I mentioned on the Tidal thread I can't test it where I am, but Qobuz which I believe to be similiar (lossless streaming) has in its config panel a buffer (
tampon memoire if any frenchies are reading this). I have set this to a very low setting (64kb). If Tidal has the same setting try setting it to the lowest possible buffer if your internet connection can handle it.
Otherwise, what Jim is saying is what you want to do, even if it seems like you should go the other way around. I have set up three machines on one
All but one machine has both the audio device settings buffer and (under advanced) the latency are set below 50 milliseconds. I'd avoid the minimum hardware setting though. Remember to juggle both.
First I create a zone, call it streaming or whatever. Then I start first to set the device setting at 50 milliseconds and move the latency setting down gradually
starting at 50ms. If it gets to 10, go to the buffer setting and decrease that gradually. Then do an audio/video sync to fine tune between the two parameters.
Also uncheck memory playback option in JRiver (can't help, could hurt) as these streams are stored in a cache anyways
If you are using multiple machines, remember that each macine will be different
EDIT -- hmm, maybe this is not the only problem ... see this post