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Author Topic: Possible MC20 Features  (Read 90553 times)


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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #100 on: August 05, 2014, 03:32:06 am »

Please consider focusing more on Theater View in this version. I strongly believe that the masses mainly focus on a couch interface for their media centers, and it would probably speed up new user count substantially if this was improved.

Suggested improvements include stuff like:
- Better Touch handling in Theater View (touch mode with different behavior?). It's pretty cumbersome on for example the Surface Pro 2.
- Custom (?) Icons for different file tag values. Like Channels (stereo, 5.1, 7.1), Sound encoding (DTS, DD, DPL), video resolution etc. Ability to add those to the info panels.
- Ability to show summary details on TV Show, Series, Season, Movie, Music, Artist and Album views. With information like Total Movies, Total Series, Total Seasons (within a season), number watched, number not watched, average track rating for albums etc etc. This requires some new fields, or a system to automatically count number of plays, number of files etc. for each underlying view.
- Add a Toolbox or similar page in Theater View, where you can do on the fly and temporary sorting, filtering and view type settings. Perhaps with the ability to change it permanently. This would help new users tremendously, instead of asking them to go into a rather heavy option area in standard view.
- Adding ability to add manual art for movies, series and music. Option to have those files enforced, instead of the online slide show.
- Adding option for Banners (series)
- Ability to change position and size of info panels.
- Ability to add summary fields and similar to main menu. Like the latest 5 movies, episodes, albums. Videos not yet fully watched...
- Openly asking skinners what functions they are missing in Theater View skinning, and adding those. A better 3'rd party skin development would help JRiver tremendously. A huge skinning team is one of the biggest advantages of other Media Centers.
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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #101 on: August 05, 2014, 07:14:27 am »

Please consider focusing more on Theater View in this version. I strongly believe that the masses mainly focus on a couch interface for their media centers, and it would probably speed up new user count substantially if this was improved.

Suggested improvements include stuff like:
- Better Touch handling in Theater View (touch mode with different behavior?). It's pretty cumbersome on for example the Surface Pro 2.
- Custom (?) Icons for different file tag values. Like Channels (stereo, 5.1, 7.1), Sound encoding (DTS, DD, DPL), video resolution etc. Ability to add those to the info panels.
- Ability to show summary details on TV Show, Series, Season, Movie, Music, Artist and Album views. With information like Total Movies, Total Series, Total Seasons (within a season), number watched, number not watched, average track rating for albums etc etc. This requires some new fields, or a system to automatically count number of plays, number of files etc. for each underlying view.
- Add a Toolbox or similar page in Theater View, where you can do on the fly and temporary sorting, filtering and view type settings. Perhaps with the ability to change it permanently. This would help new users tremendously, instead of asking them to go into a rather heavy option area in standard view.
- Adding ability to add manual art for movies, series and music. Option to have those files enforced, instead of the online slide show.
- Adding option for Banners (series)
- Ability to change position and size of info panels.
- Ability to add summary fields and similar to main menu. Like the latest 5 movies, episodes, albums. Videos not yet fully watched...
- Openly asking skinners what functions they are missing in Theater View skinning, and adding those. A better 3'rd party skin development would help JRiver tremendously. A huge skinning team is one of the biggest advantages of other Media Centers.

What he said. +1
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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #102 on: August 05, 2014, 08:17:12 am »

- Add a Toolbox or similar page in Theater View, where you can do on the fly and temporary sorting, filtering and view type settings. Perhaps with the ability to change it permanently. This would help new users tremendously, instead of asking them to go into a rather heavy option area in standard view.


But do you have any suggestions on GUI implementation? That's probably the hardest thing to get right, especially on a 5 button remote.


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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #103 on: August 05, 2014, 08:55:32 am »

Hi, :)

I don't know if this request is for MC 20 or for JRemote. I think it needs updates on both.

