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 on: Today at 01:18:53 am 
Started by park - Last post by JimH
JRiver for Android does run on Android TV.  You can connect to JRiver Media Center running on another machine.

 on: Today at 01:08:51 am 
Started by park - Last post by park

Wondering if there are any plans to make a Media Center client app for Android TV. Something where the primary use is to connect to our real Media Servers for playback only of music, photo albums, and our TV/Movie collections.

I understand that the challenge is that you dont know what codecs each TV manufacturer supports for playback. I wonder if this cant be overcome? Does android allow you to check installed codecs? Or could you have a sample of the common codecs and profiles and run a check for each file type on initial install? Then this client could essentially tell the server when it needs a transcode performed and what codec to use and what to do with subtitles.

I dont understand the technical barriers, just spitballing

 on: Today at 12:48:16 am 
Started by darichman - Last post by park
Just want to say thanks for all the Image work to JRiver
Its great to now be able to see my processed toned photos with pretty previews inside Media Center. Also good that hard work done tagging locations and faces in Lightroom is now reflected in Media Center.

Would be great if Media Center added a Map view that filtered the photo list down to places visible on the map, like Lightroom has.

Also, does anybody have a good way of syncing Lightroom Collections to Media Center Albums or Playlists? I am guessing that adding a Keyword group called "Collections" and then manually tagging photos with the Collection names would be one way of getting the info over to Media Center, but manual and time consuming.

 on: Yesterday at 07:14:35 pm 
Started by The Computer Audiophile - Last post by zoom+slomo
I’m using Anubis and HAPI Mk2. Fantastic solution. Yes, multiple NADACs can be synced together.
Multiple NADACs? What are they; $11K each? Of course, forums that run DCS banners are bound to have members with money to burn, but what's infuriating about MCH DACs like the Hapi is the paucity of any inclusive, user friendly, cost effective master and basic volume/mute remote. When I suggested issuing such a handheld device, Rune or another Merging support person argued that Hapi is targeted to the Pro Audio market (really?) and who prefer wirED remotes. They suggested adding Anubis (> $2K) or opting for NADAC ($11K). Really? That kind of money to get master volume/mute remote control? And Anubis is wirED box. Indeed, a   well known CE hardware reviewer and Hapi owner recently said that he got the same reply upon making this request.

As for JRemote, my iPhone 7+ has been great as a phone, a flashlight and a quick and nice YouTube player. But as a handheld volume/mute, for what I expect to be a pretty high end sounding 3.1 home theater system, its heavy 3” wide mass would be total hell to fumble with. Seriously, we’ve all had years of experience with Oppo and Pioneer BD player remotes to know what kind of remote would and would not be an ergonomic nightmare, so let’s not kid ourselves or insult anyone’s intelligence over these facts. 

I just wish that more great sounding sensible MCH DAC solutions for home users, like the Okto Pro 8, were available, but which had the Hapi’s range of output voltage, so I wouldn't have to play insane guessing games over any problematic gain loss issues that could arise when applying filters created with DIRAC Live or other room correction software.

At least Okto had no issues including a wireless remote with the DAC 8 Pro, of course.

 on: Yesterday at 06:27:25 pm 
Started by TunesTalk - Last post by TunesTalk
I do have the older  X - HD , I used prior to the Mac...that was windows....
so can I plug that in the Mac and it will ask me  to format  it ... or ? because used previously ...

I'll suspect any info on it..will be erased ?  or need to be erased  ?
  before  I can  use  it now , as  mentioned,  for the music ?


 on: Yesterday at 05:40:34 pm 
Started by Manni - Last post by SamuriHL
Drat, same as mine, so no idea why it works/blanks for you according to delay and it doesn't for me. Until I get the display to blank according to the delay specified, I don't think there is any point in going further.

Can you share any options you've changed in video settings or JRVR settings that might cause this difference? Are you using bitstreaming for audio? I do, maybe it does something when playback starts that causes this.

Nothing really changed.  Yes bitstreaming for sure.  So definitely not the issue there.

 on: Yesterday at 05:38:09 pm 
Started by Manni - Last post by Manni
My desktop is 120 10 bit rgb in the nVidia cp

Display Settings automatic change mode: Custom
Wait after change (use if display changes slowly): 1 second
FILM (23.976): 3840x2160 - 32 bit @ 119 Hz
FILM( 24): 3840x2160 - 32 bit @ 120 Hz

The rest are set to Desktop Settings

Drat, same as mine, so no idea why it works/blanks for you according to delay and it doesn't for me. Until I get the display to blank according to the delay specified, I don't think there is any point in going further.

Can you share any options you've changed in video settings or JRVR settings that might cause this difference? Are you using bitstreaming for audio? I do, maybe it does something when playback starts that causes this.

 on: Yesterday at 05:30:15 pm 
Started by Manni - Last post by SamuriHL
My desktop is 120 10 bit rgb in the nVidia cp

Display Settings automatic change mode: Custom
Wait after change (use if display changes slowly): 1 second
FILM (23.976): 3840x2160 - 32 bit @ 119 Hz
FILM( 24): 3840x2160 - 32 bit @ 120 Hz

The rest are set to Desktop Settings

 on: Yesterday at 04:59:17 pm 
Started by andromaya - Last post by andromaya
Just to be sure, I sent you the zip by mail yesterday @bob

 on: Yesterday at 04:48:36 pm 
Started by Manni - Last post by Manni
Yes there's a very visible difference for me.  When I initially went from 0.5 to 2, it basically blanks the screen for 2 seconds before activating HDR mode.  At least on my G2 that's what it does.  2 is far too long for my taste so I'm happy it works at 1.  It does not, however, work at 0.5 for me.

Thanks, so that’s the first thing I have to resolve, and probably why it doesn’t help in my case. Changing the delay doesn’t make any difference here (no blanking at all, even with 5 or 15 secs). Have you tried with a 119p or 120p default refresh rate, going to 119p or 120p? Maybe you can reproduce what I experience if you mirror this.

Otherwise please tell me what your options are and I’ll try to see what’s different.

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