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Author Topic: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center  (Read 317304 times)


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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #550 on: September 13, 2012, 05:02:39 pm »

I agree Dr Tone, but this is not yet possible because of restrictions in the JRiver webservice.
I don`t know if they are planning to add this functionality, but by the number of request I get for this, they should make it a priority.

Maybe you could start a thread and propose the function names / parameters you think would be best?

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #551 on: September 14, 2012, 05:35:29 pm »

I would agree that the Now Playing list would be a more important update than cover flow - although both would be nice.  I look forward to the ability to shuffle and clear the now playing playlist.  One suggestion for the now playing playlist is to remove the track numbers (although some may find this useful - I never look at it - in fact at first glance I always think there is an error in the numbering - as I guess when I see the numbers there I initially thought that they should be in order of the display and not the track number).

Some additional suggestions:
1 - Play Doctor access - not sure if this can be accessed remotely but would be a cool thing to have access to through the JREMOTE.
2 - option to update playcount/skipcounts and associated dates
3 - In the browsing option I would prefer the letters a-z instead of dots but really not that big of a deal - as with a huge library may just get you close anyway.

Thanks for taking in feedback and making a great product better.  I recently started using this and it is fantastic.  I am using it like a jukebox for my 'Man Room' - aka the garage - my buddies come over browse through my library on the ipad which I have connected to my stereo via a blue tooth receiver - and stream it from there.  Just like one of those digital jukeboxes in the bar.  Works pretty good (although the bluetooth streaming sound isn't the best but it is passable).

Thanks again for a great app.



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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #552 on: September 15, 2012, 08:34:36 am »

I would agree that the Now Playing list would be a more important update than cover flow - although both would be nice.  I look forward to the ability to shuffle and clear the now playing playlist.  One suggestion for the now playing playlist is to remove the track numbers (although some may find this useful - I never look at it - in fact at first glance I always think there is an error in the numbering - as I guess when I see the numbers there I initially thought that they should be in order of the display and not the track number).

+1 on all comments, I've always felt that the track numbers in Playing Now looked a bit weird to the eye...

Thanks for all your efforts and a great app!!!


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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #553 on: September 15, 2012, 11:56:20 am »

As regards the track numbers in Playing Now: They are essential when playing tracks from "virtual" albums like the Rolling Stones Magazine top 500 tracks or Billboard [Year] top 100 hits.

In Playing Now I miss the Year info that is now available in other file list type views.


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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #554 on: September 15, 2012, 07:26:00 pm »

I personally like the track mumbers, makes it easier to look for track 12 off blah blah album in a list rather than have to look through names....

seems like a split audience on this one :)

I echo everyone's appreciation for your dedication to making this app. the best in the market and allowing us to bring our music collection to life.

Perhaps we should start a thread with pics showing our various uses of your app. so you can see how you have made music easier for us all. Mine would show an iPad on the loungeroom wall handling the multi-zone home audio and (in the process of being) integrated with the CommandFusion Home Automation app. which controls lighting, xbmc's for video, HVAC, watering, alarm, cameras etc.



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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #555 on: September 15, 2012, 07:36:14 pm »

Yeah, track numbers don't make sense when you've built a random playlist, but they're useful when playing whole albums and also useful in Now Playing as part of the basic track information without bringing up the complete metadata window.


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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #556 on: September 16, 2012, 02:06:16 am »

I personally like the track mumbers, makes it easier to look for track 12 off blah blah album in a list rather than have to look through names....



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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #557 on: September 21, 2012, 01:44:40 am »

Ok, seems to be a 50/50 split on the track numbers in "Now playing", so this would be a perfect candidate for an optional setting, maybe it could even be a switch located in the "now playing" view.

And the new version is finally out, let me know if anyone is still having problems.
As a last minute effort I managed to prepare the app for the new iPhone5 so it will support the longer screen. The "now playing" screen also make use of the increased space by placing the time slider/rating etc above the cover art.

Matt, thank you for the response, I can prepare a suggestion for how the editable playlist could be implemented and start a thread.


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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #558 on: September 21, 2012, 09:00:53 am »

Les, the Apple site shows version 2.08 is available for download but when I update 2.05 shows up on my Ipad screen. I've deleted JRemote on the IPad but I'm still only getting 2.05.




