Just upgraded to the new v25. Wish I could remember how I set up the parameters in v24 to stop this problem...
There's a weird gap/stutter at the beginning of each new track. What's weird is that it's not a gap. A track ends, I hear the first part of a second of the new track, then there's a brief stutter and everything fine. The behavior is almost like when Jim Carey turns into the green guy in The Mask and shakes his head furiously... jumbledy shudder and then fine.
I've been tracking it a bit. If the new song is really short (like Grateful Dead Ripple), it may not stutter, but... it may.
I know my network is fast and up to the load... I've been using Roon to stream Tidal and Qobuz without any issues. It could be the protocol that RP uses... but there must be a workaround because I somehow fixed the problem on v24 of JRiver.
There should be something abstracted from all the "do this try that" that's stickied somewhere about streaming. Something that says, do this first, then this next, etc.
I printed out the entire thread of problems in this thread and thought I'd work through the options. Wife is away for the weekend so there wouldn't be mocking about how complex this has all become.
From looking at the whole list of things people tried, a number of different things worked for a number of different people. (I did a lot of optimization of AI apps and supercomputer performance, so I have a feel for what can go wrong.) I tried to abstract from all that.
Seemed like buffering mattered a lot. I watched the cuts arrive on my computer and the new one arrived JUST before the old one. Given what I know about RP's protocol I thought that some settings about gapless would matter... their protocol seems to make it all seem to JRiver like random music cuts, played in a stream.
First I changed buffering. Went to 1000ms (someone else went to 2000ms, which would have been my next tweak.) Got better... the weird Jim Carrey BLBMBBPTBLEPT! stuff was not every cut.
Given that their stream is like a bunch of single cuts, I thought that tweaking something on gaplessness might help. The default was "switch tracks" and some value. (or, that's what was copied from my last version... don't know if installing a new one copies from the last.) I set it for gapless for manual track changes, and for albums. (I think the RP protocol is read by JRiver as manual track changes.)
Two hours in now, and haven't had a glitch yet. The only bothersome thing... in two hours, I haven't had a single Radio Paradise station break where they say who they are. Maybe they don't do them Saturday night? Don't know. I'll be unhappy if these settings stop the mellow voices of Bill and Rebecca from coming through. Nice people, and I like having them drop in from time to time. CORRECTION - after two hours, Bill just showed up. Scratch that.
Memory playback is set to default, or if the upgrade copies from the old install, for memory playback. I've watched the status screen. The next cut shows up on the list about 10-15 seconds before the last one ends. That did NOT happen before. The behavior before was the new cut showed up just about when the last one was ending.
Context info: My server was purpose over built to serve music and video to my home (six endpoints) and studio. 64bit Windows. i5 3450 Intel chip. 16gm ram. Two SSDs, one for the OS and apps, one exclusively for caches and scratch disks and indexes. Triple mirror, internal, of the content disk. Nightly backup to a mirrored Ethernet connection to network storage. Connected to Orbi satellite, so its data streams from the internet, to the NAS, and to other playback in the house, use the Orbi back channel to the cable modem. Fiber optic USB to the DAC.