Yes and yes, but you might need a different case.
I got myself a steel case for the digi+ pro from HiFiBerry.It's a nice piece of kit that works for me. And, as they say in old school cycling circles, "steel is real".
Great news that a new release is available for the Raspberry Pi. As an established user of version 22 on an IdPi with Hifiberry Digi+ Pro card, I would like to know whether you have compiled all the latest audio HAT board's driver code into the new Linux Kernel used to support the PI B+? I would like to upgrade to an Allo DigiOne S/PDIF card, which is not supported under MC 22 on IdPi. There would be no point to upgrade my current IdPi to a B+ if no new HATs are supported.There are a number of other audio HATs and more being developed, that are not currently supported in your Kernel build. Giving users full flexibility to use any audio HAT available in the Raspberry Pi Raspian Stretch OS would be of great help.Thanks, Duncan.
I just got an Allo DigiOne HAT, and it doesn't seem to be supported by IdPi. I'd go in and try to change the dtoverlay in the config file, but I don't know of a way to do that with the IdPi interface as it won't allow me to open terminal windows. Config/driver info located at:
You could try directly editing the /boot/config.txt file and adding the relevant overlay spec. Refer my comment here that cross references info from @duncan4791:,115523.msg807601.html#msg807601Worked for my pi2design 502DAC. You'd need to research the correct command for the DigiOne and tread carefully. Either that or wait for @bob to work up some magic, such as provide a list of HAT/Shield options via IdPi Menu > 17 Custom RPi configuration (audio device, etc) or some other smart plan.