What I would like is that with JRemote the "remote" touch path is not only functional in Theater view but also in the other views, including a keyboard function.

I know some might say we have other apps like Mobile Mouse to do it, yes only point is that I don't like to switch apps.

Also very important, I want only one app to explain to my wife ;D


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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #104 on: August 05, 2014, 09:06:22 am »

I'm only asking for one item, but it is a big one: I would like to see moving many of the items in the options panel for Theater View moved to skins. Examples include font size, icon size, file info panel, templates etc.

My reasons are simple:
- with the exception of font size, I would bet money that very few regular users use these features.
- I would also bet that all that do use them could modify the same settings in a skin.
- People complain constantly in the forums that skins do very little to change the look. Not surprising when the big ticket items are in the options panel.
- Most people would be happier picking a skin and having it change the look extensively, rather that spending hours tweaking settings.

So moving them is basically a win win situation. Everyone gets to have what they want. Newbs, Power Users, and skinners. And hopefully more new purchasers so JRiver wins as well...


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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #105 on: August 05, 2014, 09:13:23 am »

Other need and I hope I can explain.

Within DSP I do the filtering of my active stereo loudspeakers with BASS, MID and HIGH. Using ASUS D2X soundcard I have 8 channels and use 6 of them.

In DSP I can only select 5.1 channels as output to have 6 channels available in PEQ. The result is attached.

What I would like is that within the "Output Format" down mixing to 2 channels is done, and then the left and right signal can be "copied" to other channels available on the soundcard.
These channels should then show up in PEQ.

I hope it's clear if not, feel free to come back to me.


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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #106 on: August 05, 2014, 09:30:35 am »


But do you have any suggestions on GUI implementation? That's probably the hardest thing to get right, especially on a 5 button remote.

My first thought was to replace the Small Info Pane with such options. Here's a quick mockup. If the area for use is the info pane, it would certainly be more space for some graphical improvements as well.
Options for the Appearance view could be things like List Styles, Placement of the Info Pane (right or left), caption options, skin selection and so on.
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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #107 on: August 05, 2014, 09:33:28 am »

Please use another thread for design discussion. 


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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #108 on: August 05, 2014, 05:03:42 pm »

Ability to Stream with SiriusXM.


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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #109 on: August 06, 2014, 12:34:18 am »

DSP settings per track.

 ;D   Yes! oh please yes!!   :-*
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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #110 on: August 06, 2014, 02:12:12 am »

Better handling of Internet radio stations.  You can do it now by saving them to a playlist, but it's awkward and hard to explain.

+1  What you said is true


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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #111 on: August 06, 2014, 03:05:19 am »

Ok, I know that there is a party mode but in party mode, all changes to files/DB are rejected.

I need something in between full access and no access. Sort of a limited access mode. Or maybe a simple edit mode

I'd like to release my wife/kids on MC. They're quite adept on computers but MC standardview is complicated and I can see scenarios where they'll destroy.

Is it possible to limit access to, say:
o Change caption on single file.
o Apply certain keywords on single files.
o Create playlists (and destroy those playlists).
o Add files to those playlists


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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #112 on: August 06, 2014, 04:41:57 am »

Please consider focusing more on Theater View in this version. I strongly believe that the masses mainly focus on a couch interface for their media centers, and it would probably speed up new user count substantially if this was improved.

