I fired up v11.1 yesterday for the first time in months.
In all the areas I visited, MC 12 was streets ahead already. All areas that is,
except, the tag info window.
The speed was instantly noticeable, with 11.1 being so much slower practically everywhere, thumbnail image quality was dire in comparison to v12, the library browser menu changes? much better in v12...
That tag info window though....
Such a pivotal area, you know?, and after spending a lot of time trying to get my head around v12's tag window, v11.1's was like a breath of fresh air!!
I need, for example, to be able to reset the playcounts on some images, tag some music using the people tag, set the artist tag on my music videos......
My understanding is that these work-shy tags are being tracked down, and hopefully, the net is closing in on them.
There's things about v12's tag window I really like, such as the new tooltips for things like lyrics, and Bios, but, what's the point of them if they're gone by the time you've read two lines? Couldn't they be made to stay so long as the mouse is over them?
Am I the only one experiencing
massive lag when I click on 'playlists' in the new tag window?
Which brings me to another downside of the 11.1 --> 12 changes... namely, the 'playlists' tree no longer remembers where you were last time, and now, always opens fully collapsed, which is a little cumbersome to say the least.
dcwebman, love that mock-up. very neat indeed