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 on: Today at 10:27:48 am 
Started by Mr Swordfish - Last post by JimH
I'd buy a new drive.  They aren't expensive.  Or use another machine, just to test, if available.

Your description sounds like something other than MC is having trouble.

 on: Today at 10:24:54 am 
Started by ndgame - Last post by JimH
Is MC directly connected to the AVR?  HDMI, USB?

MC has several volume settings.  Click on the volume icon in the upper left corner to see them. 

If you're controlling volume with another device, set MC to full volume. 

Can you be more specific about your setup?

 on: Today at 10:13:24 am 
Started by TunesTalk - Last post by Awesome Donkey
Generally to uninstall an app on macOS you simply drag the app (Media Center 32 in this case) within the Applications folder to the trash and that's pretty much it. Just make sure it isn't running when doing so.

 on: Today at 09:29:27 am 
Started by ndgame - Last post by ndgame
I spent some time organizing and getting MC setup the way I wanted this past weekend.

I have 2 questions here that I am trying to figure out.   With audio out I want all audio to just passthrough just as it was recorded and let my AVR do the processing.   What I have noticed is this, when using my Zidoo or ATV with the same movie and I set the AVR to the same volume that the sound that is coming from JRiver is really quiet and low compared to other streaming devices.  Granted I know the ATV doesn't do bit streaming but the Zidoo does and the result is the same with it.  In audio settings I have tried my NVidia wasapi and nvidia default neither makes a difference and I do have bitstreaming selected.  What should I be using?

The 2nd issue that I am finding is when I start a movie with JRiver in the very beginning the audio is in sync find but the longer the movie plays the more out of sync the audio gets which makes it hard to offset this with the AVR.  Does anyone know why it does this and how I can fix it?

 on: Today at 09:22:20 am 
Started by Randy Alexander - Last post by Randy Alexander
I am sorry to say still having major problems. it was fine briefly other than artwork and playlists and that I can work with. Now every time I go into MC32 I am asked "Do you want to allow changes" I accept and the library loads but cannot see my network player. I try and go back to MC25 and it now does not work at all, attempts conn several times then get "error loading library". Obviously, I am not knowledgeable with computer usage but have always managed to struggle through. I would really appreciate any advice. The only thing I did when away over the weekend was connect my Bluetooth headphones to play MC32. I still have that connection and have since added another bluetooth speaker so MC32 is there ok. Somehow I lost the connection to my network player. I have restarted a few times. On laptop when in "Bluetooth and devices" I see the headphones and speaker under audio and below it my Network player in "other devices" but not connected.

 on: Today at 09:07:49 am 
Started by Manni - Last post by Manni
I'm nearly certain it won't make any difference in my setup but I'll try at some point today.

Thanks a lot, much appreciated :)

 on: Today at 09:02:47 am 
Started by bob - Last post by bob
FLAC is audio.  I'm trying to play video files encoded in HVEC.  I've tried in an mp4 and mkv container and it doesn't work.  Audio only.

I also tried video conversion settings in media network but that too doesn't work.
I assume it plays fine in MC? What version of MC on what platform?
What it in the compression filed for a file that doesn't play?
Number of channels and sample rate?

 on: Today at 09:02:40 am 
Started by Mr Swordfish - Last post by Mr Swordfish
Let it run.

It happened again yesterday, so I let it sit over night.  After 12 hours  it still wasn't moving.

I understand that I can't expect MC to rip every CD that I throw at it. If the disc is defective, it's defective and perhaps another drive or ripping software will work, or not.  That's not really the issue.

The issue is the failure mode.  If MC simply reported "Sorry, this CD can't be ripped" that would be fine.  Instead, what happens is that the software hangs, the UI is frozen, using task manager to end task doesn't work, and even restarting windows doesn't solve anything.  I have to do a hard reboot by unplugging the AC power to get Windows up and running again.  If I just do a restart the system hangs at the "Restarting" screen.

In other words, when MC encounters a problematic CD, it dorks the entire OS.  That shouldn't happen. I seem to see it with about 1 in 30 CDs. Usually I can rip the CD using other software.

Logfile attached.

 on: Today at 08:59:05 am 
Started by cncb - Last post by cncb
Is there any customization possible on the displayed titles for e.g. videos?  For example, I use a dynamically generated field in MC for the title that incorporates some minimum amount of information into the title such as format (BD, UHD, 4K, etc...), which makes selecting from a list where multiple versions are available much easier.

Yes.  See the first post, the Custom Library Fields section.

 on: Today at 08:56:27 am 
Started by cncb - Last post by cncb
Forgot to mention that v1.13.2 is available which mainly has the Android TV changes that were discussed recently.

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