Suggested improvements include stuff like:
- Better Touch handling in Theater View (touch mode with different behavior?). It's pretty cumbersome on for example the Surface Pro 2.
- Custom (?) Icons for different file tag values. Like Channels (stereo, 5.1, 7.1), Sound encoding (DTS, DD, DPL), video resolution etc. Ability to add those to the info panels.
- Ability to show summary details on TV Show, Series, Season, Movie, Music, Artist and Album views. With information like Total Movies, Total Series, Total Seasons (within a season), number watched, number not watched, average track rating for albums etc etc. This requires some new fields, or a system to automatically count number of plays, number of files etc. for each underlying view.
- Add a Toolbox or similar page in Theater View, where you can do on the fly and temporary sorting, filtering and view type settings. Perhaps with the ability to change it permanently. This would help new users tremendously, instead of asking them to go into a rather heavy option area in standard view.
- Adding ability to add manual art for movies, series and music. Option to have those files enforced, instead of the online slide show.
- Adding option for Banners (series)
- Ability to change position and size of info panels.
- Ability to add summary fields and similar to main menu. Like the latest 5 movies, episodes, albums. Videos not yet fully watched...
- Openly asking skinners what functions they are missing in Theater View skinning, and adding those. A better 3'rd party skin development would help JRiver tremendously. A huge skinning team is one of the biggest advantages of other Media Centers.


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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #113 on: August 06, 2014, 07:47:12 pm »

"Duplicate prevention, detection, and repair."

Yes. One of my external drives recently lost connection. I found most of the missing files in a backup location. Then I fixed the drive (SATA connection failed, USB works fine) and now I have duplicates. I know it is possible to remove them but it will take me two hours to find the best method in the forum, experiment, test, then finally get it mostly right. JRiver Media Center has great functionality but if that functionality is only accessible by the programmers and a few cognoscenti then the rest of us are often spinning our wheels.


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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #114 on: August 06, 2014, 09:15:59 pm »

I think you should just implement my modified Watched functionality "officially" and replace the current behavior of Watched() with it.  Because it is better.
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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #115 on: August 06, 2014, 10:12:44 pm »

You can rate from Gizmo.  You need a recent version.
I do have the most recent version, I just forgot that feature got added.  To be honest, I haven't been using Gizmo as much lately due to previous frustrations with the other items on my list (it's just plain easier and more reliable to find and play what I want from my library using Google's Play Music).  I'll try spending some more time with it, but the ability to do easier searches by being able to narrow down the search parameters (through the GUI) and the ability to create playlists are still pretty high on my wish list.


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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #116 on: August 07, 2014, 04:04:17 am »

I think you should just implement my modified Watched functionality "officially" and replace the current behavior of Watched() with it.  Because it is better.

That would be a quick addition, and a small one many would appreciate. The current implementation are not great. And on top of that, the function it one third broken.
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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #117 on: August 07, 2014, 06:10:33 am »

Better handling of Internet radio stations.  You can do it now by saving them to a playlist, but it's awkward and hard to explain.

Love this! It would allow my wife to use MC, and then she would be an ally, not an opponent...


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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #118 on: August 07, 2014, 08:47:28 am »

I would like to be able to create custom "liner notes".  My suggested solution is a database field that takes one or more hyperlinks.  Or multiple such fields.  Maybe the link opens in a new tab?

I often sit on the couch listening to music with my laptop in hand controlling the stereo system via Media Network.  It would be nice to be able to click through to my own collection of info related to whatever I'm listening to. 



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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #119 on: August 07, 2014, 06:44:56 pm »

This has been requested before but I haven't seen it list in the new features for MC20.

Would love to see a "Add After Current Album" option.  So that those of us that like to listen to whole albums can add an album as "Next To Play" without interrupting the current album and without having to add it to the end of the playlist.

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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #120 on: August 08, 2014, 03:42:51 am »

A simple sleep timer that shuts down or puts windows to sleep would be great. I like the Media Monkey features of the Sleep timer as a reference point. This would allow me to use only one streaming software for my music. :)
Thanks for considering


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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #121 on: August 08, 2014, 07:20:53 am »

- BD Menus

+1 million (so I don't need an external player).


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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #122 on: August 08, 2014, 02:06:06 pm »

DVR-ing of Live Webcasts (these are usually in Youtube , so just doing it for Live Youtube Webcasts is fine).

(even recording of Live Youtube Webcasts would be a big help.)