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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #559 on: September 21, 2012, 09:03:00 am »

just tried again - now it shows 2.06

Dr Tone

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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #560 on: September 21, 2012, 10:04:59 am »

just tried again - now it shows 2.06

If you have the ability to choose the dark theme, you are running the current version.  He probably just missed updating the version number in the app.


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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #561 on: September 21, 2012, 02:57:35 pm »

My thoughts on the UI Changes (using a retina ipad)

1. need a way to sort output of playlists. by artist, etc. and also filter them
2. the metadata button (luggage tag icon) pops open a weirdly sized panel that overwrites the others but only partially (this looks ok for the now playing page, but looks weird for the playlist itself)
3. the metadata for now playing should auto-update between tracks. having to click "view" is weird
4. audio> genre> broken. says "No media" No media was found in this view
5. Maybe a better (more intelligent or at least configurable grouping) view for the "list+icon"? no point having each track have art when they are all the same.
instead have one larger image + list for each album
6. Dont like the weird duplication of data in the playlist, now playing, and the draggable playlist. To me this should all be combined into a single screen where the currently playing track in a playlist should be updated automatically with ability to rate, etc. Its convoluted to have to go to 'now playing' when all the info is right there in the playlist already. There is the draggable playlist at the bottom which also shows this, but whats the point of that? its just duplicated info. Also need a quick way of rating files like in that draggable list, but should be in the main screen.
7. Please add some customization options for how things are displayed!! This is all a very personal experience and everyone wants to do it differently. If you are going to satisfy the majority of users it has to be easily customized to the user. There are virtually no customizable options right now.

(update) 8. seeing a bug in that draggable playlist panel. I have a track playing (#10). Press next track icon it goes to the correct track, draggable list is updated correctly. If, instead, I click a track directly in that draggable playlist it goes to a random track. (shuffle is not selected)

(update) 9. Ability to dynamically add a playing track to a new playlist via long-press. This would be a first step towards allowing multiple users to operate JRemote.

I do like the overall look and feel though, great stuff!


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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #562 on: September 21, 2012, 05:55:04 pm »

Since the dark theme is back for JRemote, I downloaded 2.08 this morning (after skipping 2.05 altogether).

I must admit I am not exactly in love with the new layout, to me It looks a bit too busy and cluttered. Still works good though. It just isn't as clean looking as 2.00. Then again, I only use JRemote (or MC for that matter) for music only.

Two questions regarding the new (to me) layout:

1- Is is normal that the "Now playing" window doesn't appears automatically whenever I choose a song (as It use to)?

2- Why is the small cover art thumbnail appears on every songs on some albums and not on others when I do Audio/Artist/Album/Songs? I tried many different albums to try to see a pattern of how I tagged my music to no avail. Different albums ripped and tagged the same day/the same way, some shows the small cover thumbnail, others don't. No big deal here, but I am curious nonetheless.

Even though I am not madly in love with the new layout, keep up the good work LesPaul, JRemote's still the very best!




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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #563 on: September 22, 2012, 07:24:44 am »

Updated to 2.06 on my iPad 3 and now I don't have any cover art in "Playing Now", it does appear elsewhere though.
Reinstalling JRemote did not fix it.
Previous version on my Touch still works fine.


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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #564 on: September 22, 2012, 12:40:56 pm »

Lespaul, tested the new version, thanks for the hard work and bugfixes. I agree that a toggle switch for the track #/item # in playlist is the best solution.  I really like the UI as it is right now.

Why in the ipad version cover art is not shown in lockscreen as the iphone version?

Streming questions:
1.- Seems that mp3 is used for streaming even for m4a aac files, can't stream the m4a directly??
2.- Can the already stacked mp3 used for streaming?
3.- Any chance to stream flac or uncompressed? Or stream something without leaving cache on server

2. the metadata button (luggage tag icon) pops open a weirdly sized panel that overwrites the others but only partially (this looks ok for the now playing page, but looks weird for the playlist itself)
I think it's ok as it is right now, it only conflicts with large name songs

3. the metadata for now playing should auto-update between tracks. having to click "view" is weird
I agree it should auto-update in the now playing screen, but not in the views (where you maybe are browsing the library, should not interrumpt you)

4. audio> genre> broken. says "No media" No media was found in this view
Is working well for me

5. Maybe a better (more intelligent or at least configurable grouping) view for the "list+icon"? no point having each track have art when they are all the same.
instead have one larger image + list for each album
I totally agree

6. Dont like the weird duplication of data in the playlist, now playing, and the draggable playlist. To me this should all be combined into a single screen where the currently playing track in a playlist should be updated automatically with ability to rate, etc. Its convoluted to have to go to 'now playing' when all the info is right there in the playlist already. There is the draggable playlist at the bottom which also shows this, but whats the point of that? its just duplicated info. Also need a quick way of rating files like in that draggable list, but should be in the main screen.
I Like the way it is right now, I see the draggable playist as a "quick way" to change song when browsing the library, so is perfect for me.

