Hi Markus,
Diffrent Chris

I got it up and running on the Onkyo 905. Great effort!
I know it's a beta/proof of concept, but do you have any other buttons codes like the ones on your page?
<div class=bx onclick="command('iscp','SLI01','1')"><p>SAT</p></div>
<div class=bx onclick="command('iscp','SLI00','1')"><p>VCR</p></div>
<div class=bx onclick="command('iscp','SLI10','1')"><p>DVD</p></div>
<div class=bx onclick="command('iscp','SLI29','1')"><p>NET/USB</p></div>
<div class=bx onclick="command('iscp','SLI02','1')"><p>GAME</p></div>
<div class=bx onclick="command('iscp','SLI26','1')"><p>TUNER</p></div>
<div class=bx onclick="command('iscp','SLI28','1')"><p>iRADIO</p></div>
The only thing that doesn't work is multi press a button (like Net/Usb) to select a second function.
Great work.