[ Glynor +1-ed this when it was originally suggested in the other forum. ]


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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #123 on: August 09, 2014, 12:20:05 am »

Gizmo is really in need of some TLC.  I would like to be able to:

 rate from Gizmo
 search within subcategories, such as Media Type, Artist, Album, etc.
 create playlists
 disconnection recovery

Yes please!  particularly disconnection recovery. I'd love gizmo to be  able to resume playback from where it was.


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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #124 on: August 09, 2014, 09:53:12 pm »

Unified setup for Theater View, Gizmo and JRemote.


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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #125 on: August 10, 2014, 12:56:35 am »

1. Better memory management (JRiver19 hang too oft)
2. .NET 4.5.2 support


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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #126 on: August 10, 2014, 07:16:06 am »

1. Better memory management (JRiver19 hang too oft)
There are no known problems that could cause that.  Please start a thread with more details.  Antivirus programs can cause problems like that.


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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #127 on: August 10, 2014, 12:08:23 pm »

Please consider focusing more on Theater View in this version. I strongly believe that the masses mainly focus on a couch interface for their media centers, and it would probably speed up new user count substantially if this was improved.

Suggested improvements include stuff like:
- Better Touch handling in Theater View (touch mode with different behavior?). It's pretty cumbersome on for example the Surface Pro 2.
- Custom (?) Icons for different file tag values. Like Channels (stereo, 5.1, 7.1), Sound encoding (DTS, DD, DPL), video resolution etc. Ability to add those to the info panels.
- Ability to show summary details on TV Show, Series, Season, Movie, Music, Artist and Album views. With information like Total Movies, Total Series, Total Seasons (within a season), number watched, number not watched, average track rating for albums etc etc. This requires some new fields, or a system to automatically count number of plays, number of files etc. for each underlying view.
- Add a Toolbox or similar page in Theater View, where you can do on the fly and temporary sorting, filtering and view type settings. Perhaps with the ability to change it permanently. This would help new users tremendously, instead of asking them to go into a rather heavy option area in standard view.
- Adding ability to add manual art for movies, series and music. Option to have those files enforced, instead of the online slide show.
- Adding option for Banners (series)
- Ability to change position and size of info panels.
- Ability to add summary fields and similar to main menu. Like the latest 5 movies, episodes, albums. Videos not yet fully watched...
- Openly asking skinners what functions they are missing in Theater View skinning, and adding those. A better 3'rd party skin development would help JRiver tremendously. A huge skinning team is one of the biggest advantages of other Media Centers.

Yes. This, would go a very long way to making the product more main stream. You have tons of functionality just need to get the aesthetics and INTUITIVE workflow right (eye candy goes a long way as well). If SageTv would have done this they wouldn't have needed to sell out to Google.  Learn from those mistakes.



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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #128 on: August 10, 2014, 02:35:54 pm »

Yes. This, would go a very long way to making the product more main stream. You have tons of functionality just need to get the aesthetics and INTUITIVE workflow right (eye candy goes a long way as well). If SageTv would have done this they wouldn't have needed to sell out to Google.  Learn from those mistakes.
Thanks for the advice, but we're doing pretty well as it is.  "intuitive" could mean anything.


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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #129 on: August 10, 2014, 04:54:17 pm »

Thanks for the advice, but we're doing pretty well as it is.  "intuitive" could mean anything.

How about bringing back what was taken away from us since MC16, specifically Mini View Skins? I sure do miss my Amped2 Mini View Skin, all though I do appreciate the advances you've made with DPS Studio. :)



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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #130 on: August 10, 2014, 05:21:04 pm »

How about bringing back what was taken away from us since MC16, specifically Mini View Skins? I sure do miss my Amped2 Mini View Skin, all though I do appreciate the advances you've made with DPS Studio. :)
Replaced with CD Art Display support - though the site for CAD appears to be dead now?