7. Please add some customization options for how things are displayed!! This is all a very personal experience and everyone wants to do it differently. If you are going to satisfy the majority of users it has to be easily customized to the user. There are virtually no customizable options right now.
Totally agree, options please everyone.

(update) 8. seeing a bug in that draggable playlist panel. I have a track playing (#10). Press next track icon it goes to the correct track, draggable list is updated correctly. If, instead, I click a track directly in that draggable playlist it goes to a random track. (shuffle is not selected)
Can't reproduce this yet, working well for me

(update) 9. Ability to dynamically add a playing track to a new playlist via long-press. This would be a first step towards allowing multiple users to operate JRemote.
Happy licensed MC 15-19 User :)
Mac version early bird
My english is not perfect! My native lang is spanish


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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #565 on: September 22, 2012, 01:42:21 pm »

#4 and #8 are now working for me as well. Not sure what changed. I'll report back if I see it again


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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #566 on: September 22, 2012, 01:55:03 pm »

I Like the way it is right now, I see the draggable playist as a "quick way" to change song when browsing the library, so is perfect for me.

Ok, after using it for a while, I do see the usefulness of the draggable playlist, especially since the now playing metadata doesn't update properly. I still think the now playing has a bit of an identity/utility crisis though



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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #567 on: September 22, 2012, 02:28:17 pm »

the now playing metadata doesn't update properly.
What do you exactly mean???
Happy licensed MC 15-19 User :)
Mac version early bird
My english is not perfect! My native lang is spanish


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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #568 on: September 22, 2012, 03:47:38 pm »

I mean when in the Now playing screen clicking on the luggage icon, (metadata), it doesnt update when the song changes. The metadata is not linked to the now playing song, and has those odd "view" buttons. Its just  a little strange ui wise.

What do you exactly mean???


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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #569 on: September 23, 2012, 02:10:27 am »

Thanks for the new version!

I am afraid that the new scrollbar is not working very well for me.

As you know it is possible to set the sort order for a view in MC and name the item groups in that view independently. The scrollbar alphabet is constructed from the name displayed, i.e. scrolling with the scrollbar does not necessarily move though the items in the sort order set. The album view I use the most is set to sort by album name, but I have set that view to display the year first, [Year] - [Album] …. Now I get a scrollbar with just three items, # with thousands of items, A for the automatic All item and U for the few albums with an unknown release date, making it impossible to scroll through my albums. Would it be possible to use the info from the set sort order to construct the scrollbar?

With a large collection it is often wise to have views already grouped by the alphabet to quickly find a specific item. Now the scrollbar in the single letter sub views shows just A for the automatic All item and the selected letter, making it impossible to scroll. The issue is the same for my views based on year or age.

Could you please make the A-Z scrollbar optional? A button in one end of the bar to toggle the mode perhaps (because the A-Z scrollbar is good to have when it works)?

Thank you.

PS. When the playlist is expanded tapping once outside the playlist selects the item you tapped. I think it would feel more iOS like if the playlist was collapsed instead (although then the possibility to have both the timeline and the playlist expanded at the same time would be lost).

EDIT: The search result is not displayed in track number order for albums. Adding an album from the search result to now playing does add the tracks in track number order. Here the issue is instead that the disc number is ignored, i.e. for a 3 cd album the tracks are added like 1,1,1,2,2,2 etc.


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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #570 on: September 24, 2012, 08:26:21 am »

Definite problem with Authentication over WAN. I'm using and ONLY when I enter the IP directly I can connect.


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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #571 on: September 25, 2012, 09:05:01 am »

Thanks for the update. I appreciate the work on this!

A few comments/issues:
I am still getting kicked out of the program pretty consistently.  I typically use Playlist/Smartlist. I have several smartlists setup that are 100 songs not listened to in 6 months. When I select a playlist, sometimes it will pull it up, and other times it will just close the app down.  I tried pulling up the Play Doctor current list, same thing. 

