This is the latest version of MC 17. Please post bugs here. Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion. Non-bug posts will be deleted or moved.
New Features in MC17Upgrade InstructionsDownload: (1/3/2012)
1. Changed: Reverted the publisher in the uninstall to "JRiver" from "JRiver" because the change could cause problems when rolling back to an old build.
2. Fixed: MCWS/v1/Control/Key was not working in Theater View which made Gizmo Theater View remote mode not work.
17.0.61 (1/2/2012)
1. Fixed: Image playback (or other hardware accelerated views) could get into a state when an unexpected redraw was issued by Windows where presentation stalled the main thread and prevented timers from being serviced (so image playback could stall).
2. Fixed: Customization of Gizmo views in Options > Media Network was not working.
3. Fixed: WebGizmo thumbnails would not have text with some browsers.
4. Changed: When dealing with output signals with more than 8 channels, the program assumes the first 8 channels follow the conventional L,R,C,SW,RL,RR,SL,SR ordering for the first 8 channels so that Room Correction, Parametric Equalizer, etc. can be used on the first 8 channels.
5. Fixed: Netflix search box did not work right after exiting and re-entering the Netflix theater view.
6. Fixed: Sound was muted following a DVD seek operation (ff/rew).
7. Changed: A cancel button was added to the "Export all Playlists" wait message.
8. Fixed: Setting the bitstreaming option would fail in some cases (may require manually reenabling bitstreaming one time).
9. Fixed: Image playback was not handling lost Direct3d devices nicely, so locking the screen, etc. could break playback.
10. NEW: Added advanced option to Options > Video called "Aspect ratio mode" which allows setting a global default for video aspect ratio handling (choices: no change, stretch, crop, automatic).
11. Changed: Some tuning to the look and feel of WebGizmo.
12. Changed: Changed copyrights to 2012.
17.0.60 (12/23/2011)
1. NEW:
WebGizmo merges WebPlay and WebRemote and looks like Gizmo for Android (test by navigating to [Library Server URL]/Gizmo).
2. Changed: Revised the layout of library server webpage themes in [Install Path]\Data so that all are beneath [Install Path]\Data\Library Server.
3. SDK: Library Server's HTML engine supports else clauses in conditionals (see WebGizmo for an example).
4. SDK: Merged MCWS Browse/Image and File/GetImage image handling and parameters so sizing control, png, aspect ratio, etc. is available to both.
5. Fixed: Transcoding MP3's to burn a CD was failing in some cases because MC was under-estimating the final size of VBR mp3 files.
6. Changed:
LAV video is now used to play JTV and Mpeg-2 content that used to use the Microsoft video decoder.
7. Fixed: Updated LAV video version to fix an issue with AAC in television.
17.0.59 (12/21/2011)
1. Fixed: Theater View message boxes (or pressing escape to show a message box) could crash in build 58.
2. Changed: Using Rename, Move, & Copy for a video file will also move sidecar edl, srt, smi, idx, sub.
3. Fixed: Renaming a video file would move a sidecar image but not update the image file field, causing the link to the image to be broken.
4. Fixed: Blu-ray titles weren't always showing up in the title menu.
5. Changed: Red October uses the latest LAV filters (v0.43). Improved stability on WinXP, improved MKV performance, fixed problems with MPEG2/H264 broadcasts, AMV decoding, various other improvements.
6. Fixed: Per-file aspect ratio settings were not being preserved between plays.
7. Fixed: Sorting results by match quality wasn't always working well in the Get Movie & TV Info tool.
8. NEW: The file rename and move tool now works with JTV titles in the database.
17.0.58 (12/20/2011)
1. Fixed: In Rename/Move/Copy dialog, VIDEO_TS and BDMV sub-folders were getting doubled up.
2. Fixed: In Detached Display mode, some keyboard shortcuts would not work.
3. Fixed: Rare dead-lock when updating Podcasts.
4. Changed: Renamed the window class names of the playback display (only relevant if you're scripting the program).
5. Changed: Blu-ray title menu shown when "dvd menu" button on remote is pressed.
17.0.57 (12/19/2011)
1. Changed: Updated to madVR v0.80 (fixes issue with black bar cropping in Red October HQ).
2. Fixed: When first adding a folder in Configure Auto-Import, file type selections would not be saved properly.
3. Fixed: CD ripping would fail if meta-data had invalid filename characters embedded.
4. Fixed: Renaming a video with a sidecar image was not working properly.
5. Fixed: Full resolution thumbnail overlays, which are used when using large thumbnails, would flicker when used in album thumbnail views.
6. Changed: JRSS is now supported when doing 12, 16, 24, and 32 channel output (JRSS will populate 7.1 and the other channels will be silent).
7. Fixed: Changes to the bitstreaming mode in Options > Video were not sticking.
8. Fixed: Rename/Copy dialog was showing wrong case for file extension on destination DVD names.