and Version you are running:     Windows 10 Pro 64bit Version 2004 (OS Build 19041.572).
The JRMark score of the PC with an issue:    JRMark (version 26.0.52 64 bit): 3419
Important relevant info about your environment:     
  Using the HTPC as a MC Server & a Workstation as a MC Client plus some DLNA clients.
  Running JRiver for Android, JRemote2, Gizmo, & MO 4Media on a Sony Xperia XZ Premium Android 9.
  Playing video out to a Sony 65" TV connected via HDMI, playing digital audio out via motherboard sound card, PCIe TV tuner


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #178 on: July 31, 2013, 09:55:38 pm »

It's been requested before, and it's still a great idea.
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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #179 on: August 01, 2013, 01:22:45 am »

Great.  Which would be the choice to use for what I'm looking to do?


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #180 on: August 01, 2013, 05:35:08 am »

Most feature requests I would like to see have already been addressed.

I have a (i think) easy request (and asked for it a zillion-times) regarding Theaterview : please make the audio path window become available in theaterview mode. (just the same pop-up as it is but at theaterview font sizes !!!) with a keyboard shortcut.

And yes a linux version for widespread NAS-boxes (the synology etc...) would be certainly of interest to a lot of people...


I know I might be old school on that one but keep this audiophilegrade audio/video player (and excellent multi room server) free from social-media stuff integration (or at least let users switch it off if not used). I don't want to end up in a PDVD like super library where I can watch DVD, Bluray, 60 audio video formats, post automatically on my twitter account which movie I like, like it on my facebook, send a mail to my google friends and post a clip on youtube of me watching the movie and if it continues like that I'll end up book my next flights for my holidays and order automatically my pizza.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #181 on: August 01, 2013, 06:46:37 am »

Most feature requests I would like to see have already been addressed.

I have a (i think) easy request (and asked for it a zillion-times) regarding Theaterview : please make the audio path window become available in theaterview mode. (just the same pop-up as it is but at theaterview font sizes !!!) with a keyboard shortcut.

And yes a linux version for widespread NAS-boxes (the synology etc...) would be certainly of interest to a lot of people...

+ 1 for both requests.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #182 on: August 01, 2013, 09:17:03 am »

It is already there.

I don't think this is what the OP means, unless he has indeed missed the fact that MC already has DLNA server/controller/renderer capabilities.  DLNA doesn't have any provision for gapless if the renderer doesn't support it. What the OP is describing is allowing gapless even if the renderer doesn't support it.

What he is saying is to use MC to actually play, or render the audio, so that MC can work out all the gapless logic, but instead of passing it to the sound output device, pass it to DLNA instead. This will result in the renderer seeing one long never-ending stream.  Even if that is possible, I suspect it might cause problems with seek operations


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #183 on: August 01, 2013, 10:35:43 am »

Yes.  That's correct in what I meant.  The foobar implementation works flawlessly for me.  I guess it's essentially as if you we're streaming radio to the player.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #184 on: August 01, 2013, 04:25:26 pm »

Handheld Sync and convert/transcode tool to use MC Field Values to name converted files rather than creating a directory structure similar to a base file path.

Example, if you currently specify [track #] it  creates a Directory called track # 1,2,3 ....etc, if you specify [name] it currently creates a Directory called the field value for [name] but inside is stiil the music file with the name of the filename in windows.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #185 on: August 01, 2013, 04:42:12 pm »

When tagging, to have an advanced option to access all File Properties from the Action Window not just a context limited set. The current workaround is by editing in the List pane but it would be nice to also add the capability from the Action Window "Tag" .


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #186 on: August 01, 2013, 04:54:25 pm »

When tagging, to have an advanced option to access all File Properties from the Action Window not just a context limited set. The current workaround is by editing in the List pane but it would be nice to also add the capability from the Action Window "Tag" .

You tried the Show All Tags menu item from the TAWs drop down menu (top left of TAW)?
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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #187 on: August 01, 2013, 05:20:56 pm »

You tried the Show All Tags menu item from the TAWs drop down menu (top left of TAW)?

Hi MrC, yeh but it still hides stuff based on media type eg tagging composer for a music video. As I understand it this is intentional to protect newcomers from an overwhelming number of irrelevant choices but would be nice to over-ride this somewhere in options.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #188 on: August 01, 2013, 05:28:29 pm »

If technically possible the ability for MC to reference/link music tracks  to multiple albums (as you can do for artists).This would make it easier to manage compilations or group tracks into an album without using [album artist] or [album artist auto]


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #189 on: August 01, 2013, 07:16:54 pm »

Yes.  That's correct in what I meant.  The foobar implementation works flawlessly for me.  I guess it's essentially as if you we're streaming radio to the player.

Ah. I read it as if you were using Foobar as an example of what you wanted to achieve in MC, and I thought that the MC Media Network (Library Server, not DLNA or UPnP) could stream gapless to a renderer as if it was effectively streaming radio, where the renderer wasn't controlling the stream, rather a separate controller or MC was, hence no problem with gapless.

But I am out of my depth when talking about true audiophile systems, so I defer to you csimon.