Choosing dark interface, I go to albums and nothing appears to show.  It does not crash but nothing is there.  I changed to light interface and it worked.

I am wondering if crash issues can be caused by low space.  I can tell you I use Plug Player and My River and both can pull up my smartlist on the same remote server as I am attempting on JRemote. 

If there is any debug I can do please advise.  I would love to roll this to my wife but the crashing cannot happen and still get WAF!

iPhone 3G versions 5.1.1
Errors occur across 3g (remotely) and local wireless network.


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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #572 on: September 25, 2012, 11:15:46 am »

Everything is working well on my end.  iPhone 5 with OS6.

VERY VERY nice using the extra real estate available on the 5's taller screen.  You are one of the few non-native apps on my phone that have already taken advantage of it.

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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #573 on: September 25, 2012, 11:53:14 am »

HiFi, Just wanted to confirm it was working for me and maybe this info helps you.

I am able to get outside and inside access using dyndns. I have 1 profile on my iPhone. In that profile I use an internal IP (not a name) and specific port.  Same profile, I have global access setup pointing to my dyndns name, but you have to place the ":###" at the end of your dns name,  where ### is the port number you use in the upper portion of the setup.



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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #574 on: September 28, 2012, 10:12:58 am »

Quick question, probably already answered:
How do I delete a song from the list of play now playlist.
I selected a song for the list now want to delete that song before it plays.


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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #575 on: September 28, 2012, 06:37:01 pm »

Nevermind this post, turned out I had a virus on my computer.

Thanks for a great app, keep up the awesome work!


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JRemote for Android
« Reply #576 on: October 01, 2012, 09:46:40 am »

Hi Everybody,
please make an Android version of JRemote!
JRiver is a more than amazing/wonderful/astonishing/and-so-on software but Gizmo and the other Android or multi-platform controllers... well, just sucks. I have an HTPC connected to a projector for movies and I use it (90% of the full HTPC working time) headless for music (I'm what is used to be called "an audiophile") with an Asus Transformer tablet as a remote. I'm not yet a registered user of JRiver, so if You think I'm the last one to be in the position to ask something or even to talk in the first place, You sure have a point. Anyway, I installed the 30 days trial of every JRiver release (since version 16) but never been 100% convinced to purchase because of the (at least in my own, personal and very modest opinion) poorness and "fluctuating" performance (Gizmo often loses connection and sometimes is not able to reconnect at all) of the available Android controllers. Therefore I'm always returned back to my old media players.
If an Android version of JRemote will ever be made I'll buy them both (I mean JRiver and JRemote) in zero seconds! I'm pretty sure a lot of people share my feelings and considerations.

Thanks a lot, congratulations for the great job (both to JRiver and JRemote teams) and bye! I really hope to be a "full and legitimate" member of this very active community...


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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #577 on: October 01, 2012, 01:01:56 pm »

This was sent by mistake to JRiver:

"I am partially sighted yet I believe I have entered the correct reg. code for enabling my iPhone as an iOS remote.   However I am being told I'm entering an invalid access key.    Can you help please "                       


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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #578 on: October 01, 2012, 05:31:49 pm »

3.- Any chance to stream flac or uncompressed? Or stream something without leaving cache on server

I also noticed double entries because songs I choose to stream to my device were added to cache directories  and into the library.
I disabled the cache location in the options and it seems to no longer create mp3s

streaming flac or an uncompressed stream would be really nice especially over local network (or anywhere were the connection is fast enough for that matter)

it would be nice to have a recently added albums like in jriver under the audio section.

there is a "recent" under audio but it is something different (not sure what, om my phone it looks like an alphabetical list of all albums)

and there is "recently imported" under the playlist tab. but that is also not the same as the recently imported albums list. (again not sure why)


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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #579 on: October 01, 2012, 10:49:38 pm »

Wonderful app. I am wondering how to access my streaming radio stations which I have set up in MC as an Audio media type as a child to the Audio tree. I have set up a library field in MC and tagged all radio stations to appear in this view and forced the view to not carry over the parent settings.  Ideally I'd like to see my "Radio Stations" under the Audio tree of JRemote rather than having to access playlists. Also how does JRemote handle accessing and controlling live TV broadcasts?


