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Author Topic: Streaming to the HP TouchPad works (somewhat) - enhancement request  (Read 4769 times)


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I have this device - still on the fence about keeping it, but i keep plugging through its capabilities.

Interestingly, using //serverlocation:52199/webplay in the browser and clicking 'play' on a song loads the device's "Streaming Music Player" and plays that song just fine.   

That in and of itself is interesting because this little streaming 'app' appears to be a component imbedded in the webOS 3.0 operating system for use by 3rd party applications - its NOT visible as a standalone app and I suspect it's not meant to be visible like other apps are because it has no menu options and in the case of webplay shows the cryptic URL to the specific song on a 'card' that shows the player.  It has no controls other than scan back (not skip), scan forward, and pause/play.

I'm hoping MC can take advantage of this and develop further because someone who develops apps for android and webos created this application called kalemsoft media play that appears to leverage this imbedded player into a user interface on the webOS device.  similarly to MC, requires a 'server' application on the PC in order to stream....

It will not play anything more than a single song at a time.  Playing a playlist results in only the first song getting played.

A head-scratcher is why HP didn't enable the "HP Play" application to enable such streaming.  That on top of the double-scratcher why HP decided to have HP Play be 100% dependent on Apple's iTunes software for its library...  go figure..

WebRemote, btw, works flawlessly on the TouchPad - but i expected that to be..


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Re: Streaming to the HP TouchPad works (somewhat) - enhancement request
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2011, 03:18:43 pm »

If it's an Android device, did you try Gizmo?


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Re: Streaming to the HP TouchPad works (somewhat) - enhancement request
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2011, 03:19:47 pm »

Its HP's webOS 3.0, not android...


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Re: Streaming to the HP TouchPad works (somewhat) - enhancement request
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2011, 03:25:01 pm »

So it's Linux based.


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Re: Streaming to the HP TouchPad works (somewhat) - enhancement request
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2011, 03:29:28 pm »

you'd probably know that better than I, so I'll just say 'sure'  ;-)    whatever the Pre2, for example, is based on, but next gen OS


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Re: Streaming to the HP TouchPad works (somewhat) - enhancement request
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2011, 12:06:38 pm »

For those lucky enough to have TouchPads :P, there is a new application (free and fee) that works with Media Center.  It's called BHomePro and it's available in the App Store.  You have to setup MC to be a DLNA server.  Run BhomePro and it will find all of your UPnP servers.  Select the MC one that you setup.  You will see (if everything is setup) icons for Audio, Images, Video and Playlists.  Select Playlists (it will show you your MC playlists).  In the upper right corner you'll see a drop down box with three horizontal lines.  Tap that and you can toggle shuffle mode.  Tap on a song in the playlist and it will start streaming.  Gives you album art and info.  You can move forward and back through your playlist.

I also have it play MP4s.  It costs a few bucks but it's worth it.  The free version is limited.


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Re: Streaming to the HP TouchPad works (somewhat) - enhancement request
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2011, 03:20:01 pm »

For those lucky enough to have TouchPads :P, there is a new application (free and fee) that works with Media Center.  It's called BHomePro and it's available in the App Store.  You have to setup MC to be a DLNA server.  Run BhomePro and it will find all of your UPnP servers.  Select the MC one that you setup.  You will see (if everything is setup) icons for Audio, Images, Video and Playlists.  Select Playlists (it will show you your MC playlists).  In the upper right corner you'll see a drop down box with three horizontal lines.  Tap that and you can toggle shuffle mode.  Tap on a song in the playlist and it will start streaming.  Gives you album art and info.  You can move forward and back through your playlist.

I also have it play MP4s.  It costs a few bucks but it's worth it.  The free version is limited.

Thanks for that - I will check that out.  I also found an app that will link directly to my mediasmart server called KalemSoft Player...
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