I just tried build 33, and I still have some issues with the new system.
1) MC11 was able to show me "categories" of tags, one of which -- the top one -- was "Visible Columns." This was a FANTASTIC feature since it showed whatever tags I had selected for the current view IN THE ORDER than they were in the current view. This meant that when I selected one of my "iPod" views for any given iPod user, their unique "iPod" tag was the very TOP field in the AW tag info screen. Each user's view would show THEIR personal "iPod" tag at the top of the tag info screen, which made editing this tag for large groups of files VERY easy. There was no confusion over which tag to edit since whoever's view was selected, their corresponding personal tag was at the top of the tag info screen.
There are a few problems in this regard with MC12. The tag screen no longer has the "visible columns" category, which means that the window will always shows me the SAME set of tags regardless of the view selected. This means that "John," for example, will no longer see "John iPod" at the top of the list when he has his iPod view selected, and "Mary" will no longer see "Mary iPod" at the top of the tag screen when she has HER iPod view selected.
Since the "iPod" tags cannot be moved to the top of the list, it's always necessary to "search" for these fields in the list, and each user will have to be sure to find and select their personal tag from the list. This is much more difficult that it was in MC11.
2) Another comment on the "categories" in MC11's tag info screen: They allowed me to mininize my "less used" groups of tags. This meant that an entire group would only take up a single line, but that I could still quickly expand it if I needed to access these tags. In MC12, you only have a single, long list of tags, all of which show in the same order for every view.
3) The method of selecting which tags you want to see in MC12 is cumbersome. If I want to select 15 tags to display, I have to hit the "tags" button 15 seperate times, and navigate to each tag individually, which includes opening the "more" tags group several times. It would be MUCH easier if I could open a list, select all the tags I wanted to see, then close the list. There are just too many tags to use the "one at a time" approach to selecting them.
4) No seperator lines, no "read only" tags with different shading, and a more "crowded" feel.
The bottom line is that for my personal use, MC12 is offering no advantages to the tag screen compared to MC11, yet it has several DISadvantages compared to MC11. I REALLY miss things like the ability to have the tag info screen change depending on the view (see "1" above), which is the type of feature that made previous versions of MC really stand out against the competition. If the new approach is going to work, I think it needs to bring back some of the features and capabilities that made MC11's tag screen work so well (and it DID work really well.) Perhaps some more "configuration" options that would allow us to set it up as we desire.
I feel that the tag info screen has become as much of (if not MORE so) a "personal" item as other aspects of the interface. After all, the tag info screen is where many of us actually do the "work" in MC. Therefore, maybe the answer is a way of personalizing the tag info screen in a similar manner to the way we can personalize the view schemes. Maybe the tag info screen should have a configuration category in the "Options" menu, where we could 1) select the various options we need, 2) select which tags we do or don't want to see, 3) select the order that the tags display with 4) some way of linking this to the individual view schemes. This sort of configuration power is what we've come to love about MC.
Thanks for reading,