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Author Topic: JRiver Media Center 19.0.82 -- Available Here  (Read 27328 times)


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JRiver Media Center 19.0.82 -- Available Here
« on: November 26, 2013, 08:54:27 am »

This is the latest version of MC19.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted.


Please use the Problems and Questions thread if you need help.

19.0.82 (11/25/2013)

1. NEW: Help > System Info reports anything that changes the system power state in a new 'Power' section (preventing sleep, keeping the monitor on, etc.).
2. Fixed: The monitor would not correctly be allowed to turn off in some cases in the last few builds.
3. Fixed: When doing cover art lookup from the Internet, the second, third, etc. page of results would not always load correctly.

19.0.81 (11/22/2013)

1. Fixed: Importing SACD ISO files could lead to a crash if the SACD had metadata structured in a particular way.
2. Fixed: Some crashes caused by DLNA zones coming and going.
3. Changed: Updated the French language translation (merci bien, rlebrette).
4. SDK: Added MCC_SHOW_TREE to allow showing, hiding, or toggling the tree (MCC code 22029, parameter is -1: toggle, 0: hide, 1: show).
5. Changed: When editing tags, values used in the library but hidden by the current user account will not be offered as choices.
6. Changed: When entering a user account password in Theater View, the typed letters are hidden.
7. Changed: Standardized the display names of input plugins, which are shown in Options > Audio > Advanced > Configure input plug-in...
8. Changed: Picking Library Tools > Convert Format when there's a finished conversion Action Window showing will close the finished conversion instead of erroring and asking the user to close it.
9. Changed: Revised FLAC encoder settings to be more clear that all modes are lossless.
10. Changed: Updated the Chinese language files (thanks kelijun).
11. Fixed: The scrollbars could incorrectly disappear from the Tag Action Window in some cases.
12. Fixed: Videos with WMA audio could sometimes fail to analyze and play
13. Changed: Added support to Carnac for the naming format "Series.###" for television shows (ie. grimm.215.hdtv-lol.mp4).
14. Changed: When drawing a selection box in the image editor, the dimensions and aspect ratio of the selection are shown in the status bar.
15. Changed: 'Critic Rating' field contains attribution (ie. 'Rotten Tomatoes 79% Critic, 86% Audience' instead of '79% Critic, 86% Audience').
16. Fixed: Television recording wizard window was too small to show all controls (especially when scheduling subscription recording).
17. Changed: Improved how memory playback of huge files (like DSD) is managed.

19.0.80 (11/21/2013)

1. Changed: Tuned the image for Explorer in the tree and added a corresponding view header image.
2. Changed: The close, minimize, etc. buttons at the top right of the program could look a little soft with the Noire skin.
3. NEW: When right-clicking a DLNA renderer in the tree, you can select 'Show Device Webpage...' to show the presentation URL exposed by the device in a web browser.

19.0.79 (11/20/2013)

1. NEW: Added a centralized system power manager that can better track if and when the system should be allowed to sleep.
2. Changed: After serving a media file, the computer will not be allowed to sleep for 20 minutes so that a server won't go away while pausing or browsing.
3. Changed: No thumb images are drawn using higher quality resizing (especially important now that the artwork is 4x resolution).
4. Fixed: The Action Window would not properly reload images when changing View > Size, resulting in fuzzy icons until restarting MC.
5. Changed: In Options, the audio, image, and video pages have unique icons instead of sharing a generic playback icon.
6. Fixed: The icons in the options tree on the right were not scaling up nicely with View > Size settings.
7. Changed: Updated icons for stores shown in the tree.
8. Fixed: Double-clicking an unselected pane value would not always register as a double-click.
9. Fixed: Property "This device requires a cable to route sound..." in analog television device configuration was not saved when changing from checked to unchecked state.
10. Fixed: Recording a television show in Theater view on a client did not work (recording order was not sent to the server).

19.0.78 (11/19/2013)

1. NEW: Updated icons and artwork (high resolution enabled for size settings over 100%).
2. Changed: VST effect settings and presets are stored per-zone (sorry, but you may need to reconfigure your VST effects one time).
3. Changed: Added DSD low-pass 'Off' setting to go along with Safe, Medium, and Permissive (might be useful if you have an external low-pass).