I should read up more on what renderers actually do in the audio chain. I thought they just rendered digital into analogue, but if they are handling gapless control then they must be doing more.    ? 8) :)
What specific version of MC you are running:MC27.0.27 @ Oct 27, 2020 and updating regularly Jim!                        MC Release Notes:
What OS(s) and Version you are running:     Windows 10 Pro 64bit Version 2004 (OS Build 19041.572).
The JRMark score of the PC with an issue:    JRMark (version 26.0.52 64 bit): 3419
Important relevant info about your environment:     
  Using the HTPC as a MC Server & a Workstation as a MC Client plus some DLNA clients.
  Running JRiver for Android, JRemote2, Gizmo, & MO 4Media on a Sony Xperia XZ Premium Android 9.
  Playing video out to a Sony 65" TV connected via HDMI, playing digital audio out via motherboard sound card, PCIe TV tuner


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #190 on: August 01, 2013, 08:59:10 pm »

1. Enable flexible user-defined categorization. I use MediaMonkey to organize all of my audio files and playlists. When I sync my playlists with JRiver MediaCenter, they always appear under Playlists->Imported Playlists rather than under Audio. Similarly, in TheaterView, Imported Playlists appear as a sibling of Audio rather than as a Child of Audio as I would like.
Part of this request is to improve playlist synchronization
1.a. I would like to be able to configure children of the Video menu (as well as their sort order) in TheaterView
1.b. I would like to be able to hide Gadgets or rename them and be able to configure children of this menu in TheaterView
1.c. All of these requests require basically the same implementation
2. Native movie synchronization with MyMovies.
I use MyMovies to organize my collection. It's painful to have to regenerate the title & other info for MediaCenter every time I add a new movie. Additionally, I have to jump through many hoops to get JRemote to see the updates.
3. FastForward and Rewind buttons on the screen when playing a movie in TheaterView
4. More alternate skins defined for TheaterView


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #191 on: August 01, 2013, 09:04:25 pm »

Are there any plans to include the ability to make MP3 cd's? This is a feature that is sorely missing IMO from such a great program as this one.

Action Window > Burn > Data.  Set Conversion to MP3.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #192 on: August 01, 2013, 09:16:42 pm »

Wake up PC for recording TV
I use MC17 (yes, 17 not 18 because of some video issues with my TV Tuner card) to record TV.  I have to remember to leave my HTPC on if I'm going to record something in the morning, or when I'm not home.  I would love for MC19 to be integrated with the PC in the fact that it could "wake up."

This has been there for years :P

Just run Media Server:
Options > Startup > Run on Windows Startup > Media Server (allows library sharing, television recording, etc.)

A simple improvement for us would be to offer to start Media Server the first time you schedule a TV recording.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #193 on: August 01, 2013, 09:23:00 pm »

I would like MC to automatically resize the aspect ratio of a detached window to match the AR of the video being played.  I find my self constantly resizing the window to get rid of the extra black space around the video.  This is especially true because it seems to change when I move the window, for some reason. Sometimes when I move the window up, it gets much wider after the move, not always, but often enough to be annoying.

I use a detached display very often to watch videos/TV while working on my desktop, and often have to move the window around, or make it smaller/larger to accommodate whatever I'm working on, and having it automatically maintain the 'proper' aspect ratio would be MOST welcome.  If you've ever used WMC, you'll know what I mean.  Resizing by grabbing anywhere on any side of the window keeps the AR fixed, so you don't have to grab a corner and be careful when resizing.
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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #194 on: August 01, 2013, 10:12:38 pm »

This has been there for years :P

Just run Media Server:
Options > Startup > Run on Windows Startup > Media Server (allows library sharing, television recording, etc.)

A simple improvement for us would be to offer to start Media Server the first time you schedule a TV recording.

And the Media Server delivers wake/record/sleep function just fine for me.
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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #195 on: August 01, 2013, 10:26:08 pm »

I suspect I am in the minority here, but animated .gif support in the images section would be useful.
I don't really use Media Center for viewing photographs, because I already have Lightroom for my photo editing and library management, and I don't see Media Center replacing that any time soon.
But I'm thinking that Media Center might be useful for other collections of images, and something few other applications have is support for animated .gifs - most will just display the first frame and treat them as a still image.
It would be even better if Media Center could display the animations when viewing a grid of images in thumbnail view, or perhaps on mouse-over if that's too taxing, rather than having to view a single image in isolation.

I also wondered about a similar thing for videos on mouse-over when browsing your library rather than using static thumbnails, unless they have cover art associated with the file.

I would like MC to automatically resize the aspect ratio of a detached window to match the AR of the video being played.  I find my self constantly resizing the window to get rid of the extra black space around the video.  This is especially true because it seems to change when I move the window, for some reason. Sometimes when I move the window up, it gets much wider after the move, not always, but often enough to be annoying.
Yes, this would be a really nice change.

Something else that this reminded me about, that was a problem in MC18:
I have a video series with about 160 episodes, and every single one of them is 4:3 video encoded to a 16:9 file, with bright borders on the edges. I don't know why they decided to do this, but I find it very distracting.
And to make matters worse, when adding the borders they also compressed the video slightly so it's not quite 4:3. If you were to simply mask off the sides, some of the bright border would remain.