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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #580 on: October 02, 2012, 02:57:14 pm »

did anyone got jremote working with mc18?

jriver took over all the mc17 settings when installing. when trying jremote  with mc18 it could not find the server. when switching back to mc17 server was found no problem.


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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #581 on: October 04, 2012, 02:44:54 am »

Thanks for all the comments guys, a lot of info to digest.

Here are the highlights of the next version:

bug fixes:
- now playing images not displayed on some zones. (Was actually fixed before, but reappeared)
- Correct order in search results

And new "now playing" options:
- Shuffle playlist
- Clear playlist
- Toggle display of track number vs playlist nr.
- Thumbnails and ratings in list.

The UI is also enhanced, mainly on the iPad version.

Not sure yet when it will be ready for release, but it wont be too long.
In general I feel that its better to release small updates frequently rather than big updates.

Regarding an android version, I have actually started experimenting with this, but it might take some time. Sometime early next year I guess.


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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #582 on: October 04, 2012, 05:02:10 am »

Regarding an android version, I have actually started experimenting with this, but it might take some time. Sometime early next year I guess.

This is a great great news! Thank You very much Mr. Lespaul, I'm sure that no matter how long it will takes, it will indeed worth the wait...


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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #583 on: October 04, 2012, 06:24:07 am »

did anyone got jremote working with mc18?

jriver took over all the mc17 settings when installing. when trying jremote  with mc18 it could not find the server. when switching back to mc17 server was found no problem.

Seems to work fine for me. Try the latest version.



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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #584 on: October 04, 2012, 12:20:04 pm »

Does anyone else seem to have the crashing issues that I've described before?  I am not sure what else to do other than not use the program as it just keeps crashing.  I open it, try to pull up "Album", down it goes.  Open it, pull up my smartlist. Down it goes. 

I tried a differnet iPhone, same results.  Tried different JRiver on a separate system, imported all music files from same shared drive as my other system.  Same results, JRemote crashes.  Loaded version 18, it imports the version 17 library. Configured JRemote for this version. Same results when I try to open Album. I upgraded my iPhone to 6.0. Still JRemote crashes as it did before. 

It sure seems like I have hit as many steps as possible to get this to work, so to me it appears there is a bug here. I guess my only other step would be to create a new library and import 1/2 of my songs or something.   I can do that as a test, if advised, but as mentioned before, PlugPlayer can pull up Album pointing to the same media server without issue.

Any advice would be appreciated!



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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #585 on: October 04, 2012, 12:40:22 pm »

thanks for the heads up
knowing it should work i went to investigate further.
it seemed to have been a firewall issue that was keeping me from connecting to mc18. (I don't remember ever having to setup rules for mc17 tho)

chirpp looking at your description it seems the only thing that is the same is your library. so it seems a problem with your current library (or settings) and jremote. have you tried creating a new library and see what happens?

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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #586 on: October 04, 2012, 03:35:30 pm »

chirpp, I'd say it was something in your library.  Special characters in an Artist Name or Albums Name?


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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #587 on: October 04, 2012, 04:12:34 pm »

EJR and Dr Tone, thanks for the replies.

EJR, I created new library's on different systems with still the same results. However, when I create those library's I point to my same music folder on my server Z:\My Music. So it is picking up all of the same files.

Dr Tone, I will have a look at the files. I have 22,000+ in my Audio library.  Is there a method to have it search for special characters?  And by special characters, am I looking for ", ' ^ ~ and such? If I do find them in the name/artist/genre or any tag, I will change it.

Thanks again for the prompt reply!

Dr Tone

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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #588 on: October 04, 2012, 04:18:43 pm »

No I'm thinking maybe characters from other languages.  But it could be anything really.

I'd start by copying a small subset of your library into a new folder, point MC at it and see if it works.  That would definitely tell you if it's something specific in your library.


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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #589 on: October 04, 2012, 05:31:13 pm »

I first created a new library with a smaller amount of artists/albums. That worked. So I started going through all album names and renaming items that I thought the character may have been causing an issue. Still no luck.

I then decided to try Gizmo. That runs fine against the library.  So to me there wouldn't appear to be issues with my library as Plug Player, Gizmo and MyRiver all allow me to select these same options. 

I'll gladly go through the library if LesPaul or others think it may be the issue. I guess I am not seeing how it could be as it works on other programs.  Is it a setting I need to change on my phone?  Too large of library for this?