19.0.77 (11/15/2013)

1. Fixed: Media Editor could hang when decoding files.
2. Fixed: Seeking videos with Gizmo acting as a remote control was not working properly in the last few builds.
3. Changed: Tweaks to Carnac to better handle filenames that uses spaces instead of dots for delimiting and that use newer tokens like '3d', 'dts-ma.hd.7.1', etc.
4. Changed: Simplified DSD bitstreaming configuration so there's no need to pick DSD vs DoP (this is now controlled by the output plugin).
5. Changed: Added advanced ASIO option 'DSD bitstream in DoP format' for the few devices that use ASIO but do not support native ASIO (Lynx, etc.).
6. Changed: DoP input is reported as 'DoP 2.8MHz 1bit 2ch' in Audio Path instead of being reported as 176.4kHz PCM (the data is DSD but is packaged like PCM with DoP, so both are correct).
7. Changed: Updated YouTube integration to work better with recent YouTube changes.
8. Fixed: When scanning for TV channels, some combo boxes (e.g. "Satellite" for DVB-S, "Provider" for DVB-C, "Frequencies" for QAM) could be incorrectly disabled.
9. Fixed: Graph-building failure when scanning for QAM channels with certain TV tuner devices.

19.0.76 (11/13/2013)

1. Changed: Updated Russian translation file (thanks to Vladimir).
2. Fixed: Drag-n-drop ordering in a list editor would not allow dragging an item more than one spot per drag.
3. Internal: Revised how ASIO driver starts MC and delivers data (should be internal change, but please report any issues).

19.0.75 (11/12/2013)

1. Fixed: Filenames that were exactly 260 characters long would be rejected because they exceed the Windows shell limit, but would not be correctly reported as 'filename too long' on the import summary.
2. Fixed: Theater View Guide arrow navigation could get stuck if a row was blank.
3. Fixed: Revised the rules for Theater View Guide up / down navigation to track more logically in a list with uneven program start times.
4. NEW: Added Options > Audio > Advanced > Auto configure output settings on playback error (previously it was always in 'Ask' mode on Windows and 'Yes' mode on other platforms).

19.0.74 (11/11/2013)

1. Faster: Acquiring images from an Android (or other WPD device) using Action Window > Camera is much faster.
2. Fixed: Possible crashes due to internal optimizations in the last couple builds.

19.0.73 (11/7/2013)

1. Changed: INI files are stored at UTF-8 instead of UTF-16 (only applies to portable installs and library backups).
2. Fixed: Possible crash serving cover art with the web service in build 72.

19.0.72 (11/6/2013)

1. Changed: Revision to how threading is managed when starting video playback (attempt to work around a sporadic hang on some systems when starting video playback).
2. Fixed: Some files could trigger unnecessarily as having external changes in build 70 and 71.
3. SDK: Added MCWS/v1/Handheld/Sync to the web service.
4. SDK: MCWS/v1/Control/MCC can optionally wait for the command to finish before returning by setting Block=1.
5. Faster: Improved the concurrency of MCWS (previously calling the same function multiple times at once would cause the calls to take turns).
6. NEW: TV recording rules allow optionally specifying tags to apply to the recordings they make (similar to how auto-import folder tagging works).
7. Faster: Reduced the chance that clicking a list item will block until the drive spins up or the network path is tried.
8. Faster: When checking for the existence of a missing network drive, which can be slow on Windows, checking the state of other drives from other threads will not also be blocked.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.82 -- Available Here
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2013, 09:04:35 am »

When requesting a jpeg image with pad=1

Code: [Select]
then the 'padded' pixels are always black, while they should have the FillTransparency color?


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.82 -- Available Here
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2013, 10:33:06 am »

When requesting a jpeg image with pad=1

Code: [Select]
then the 'padded' pixels are always black, while they should have the FillTransparency color?

This just wasn't supported, because we filled transparency, then padded.  We'll switch the order for the next build, and it should solve the problem.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.82 -- Available Here
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2013, 02:26:49 pm »

Changed: When entering a user account password in Theater View, the typed letters are hidden.

Awesome Thank You ;D


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.82 -- Available Here
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2013, 03:21:34 pm »

17. Changed: Improved how memory playback of huge files (like DSD) is managed.

Please give more details.  Specifically how and when are files loaded into memory ?   Thanks !