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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #131 on: August 11, 2014, 02:33:52 pm »

is it possible to have this feature :
Capture frame from video and save it to jpeg image
Would like to keep a photo of your favourite movie scene
Use a Frame capture feature to do that easily.
take screenshots in jpg or bmp formats and define their filename format.

thank you

Did you know that there are still some other threads that you haven't posted this to? You might want to try those after you've had a rest. Also, the forum software allows you to create as many threads as you want, so you could make multiple requests, each with a slightly different title. Each one bumps somebody else's thread off the front page, so pretty soon the whole forum could be your request. So what if your question has been answered (at least twice)? You may have also sparked a discussion that could increase MC's capability in this issue. Who knows what more good could come about if you just keep on posting this?


And welcome to the forums.


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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #132 on: August 11, 2014, 02:37:30 pm »

I combined some and moved them to the MC19 board.


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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #133 on: August 11, 2014, 03:27:42 pm »

This has been requested before but I haven't seen it list in the new features for MC20.

Would love to see a "Add After Current Album" option.  So that those of us that like to listen to whole albums can add an album as "Next To Play" without interrupting the current album and without having to add it to the end of the playlist.


Next build of MC20:
NEW: Added Play > Add (after current album) to play files after the current album ends.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center

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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #134 on: August 11, 2014, 03:42:16 pm »

Love the software and think there is nothing better but a few suggestions below mainly practical user interface suggestions. I only have it a few months so maybe some of these things are already there. Please feel free to let me know if they are, first post so go easy on me, only trying to help…
•   Make the loopback feature easier to use (more automated) and permanent so that if I play anything outside of JRiver it goes though JRiver for parametric equaliser etc. If I want to turn it off I just turn it off. There should be no need to go into windows playback device settings to toggle defaults.
•   Make access to the web through JRiver easier, i.e. for playing youtube, sound cloud etc. Right now I can’t see a simple way other than choosing google via browsing artists, maybe there is but it is not obvious
•   Make the tab list on the left hand side fully editable, there are a number of things there I never use and the just make it difficult to access what I want.
•   Always be able to show the bit rate of the song being playing in the now playing bar. Can’t remember why it does not show this for me now but I remember reading on the forums at some stage that this is the way it ends up I think when one of the DSP settings are used.I think it only show the bitrate of what is going to the DAC not the bit rate of the song.
•   In theatre mode make netflicks and youtube more like they are on the web, for both you need to know what you are looking for and causal browsing is difficult
•   Have the option to always include all audio and or video when using the search bar. Really annoyed the way I have to be in artist tab to find an artist. If I am browsing an album or ripping something I have to go back to the artist tab to search for a new artist.
•   Make it easier to import settings for parametric equaliser from REW
•   I used another media program where a box would open up in the  corner automatically with details about the artist and song, I think from wiki. I liked that, can’t see that JRiver has this.
•   Have the JRemote show bit rate, very important to me, other details would be good too.
•   In Jremotea  long press  on a song brings up the option to go to artist or album that the song is from similar to google play music
•   Have JRemote have a playing now button always on top right and be able to toggle between it and the menu one had been in previously


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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #135 on: August 11, 2014, 04:08:59 pm »

•   Make the tab list on the left hand side fully editable, there are a number of things there I never use and the just make it difficult to access what I want.
Open the options window (Tools → Options) and search for "Features" at the bottom of the window. You can disable features that you don't use. (e.g. video, images, documents etc.)
Any other item can be removed from the tree by right-clicking and selecting delete.

•   Always be able to show the bit rate of the song being playing in the now playing bar. Can’t remember why it does not show this for me now but I remember reading on the forums at some stage that this is the way it ends up I think when one of the DSP settings are used.I think it only show the bitrate of what is going to the DAC not the bit rate of the song.
Bitrate is a real-time display and only works when the Memory Playback option is disabled.   Done
It might be useful for Media Center to display the average bitrate (what appears in the bitrate field) when Memory Playback is enabled.