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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #590 on: October 04, 2012, 05:34:29 pm »

Look for / or \ in the names.


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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #591 on: October 04, 2012, 07:02:03 pm »

Dr Tone, I will have a look at the files. I have 22,000+ in my Audio library.  Is there a method to have it search for special characters?  And by special characters, am I looking for ", ' ^ ~ and such? If I do find them in the name/artist/genre or any tag, I will change it.

See the example in the expression wiki; search for the text "looking for any punctuation character".
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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #592 on: October 04, 2012, 09:53:18 pm »

So AC/DC will need to be changed to AC-DC?
I have the same crash issue with a small play list.  I am not seeing the any bad characters. I attached screen shots to this reply.




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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #593 on: October 04, 2012, 10:06:10 pm »

just for testing I decided maybe either "Stop, Stop, Stop" or "Na, na, na " were causing the issue.  I removed them form the playlist and it comes up ok! 

So I added "Stop, Stop" back in and it worked. Added "Na, Na," and it crashes. Is it too much punctuation?  Other songs in this playlist have Dashes, hyphen, comma and work in this playlist. 

I can't imagine I will go through all songs, artists and albums and remove all commas and hyphens.




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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #594 on: October 04, 2012, 10:12:57 pm »

So I added "Stop, Stop" back in and it worked. Added "Na, Na," and it crashes. Is it too much punctuation?  Other songs in this playlist have Dashes, hyphen, comma and work in this playlist. 

That is the track I was going to guess.  It has a 0 date, which shouldn't exist.  Maybe Lespaul can evaluate w/this track.

There's no reason to remove those characters from the metadata.  Jim mentioned / and \ because some of them have special meaning inside of MC, but unless/until you see the issue, don't worry about it just yet.
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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #595 on: October 04, 2012, 10:15:57 pm »

I think that is just the world's way of dealing with a "jock rock" compilation.... musical karma.

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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #596 on: October 04, 2012, 10:32:40 pm »

OK, you got me on the jock rock. Umm, it was for my kids?

Before reading this I thought I would remove the commas in the song title.  Still failed.  I then thought maybe it was because the commas were in the actual file name. So I made a copy, and removed all commas, then imported again.  it still failed.

I then saw the post about the date.  Added a date and it worked! 

I tried a smartlist and said "date is before 1" and it showed all blank and 0 dates.  I changed all 0 dates to 1901 and all blank dates to 1902.  I was hopeful that pulling up artists would now work, but it does not.  I will go through artists and remove all that have / and \ I guess.

Or are there other fields (I know large question!) that could be causing this? 



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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #597 on: October 05, 2012, 02:40:05 am »

Hi chirpp, I have had one other person having problems with missing tags. Very useful that you tracked it down to the missing date tag.
Please let me know if you find any other issues regarding this, I will include a fix in the next release.

Dr Tone

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Re: Re: Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #598 on: October 05, 2012, 06:10:00 am »

OK, you got me on the jock rock. Umm, it was for my kids?

Before reading this I thought I would remove the commas in the song title.  Still failed.  I then thought maybe it was because the commas were in the actual file name. So I made a copy, and removed all commas, then imported again.  it still failed.

I then saw the post about the date.  Added a date and it worked!  

I tried a smartlist and said "date is before 1" and it showed all blank and 0 dates.  I changed all 0 dates to 1901 and all blank dates to 1902.  I was hopeful that pulling up artists would now work, but it does not.  I will go through artists and remove all that have / and \ I guess.

Or are there other fields (I know large question!) that could be causing this?

I have AC\DC in my artist and albumartist tags and JRemote is fine with it.  I think you might have another tag missing or one with a bad value.

Use mp3tag to look at all your tags at once in a grid view,  something might pop out.


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Re: JRemote, a new native iOS remote for JRiver Media Center
« Reply #599 on: October 05, 2012, 05:08:03 pm »

I Am currently experimenting with getting jriver streamingto JRemote  from outside my local network.
The listed port is opened on the router and for testing purposes temporary shutdown the firewall.
(I tested the open port on some site to make sure)

however it is unable to connect. all settings seem correct including the the ip adress.
then i tried connecting with the iphone browser and i was able to get into the server and browsed to web play. however failed to get anything to actually play.

have i missed a step or overlooking something here?

 I got things to play by using webgizmo instead of webplay. so that means MC is reachable from outside.

still no success with jremote however
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