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.82 -- Available Here
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2013, 05:21:41 pm »

11. Fixed: The scrollbars could incorrectly disappear from the Tag Action Window in some cases.
Thank You, Thank You, THANK YOU (This is a Godsend... My tagging will now be cut down immensely)

Just an FYI... the tick boxes are very difficult to read see pic. (using Black on Black Skin)
for time being i can use right click select all or unselect all, but would be nice to see them clearly.



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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.82 -- Available Here
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2013, 05:53:46 pm »

13. Changed: Added support to Carnac for the naming format "Series.###" for television shows (ie. grimm.215.hdtv-lol.mp4).

Thanks MAtt

Also, I like the new icons



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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.82 -- Available Here
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2013, 06:06:37 pm »

Also, I like the new icons
we love the icons 2 :)


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.82 -- Available Here
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2013, 08:21:58 pm »

Minor annoyance: when adding a rating in Playing Now, often something gets in the way (mouse hover info? auto-width/column resizing?) and the rating is increased by one (e.g if I enter a 4-star, it'll become a 5-star).
Windows 10 Pro x64


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.82 -- Available Here
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2013, 11:01:14 pm »

the tick boxes are very difficult to read

Yup, can barely see the tick boxes in blue steel skin to set up DSP.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.82 -- Available Here
« Reply #10 on: November 27, 2013, 12:47:42 am »

Media Server still doesn't start on win 8.1  :(
Happy licensed MC 15-19 User :)
Mac version early bird
My english is not perfect! My native lang is spanish


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.82 -- Available Here
« Reply #11 on: November 27, 2013, 05:12:40 am »

After updating to 19.0.82 this happened:

  • The software reverted back to trial mode, and I had to install the license again. No big deal, but just to let you now.
  • Approximately 5 seconds after I started the application, it freezes/stops responding for about 3-4 seconds (the graphics freeze and you can't click on anything). However, if you had already started playing music, the playback continues. The strange thing is that I noticed this even freezes up typing in Firefox). This happens everytime I start the application.

I also tried disabling automatic updates, because I suspected it was causing the problem, but nope made no difference.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.82 -- Available Here
« Reply #12 on: November 27, 2013, 06:05:32 am »

Double click a file in Playing Now which is included twice in the Playing Now List makes MC play the right file but the view jumps to the place where the file is listed first.

Reported here:
and here:


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.82 -- Available Here
« Reply #13 on: November 27, 2013, 06:32:36 am »

Media Server still doesn't start on win 8.1  :(

It's working here on 8.1.

Double-check Task Manager > Startup.

Please start a new thread if you'd like to explore more.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.82 -- Available Here
« Reply #14 on: November 27, 2013, 08:01:16 am »

Latest (.82) version of JRiver, running Youtube videos, the app is crashing.

To reproduce the crash - Open a Youtube stream within JRiver, detach the video, enlarge it, make it small again (but still detached, i.e double click) to enlarge, do this a few times until the program crashes.  

When the youtube video is playing at the bottom left of JRiver (not detached), switching back and forth to full screen doesn't produce a crash.

I'm using Red Oct Hw, along with smooth motion enabled + custom MadVr settings.  

Event Log -

Faulting application name: Media Center 19.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x52938de6
Faulting module name: dbghelp.dll, version: 6.3.9600.16384, time stamp: 0x52157b79
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x000290d2
Faulting process ID: 0x1248
Faulting application start time: 0x01ceeb783e141fdc
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 19\Media Center 19.exe
Faulting module path: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\dbghelp.dll
Report ID: e47a625b-576b-11e3-bec3-6cf0495ebc61
Faulting package full name:
Faulting package-relative application ID:


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.82 -- Available Here
« Reply #15 on: November 27, 2013, 08:02:56 am »

Fixed: Seeking videos with Gizmo acting as a remote control was not working properly in the last few builds.
Fixed: The scrollbars could incorrectly disappear from the Tag Action Window in some cases.

Thank you.

I'm still having issues with SACD .iso multi-channel tracks continuing to re-import.  The files are not edited outside of MC and are not stored on an external device.  The stereo tracks from the same .iso do not have the same issue.  It appears to be tied to closing and opening Media Server.  More info here:


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.82 -- Available Here
« Reply #16 on: November 27, 2013, 10:29:14 am »

File problem was split to a new thread.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.82 -- Available Here
« Reply #17 on: November 27, 2013, 03:04:37 pm »

Media Center 19 doesn't save the settings when I play youtube videos inside the player.