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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #136 on: August 11, 2014, 04:28:21 pm »

Windows MC20 serve video to Mac MC20...   Done
THAT's what I'm talking about.


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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #137 on: August 11, 2014, 10:00:09 pm »

Thanks for the advice, but we're doing pretty well as it is.  "intuitive" could mean anything.

I'll try and create some concrete examples that might be a little more constructive. There's nothing wrong with trying to do better than you already are :-)


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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #138 on: August 11, 2014, 10:03:52 pm »

I'll try and create some concrete examples that might be a little more constructive. There's nothing wrong with trying to do better than you already are :-)
Imagine that we are.


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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #139 on: August 12, 2014, 07:28:01 pm »

Next build of MC20:
NEW: Added Play > Add (after current album) to play files after the current album ends.
That reminds me... that for several years I've been requesting:

Add Album to Playing Now    Done

This would consist of the software doing a "Locate Album" followed by an "Add to Playing Now" (once again to force the computer to automatically do things that we currently have to do manually).

That last request had somewhere between 5 and 10 "+1s" IIRC.

Thanks !

( For example, if you right-click on "When I'm 64", and choose "Add Album to Playing Now", it would add all of Sgt Pepper to Playing Now... )


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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #140 on: August 13, 2014, 10:07:58 am »

•   Make it easier to import settings for parametric equaliser from REW

This would be quite handy.


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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #141 on: August 13, 2014, 10:15:47 am »

That reminds me... that for several years I've been requesting:

Add Album to Playing Now

This would consist of the software doing a "Locate Album" followed by an "Add to Playing Now" (once again to force the computer to automatically do things that we currently have to do manually).

Next build of MC20:
NEW: Added Play > Add (album) to add full albums to Playing Now.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #142 on: August 13, 2014, 10:29:07 am »

Bitrate is a real-time display and only works when the Memory Playback option is disabled.

Next build of MC20:
Changed: When memory playback is enabled, the bitrate will display the average bitrate of the file instead of no bitrate.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center

Awesome Donkey

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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #143 on: August 13, 2014, 12:16:07 pm »

Here's one, allowing a abbreviated bit depth column. For example this would allow changing 44100 Hz to 44.1 kHz when displayed.
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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #144 on: August 13, 2014, 12:30:24 pm »

Here's one, allowing a abbreviated bit depth column. For example this would allow changing 44100 Hz to 44.1 kHz when displayed.

You can already do that with an expression. Under Options, Library, Manage Library Fields, create a new field. I named it 'Sample Rate (kHz)'. Select Calculated data and paste the following:

Code: [Select]
FormatNumber(math([Sample Rate,0] / 1000), 1)


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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #145 on: August 13, 2014, 02:06:56 pm »

I think you should just implement my modified Watched functionality "officially" and replace the current behavior of Watched() with it.  Because it is better.

That thread is huge.  I'm having trouble finding what you mean.  Could you start a new thread with just your request in it?
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #146 on: August 13, 2014, 04:46:50 pm »

What I would like is that within the "Output Format" down mixing to 2 channels is done, and then the left and right signal can be "copied" to other channels available on the soundcard.
These channels should then show up in PEQ.

That's what "2 channels (inside 5.1 channel container)", etc. are for.  Only the downmixing of the two main channels will be done.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #147 on: August 13, 2014, 06:11:58 pm »

Replaced with CD Art Display support - though the site for CAD appears to be dead now?

CD Art Display was basically forked into Rainmeter.
Supports all the same skins etc., just a little newer :)



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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #148 on: August 13, 2014, 08:35:22 pm »

Next build of MC20:
NEW: Added Play > Add (album) to add full albums to Playing Now.

Many thanks !!


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Re: Possible MC20 Features
« Reply #149 on: August 13, 2014, 09:10:17 pm »

That thread is huge.  I'm having trouble finding what you mean.  Could you start a new thread with just your request in it?

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