Just doing a little maintenance on our server copy of MC - and I noticed a very troubling issue with dates. Specifically the date stamps that MC is applying to specific files.
As many other do - I noticed the issue when I clicked on my Recent Albums view - mine is very simple - I expect to see albums that were recently imported within the last 90 days - using the following criteria:

However - on the server instance of MC - I am seeing a ton of albums that were imported seemingly years ago - suddenly appearing in this view. All of them have an "imported" date of May 12, 2017 - which I do not understand at all as I clearly did not import these a week ago. Some albums that are appearing in the view that make no sense at all - here is one that was created in 2012, modified in 2013 but imported last week?:

Even more odd is what is happening with the
Date Created field. Here is what I see on an album that i did import correctly on Feb 27, 2017:

Now - just yesterday - I updated the JUST album artwork to a 1000x1000 image that I found. The update was successful - but now MC thinks I "created" this album on the same day that I made a minor update to the file?
EDIT: I just checked about 30 albums that I updated the artwork on yesterday and today - and all of them have a Date Added date of either yesterday or today. Not making much sense?
Just so I am clear - what exactly does Date Created stand for within the MC universe? The way I read it - I would expect the Date Created field to equal the Date Imported field - if the album is net new to the library. And I would expect this field to
never change following a small edit. I would expect the Date Modified date to change (which it did - to the same value as shown above) But maybe I am misinterpreting what this field means?
I am very concerned with Date Imported field - luckily it only seems to have occurred once on May 12. And it seems to have only affected a very small section of the "A's" in my library. Date Imported was altered on Adele, Bryan Adams, Aleta Adams, A Fine Frenzy etc and a whole wack of "Assorted" albums and then suddenly stopped.
But I have no idea what MC was doing. Friday the 12th of May between 5:15pm and 5:25pm - was a work day and I was not making changes to MC at this time. Yet - I see a huge amount of files altered.
Is there any way to modify Date Imported back to a more realistic value so my library can be corrected?