I guess at this point that the thread is dead and I'm to not use this feature?
By the way... No, don't assume that. If you haven't heard back on something in a bit, it doesn't mean they've necessarily given up, just that they're stumped or don't have enough info (or got distracted by some other shiny object). In this case, I think they're stumped.
Bump the thread, and try new ways to test it. And, try to explain things again in new ways. You just taught me something new about your issue. I realize you'd said that before, but people make lots of assumptions about how things work, and if it isn't explained in detail, it's too easy to assume the "worst"... You know?
In my defense: Since you never explicitly said that the same exact videos worked in Standard View In the Player (as opposed to the embedded browser) and since my tests showed no difference between Theater View and playing in the Player from Standard View, I assumed you didn't know about this difference and were just saying they worked in the browser in Standard View. I was wrong, obviously, but see how things can slip by?
Also, this:
We can't fix what we can't reproduce. Sorry.
I can't speak for him, of course, but based on knowing Jim, I think he meant "give us more to go on" rather than "we've given up, you're on your own". If Jim means the latter, he usually says so, pretty darn clearly.