If MC is triggering the BSOD, then MC is causing the BSOD. simple as that....
Unfortunately, this is not the case.
Applications that run on Windows outside of the kernel can only access system APIs to perform functions on hardware. The OS then relies upon the driver to properly execute the command. Applications on modern operating systems cannot perform functions that cause the system to crash. They can only crash themselves. All software has bugs, and MC is certainly not exempt. However, bugs in user-space applications can only crash
A blue screen error, similar to a kernel panic on OSX and many flavors of UNIX, indicates that the
kernel of the operating system crashed.
Media Center
cannot do this. The kernel is protected. MC can only access public APIs and instruct the OS to perform functions. The OS then instructs the hardware driver to perform the function, as needed.
So, what is happening is akin to this: The OS has a sign that says "Pull this lever if you want to do X." MC is pulling the lever, but instead of what is expected to happen, the whole building is falling down. Did MC cause the building to fall down? No, whomever designed and implemented the lever did!
There are a ton of different possible reasons that "what worked before" no longer works now. If there really have been
absolutely no changes to the software on your computer (which is extremely difficult to discern) then this would indicate a hardware failure. However, much more likely causes are Windows Updates (which come out regularly for Windows 10 and cannot be blocked), driver updates (Windows 10 will update drivers itself as part of Windows Update as well), anti-virus application interference (av and security suites regularly use drivers to inject code into the kernel), or disk corruption that has damaged parts of the OS.
Even if something in MC did change and it didn't trigger the blue screen before and now does, it is still just pulling a lever that is labeled "pulling this lever will do X" and on your particular machine with its particular software, instead of doing "X", it crashes.
It may help to track it down if you can find a precise build of MC where the error began to manifest, but that doesn't mean that JRiver can do anything to change it.