Thank you for your help!
And also, I accidentally posted here on the MAC location when I am using Windows.
I tried to follow your instructions as best I could but I got mixed results. I ended up with many "albums" havinbg two sets of songs, one that was not connected to a music file, and the other was. Most albums did not have the art work. The playsists were reduced in the number of tracks.
But it worked well enough that I ahve some hope that there is a way to do this. I wonder if the instructions for MAC and Windows is different for this?
Also, I am not sure I did everything correctly. So let me ask the following:
You said I should disable auto import. I could couldn't see anything that directly said "disable auto import". So what I did was go to the library tab and when to the area that is used to set up the auto import (see pic attached). I opened that and removed the two pathways to my external hard drive that were identified there. That was also where I set the broken link to "off". And then I saved that.
I then found the most recent back up and resotred it.
I then went back and again removed the pathways to the external hard drive as well as.
I then wasn't exactly sure what you meant by "mount your back up drive so the files were accessible to MC". So what I did is go back to that same window and browsed for my external hard drive in the confirgure auto import area. I did hit the run auto import, I just closed it. At that point the program began populating MC and that is where I am now.
So it seems like there is a way to fix it but I'm not sure I am doing it correctly........or if this are the instructions for a MAC but not windows?
Thanks again for your help. It is much appreciated!
You shot yourself in the foot a bit doing that import.
JRiver makes automatic backups of its database.
Starting over will let your recover your info. Here's what you should do:
1. Disable auto import, set fix broken links = OFF and leave it this way in the future to prevent future suffering.
2. Find the most recent MC library backup from prior to when you launched MC after the disaster. Restore it. IMMEDIATELY repeat step #1
3. Mount your backup drive so the files are accessible to MC, preferably with the same drive letter as the original.
4. If your files are at the same path on the backup drive, MC should see them and you're done. If not, use Rename Move and Copy Files tool to fix the paths, using the "update database to point to new location" option.
That will get everything back to normal. In future, you should consider writing all your tag changes to the media files themselves, and doing more regular backups of the media files to preserve those tag updates.
Good luck...