Lespaul, tested the new version, thanks for the hard work and bugfixes. I agree that a toggle switch for the track #/item # in playlist is the best solution. I really like the UI as it is right now.
Why in the ipad version cover art is not shown in lockscreen as the iphone version?
Streming questions:
1.- Seems that mp3 is used for streaming even for m4a aac files, can't stream the m4a directly??
2.- Can the already stacked mp3 used for streaming?
3.- Any chance to stream flac or uncompressed? Or stream something without leaving cache on server
2. the metadata button (luggage tag icon) pops open a weirdly sized panel that overwrites the others but only partially (this looks ok for the now playing page, but looks weird for the playlist itself)
I think it's ok as it is right now, it only conflicts with large name songs
3. the metadata for now playing should auto-update between tracks. having to click "view" is weird
I agree it should auto-update in the now playing screen, but not in the views (where you maybe are browsing the library, should not interrumpt you)
4. audio> genre> broken. says "No media" No media was found in this view
Is working well for me
5. Maybe a better (more intelligent or at least configurable grouping) view for the "list+icon"? no point having each track have art when they are all the same.
instead have one larger image + list for each album
I totally agree
6. Dont like the weird duplication of data in the playlist, now playing, and the draggable playlist. To me this should all be combined into a single screen where the currently playing track in a playlist should be updated automatically with ability to rate, etc. Its convoluted to have to go to 'now playing' when all the info is right there in the playlist already. There is the draggable playlist at the bottom which also shows this, but whats the point of that? its just duplicated info. Also need a quick way of rating files like in that draggable list, but should be in the main screen.
I Like the way it is right now, I see the draggable playist as a "quick way" to change song when browsing the library, so is perfect for me.
7. Please add some customization options for how things are displayed!! This is all a very personal experience and everyone wants to do it differently. If you are going to satisfy the majority of users it has to be easily customized to the user. There are virtually no customizable options right now.
Totally agree, options please everyone.
(update) 8. seeing a bug in that draggable playlist panel. I have a track playing (#10). Press next track icon it goes to the correct track, draggable list is updated correctly. If, instead, I click a track directly in that draggable playlist it goes to a random track. (shuffle is not selected)
Can't reproduce this yet, working well for me
(update) 9. Ability to dynamically add a playing track to a new playlist via long-press. This would be a first step towards allowing multiple users to operate JRemote.