1.Choose a file from youtube to play inside the player.
2.Before start playing the file, MC is asking you a few options.
3.Choose  play the file in the player and put tick in the box for keep using this answer.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.82 -- Available Here
« Reply #18 on: November 27, 2013, 04:13:02 pm »

Using MC's 'Handheld' sync function to create an mp3 copy of my FLAC library on a removable hard drive I find:

1) Many albums are left incomplete (although the FLAC library contains a complete album, the clone does not, some albums having as few as 1 file in the album) yet the 'Sync' shows divice to be fully sync'ed (even when re-checked)

2) a number of folders on the 'handheld' drive contain zero-length 'flac' files. Since this drive was empty when the Sync was performed these apparently were left behind by MC.  I cannot use MC to delete them as they do not appear in MC's Explorer folders.

3) trying to use 'Recheck Sync' and then running a sync causes MC to create copies of files already on the handheld (MC adds the suffix (1) to the end of the file name) rather than skipping the file or overwriting the existing file.

In the end I have a mess of duplicate files and incomplete albums.

. . . the game is rigged

Jet Silver

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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.82 -- Available Here
« Reply #19 on: November 27, 2013, 04:24:13 pm »

I installed v19.0.54 from the main download to two laptops - all went well and movies played from my JRiver library on WHS 2011 to both laptops just fine. Both had Automatic Updates enabled and installed the latest update today, presumably this version (v19.0.82) After update, both machines take about 10 minutes to load a movie before starting to play it - it seems as though they are buffering the whole movie before starting rather than streaming it. I uninstalled and went back to v19.0.54, problem has gone away. Am I the only person who has suffered this?


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.82 -- Available Here
« Reply #20 on: November 27, 2013, 04:36:16 pm »

Check boxes and other UI Elements difficult to see on black background.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.82 -- Available Here
« Reply #21 on: November 28, 2013, 05:55:10 am »

Check boxes and other UI Elements difficult to see on black background.
Yes, they're very difficult to see when using the "Black on Black" skin for example.
Perhaps they should invert when using a dark skin? (either automatically, or as an option that is set by the skin if that's not possible)


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.82 -- Available Here
« Reply #22 on: November 28, 2013, 07:11:49 am »



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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.82 -- Available Here
« Reply #23 on: November 28, 2013, 07:20:04 am »

Duplicates not being repaired upon import even with Fix Broken Links = Yes:



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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.82 -- Available Here
« Reply #24 on: November 28, 2013, 10:00:54 am »

Shell integration missing, upon updating from '74 to '82.  Missing from folder context, not from individual files.  Windows 8.1 x64
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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.82 -- Available Here
« Reply #25 on: November 28, 2013, 01:49:20 pm »

4. Changed: Simplified DSD bitstreaming configuration so there's no need to pick DSD vs DoP (this is now controlled by the output plugin).

My Vega ASIO driver isn't working but DSD is selected (where DoP) used to be. You are saying to get DSD I must apply to all files? If I enable this with the new method, ALL PCM gets converted to DSD. There is no choice. Previously we could select DoP, and leave output format alone, everything played back in it's native format.

How do you configure just the DSD protocol for just DSD; Output Method applies to all file types.

Maybe there is a glitch somewhere...because something is not working properly, or it was overlooked.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.82 -- Available Here
« Reply #26 on: November 28, 2013, 01:55:13 pm »

You probably need to enable Tools > Options > Audio > Audio Device > Device Settings > DSD bitstream in DoP format
I wonder if that should be the default - most DSD DACs seem to support DoP, but only a few support native DSD.
Or if DSD/DoP bitstreaming fails, perhaps Media Center should offer to switch.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.82 -- Available Here
« Reply #27 on: November 28, 2013, 02:03:23 pm »

You probably need to enable Tools > Options > Audio > Audio Device > Device Settings > DSD bitstream in DoP format
I wonder if that should be the default - most DSD DACs seem to support DoP, but only a few support native DSD.
Or if DSD/DoP bitstreaming fails, perhaps Media Center should offer to switch.

Please see changelog above, that option is gone now.