It looks something like this:

With other video players, such as MPC-HC, you have independent horizontal and vertical stretch controls, so you can stretch the center portion out to fill the screen, cropping the borders.
You can then override the aspect ratio of the video to be 4:3, which means you are only displaying the center portion of the video with black borders, and it's now in the correct aspect ratio rather than being slightly compressed.

And another change I would like to see, which that reminded me of: I'd really like it if the "crop edges for DVD video" option not only applied to DVD discs, but also DVD rips. i.e. any files which are 720x480 or 720x576.
The "crop edges for non-DVD video" option applies to everything, including HD video, so that's not really a good alternative. It's really only DVDs where the edges of the video are a problem. Anything else - even if it's lower resolution - seems to avoid that problem.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #196 on: August 02, 2013, 03:17:51 am »

Ah. I read it as if you were using Foobar as an example of what you wanted to achieve in MC, and I thought that the MC Media Network (Library Server, not DLNA or UPnP) could stream gapless to a renderer

If you're streaming to a renderer, you have to use DLNA/UPNP.  Library Server only works with MC clients.

I should read up more on what renderers actually do in the audio chain. I thought they just rendered digital into analogue, but if they are handling gapless control then they must be doing more.    ? 8) :)

They have to tell the server/controller when they are ready to accept the next track. Some (most) don't handle gapless and request the next track when the current one has finished, which leaves a gap. Some recognise the DLNA protocl where the controller can tell the renderer in advance what the next track will be so that it can pre-process and tag it seamlessly onto the end of the current track, but the renderer has to support and understand this command, hence gapless does not work with all renderers even if the server/controller supports it.

I guess what we're discussing here is "trackless" DLNA streaming, where the renderer has no concept that it is getting individual tracks, it's just one big long stream which the server/controller has constructed.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #197 on: August 02, 2013, 04:42:31 am »

In the last few months I have been using “Album Replay Gain” and found it quite consistent with some exceptions like classical music. Some albums have quite large dynamic range and that could lead, in some tracks, to subjectively playing music with the wrong volume. I hope the new method (R128) will be more reliable.

I still have the need to control volume more precisely from my tablet using RDP to remote control MC.

Controlling MC in “Album View” from a 10.1” touchscreen is perfectly feasible and usable except for the volume slider which is a frustrating experience. For this I would gladly give up the “Action Window” (useless for me when listening music but useful when importing/editing) and in change would like to have an alternate volume control with two quite large buttons to increase and decrease volume, and a three digits window to display attenuation in programmable steps (0.5 dB as a smallest step should suffice).
|       |        _    _      |       |
| _|_ | _  |  _| |_      | __   |
|   |   |    | |_ . _| dB |       |

Also, a scroll function like for web browsing on tablet to scroll albums with a finger touch would be very useful.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #198 on: August 02, 2013, 04:48:15 am »

Just my two cents, hopefully not too late for consideration...

Theater View: 

Ver. 18 added some very powerful options which were great. Understandably thinking ahead, seems like a lot is geared toward future tactile screen tech and remotes. Im a couch potato like the best of them, but there are too many practical uses to forego using wireless mouse/keyboard - especially for searches and external web use running through jriver. 

I primarily use jrmc in Theater View on my TV from a distance of about 8 to 10 feet and standard view at present makes me go blind. I use a combination of a remote, keyboard/mouse and jremote. 

So my suggestions  ....

Theater View

1) Search Box - incorporate a scalable (or at least large enough to use from a distance) box like in Standard View in which you can type your searches. The present virtual keyboard is slow as molasses and the search results are not as usable/customizable as in S.V.

2) Right Click on Mouse to play - at the very least be able to use mouse to direct play a selection like the play button on a remote (if possible with play options from S.V.) 

3) Bring Back version 16 3d Views (still exist in S.V.) - where the album cover pivots and you can choose a song or album with pal options. Very convenient and not just eye-candy. 

4) Connected Media - have the connected media as part of theater view. Possibility to import web APIs would be icing on the cake. Not terribly important if it just opens up a browser externally as long as the audio (most important for me) still is running through the jrmc "engine". Options at present are very buggy 

Standard View

1) keep menu bar and search box visible, auto hide tree column - this would allow  better visibility at a distance. At present Views can be enlarged but top bar disappears. Could auto hide like the player does now if easier.

Minor "wishes"^^

- option to open tagging in separate window 

- fix broken links/force external changes without full auto import

- possibility to add more of those nifty arrows next to artist and album for other fields like composer or track name

I guess what is most important for me would be to not see disappear mouse/keyboard functions from theater view

Thanks for your consideration in advance and thanks for putting continuing development first in terms of your priorities. I really think your biz model is great, btw.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #199 on: August 02, 2013, 06:02:31 am »

Hi there,

I have to 2 requests, both related to subtitles:

1.       When using a left to right subtitles (I'm using Hebrew), the punctuation is shown on the wrong side.

2.       Please let the user choose the location of the subtitles on the screen (i.e. On the black bar at the bottom of the screen…)

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