I see it buried, thanks. Yes DoP pretty common.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.82 -- Available Here
« Reply #28 on: November 28, 2013, 04:18:16 pm »

Shell integration missing, upon updating from '74 to '82.  Missing from folder context, not from individual files.  Windows 8.1 x64
Sometimes shell integration fixes itself with a reboot...


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.82 -- Available Here
« Reply #29 on: November 28, 2013, 04:19:56 pm »

17. Changed: Improved how memory playback of huge files (like DSD) is managed.

Please give more details.  What exactly has changed ?   Previously, some users have asked for information about specifically how and when are files loaded into memory.   Knowing these details actually is helpful in some situations.  Thanks !


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.82 -- Available Here
« Reply #30 on: November 28, 2013, 05:32:49 pm »

Please give more details.  What exactly has changed ?   Previously, some users have asked for information about specifically how and when are files loaded into memory.   Knowing these details actually is helpful in some situations.  Thanks !
I'm guessing it's a fix for the skipping with DSD files rather than changing the behavior of how memory playback works.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.82 -- Available Here
« Reply #31 on: November 28, 2013, 08:12:56 pm »

Sometimes shell integration fixes itself with a reboot...

I'll try that...thanks.

Nope.  That didn't do it either.   Ordinarily, if I have problem with the extension, I just untick the option, restart the program and then re-enable.  That's not working either.
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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.82 -- Available Here
« Reply #32 on: November 29, 2013, 03:19:07 am »

When browsing with a DLNA controller (for example Linn's Kinsky) the icon for "hey, I haven't found a cover image for this one yet" has changed to a white square with a large blue rectangle in it.



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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.82 -- Available Here
« Reply #33 on: November 29, 2013, 08:10:46 pm »

1. NEW: Help > System Info reports anything that changes the system power state in a new 'Power' section (preventing sleep, keeping the monitor on, etc.).
2. Fixed: The monitor would not correctly be allowed to turn off in some cases in the last few builds.
Even with "Disable display from turning off" enabled, if a video is paused, it will turn off. I suppose that behavior is probably correct with audio (though not if your intention is to prevent HDMI audio problems) but it's a nuisance with video.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.82 -- Available Here
« Reply #34 on: November 30, 2013, 01:24:52 am »

Dear JRiver,

Thanks for your great software. Music sounds great!

I want to ask you that :

1- Registration code will be lifetime updates and upgrade?, when I reinstall windows, I use the registration code or registration file to activate?
2- I use SRS AUDIO ESSENTIALS, I can only at direct sound only, not wasapi. Is that correct?


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.82 -- Available Here
« Reply #35 on: November 30, 2013, 01:34:53 am »

This is the latest version of MC19.  Please post bugs here.
19.0.78 (11/19/2013)

1. NEW: Updated icons and artwork (high resolution enabled for size settings over 100%).

Lovin' the funky new icons.

Minor stuff, I've noticed with "Media Editor" when setting up personalised toolbars that it shows as a blank box.

One for the "fix on a rainy day list".
MC33, Win10 x64, HD-Plex H5 Gen2 Case, HD-Plex 400W Hi-Fi DC-ATX / AC-DC PSU, Gigabyte Z370 ULTRA Gaming 2.0 MoBo, Intel Core i7 8700 CPU, 4x8GB GSkill DDR4 RAM, Schiit Modi Multibit DAC, Freya Pre, Nelson Pass Aleph J DIY Clone, Ascension Timberwolf 8893BSRTL Speakers, BJC 5T00UP cables, DVB-T Tuner HDHR5-4DT


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.82 -- Available Here
« Reply #36 on: November 30, 2013, 02:10:23 am »

Please Fix this Error: (Since Build 50, i think)

Looks awful with all info's in one line. No difference between browsing through audio or video files.
Look at Attachment! (Before and Now)
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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.82 -- Available Here
« Reply #37 on: December 04, 2013, 05:30:28 pm »

The Media Editor was fixed to stop it from hanging in MC version 19 when decoding files a few weeks ago but now I'm getting a new error after successfully editing an mp3 file and exiting the program.  I'm running Windows 7 64-bit and tried installing the latest Visual C++ redistributable I could find on the internet (Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable (x86) - 11.0.61030) and still get the error.  See attached screen capture of the error message.
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