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Author Topic: JRiver Media Center 19.0.87 -- Available Here  (Read 20652 times)


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JRiver Media Center 19.0.87 -- Available Here
« on: December 05, 2013, 09:46:44 am »

This is the latest version of MC19.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted.


Please use the Problems and Questions thread if you need help.

19.0.87 (12/4/2013)

1. Changed: The JRiver ASIO driver can be enabled and disabled in Options > General > Features > ASIO Driver.
2. Changed: Carnac will use the exact filename for the Name field for images instead of a cleaned version (that might remove the date, underscores, etc.).

19.0.86 (12/3/2013)

1. Changed: Updated Chinese language files (thanks kelijun).
2. Fixed: When a DLNA device goes away and comes back on a different port or address, the old address could still be used.
3. Changed: The DLNA server will not expose itself on the network unless the library has files in it.
4. Fixed: DLNA would not always expose zones as DLNA renderers on first launch or when adding or removing a zone.
5. Changed: DLNA subscription requests from Windows Media are ignored (because they always return a 400 error when sending standard UPnP event information anyway).
6. NEW: The list of articles in the program is user configurable in Options > Tree & View > Sorting (semi-colon delimited list).
7. NEW: Exceptions to articles can be added[ by starting an entry with - (example: ...;les;-les paul;... so that Les Pecheurs de Perle > P and Les Paul > L).

19.0.85 (12/2/2013)

1. Fixed: Switching from 176.4kHz DSD as DoP to 176.4kHz PCM could result in the PCM incorrectly playing as DSD (and sounding distorted).
2. Changed: Updated German language file (thanks Bytestar).
3. Changed: Linked zones were not appearing in the zone roller of Theater View.
4. Changed: The translation engine considers backslash a phrase-breaking delimiter (so 'a\b' is now two phrases 'a' 'b' instead of one phrase 'a\b').
5. Changed: Switch translation files from UTF-16 to UTF-8 (so they use around half the space on disk).
6. Changed: Updated all language files to have the latest strings from the source code.
7. Changed: Translation of WebGizmo is now possible (thanks rlebrette).
8. Fixed: Seeking did not work (took extremely long time) when playing jtv files on a Gizmo/WebGizmo client.

19.0.84 (11/27/2013)

1. NEW: Television channel grouping GUI (TV Options > Group Channels...).
2. Changed: A connection from the ASIO driver will not stop playback in MC if it was already playing.
3. Changed: Revised how spectrum analyzers in the player bar are drawn to be more compatible with Apple and Linux (should be internal change, but please report any issues).

19.0.83 (11/26/2013)

1. Faster: The DLNA server is many times faster at responding to DLNA browse requests.
2. Fixed: Possible crash from DLNA browse commands issued by LG televisions and possibly others.
3. Changed: Czech language translation updated (thanks Johnny B).
4. Fixed: Performer store was popping an error about wmhelper.dll.
5. SDK: MCWS calls that return an image will fill padding (the Pad parameter) with the color provided in the FillTransparency parameter.
6. Fixed: Saving an image that contained transparency to JPEG could create an incorrect result (applies to web service, etc.)
7. Fixed: When MC stopped television recording, in rare cases it incorrectly tried to show live program while the user was not even watching, resulting in hang or crash or other odd behavior.
8. Fixed: Made it possible to translate some strings that were not translatable from this thread:
9. Changed: The regular list item tooltip will not be shown when the mouse is over a cell that requires a truncation tooltip that's multiple lines.
10. Fixed: If an audio CD was ejected right as it was being analyzed, the program could get stuck with a partial track list when reinserting the disc.
11. Changed: The spectrum analyzers at the top of the program better adapt to the View > Size setting.

19.0.82 (11/25/2013)

1. NEW: Help > System Info reports anything that changes the system power state in a new 'Power' section (preventing sleep, keeping the monitor on, etc.).
2. Fixed: The monitor would not correctly be allowed to turn off in some cases in the last few builds.
3. Fixed: When doing cover art lookup from the Internet, the second, third, etc. page of results would not always load correctly.

19.0.81 (11/22/2013)

1. Fixed: Importing SACD ISO files could lead to a crash if the SACD had metadata structured in a particular way.
2. Fixed: Some crashes caused by DLNA zones coming and going.
3. Changed: Updated the French language translation (merci bien, rlebrette).
4. SDK: Added MCC_SHOW_TREE to allow showing, hiding, or toggling the tree (MCC code 22029, parameter is -1: toggle, 0: hide, 1: show).
5. Changed: When editing tags, values used in the library but hidden by the current user account will not be offered as choices.
6. Changed: When entering a user account password in Theater View, the typed letters are hidden.
7. Changed: Standardized the display names of input plugins, which are shown in Options > Audio > Advanced > Configure input plug-in...
8. Changed: Picking Library Tools > Convert Format when there's a finished conversion Action Window showing will close the finished conversion instead of erroring and asking the user to close it.
9. Changed: Revised FLAC encoder settings to be more clear that all modes are lossless.
10. Changed: Updated the Chinese language files (thanks kelijun).
11. Fixed: The scrollbars could incorrectly disappear from the Tag Action Window in some cases.
12. Fixed: Videos with WMA audio could sometimes fail to analyze and play
13. Changed: Added support to Carnac for the naming format "Series.###" for television shows (ie. grimm.215.hdtv-lol.mp4).
14. Changed: When drawing a selection box in the image editor, the dimensions and aspect ratio of the selection are shown in the status bar.
15. Changed: 'Critic Rating' field contains attribution (ie. 'Rotten Tomatoes 79% Critic, 86% Audience' instead of '79% Critic, 86% Audience').
16. Fixed: Television recording wizard window was too small to show all controls (especially when scheduling subscription recording).
17. Changed: Improved how memory playback of huge files (like DSD) is managed.

19.0.80 (11/21/2013)

1. Changed: Tuned the image for Explorer in the tree and added a corresponding view header image.
2. Changed: The close, minimize, etc. buttons at the top right of the program could look a little soft with the Noire skin.
3. NEW: When right-clicking a DLNA renderer in the tree, you can select 'Show Device Webpage...' to show the presentation URL exposed by the device in a web browser.

19.0.79 (11/20/2013)

1. NEW: Added a centralized system power manager that can better track if and when the system should be allowed to sleep.
2. Changed: After serving a media file, the computer will not be allowed to sleep for 20 minutes so that a server won't go away while pausing or browsing.
3. Changed: No thumb images are drawn using higher quality resizing (especially important now that the artwork is 4x resolution).
4. Fixed: The Action Window would not properly reload images when changing View > Size, resulting in fuzzy icons until restarting MC.
5. Changed: In Options, the audio, image, and video pages have unique icons instead of sharing a generic playback icon.
6. Fixed: The icons in the options tree on the right were not scaling up nicely with View > Size settings.
7. Changed: Updated icons for stores shown in the tree.
8. Fixed: Double-clicking an unselected pane value would not always register as a double-click.
9. Fixed: Property "This device requires a cable to route sound..." in analog television device configuration was not saved when changing from checked to unchecked state.
10. Fixed: Recording a television show in Theater view on a client did not work (recording order was not sent to the server).

19.0.78 (11/19/2013)

1. NEW: Updated icons and artwork (high resolution enabled for size settings over 100%).
2. Changed: VST effect settings and presets are stored per-zone (sorry, but you may need to reconfigure your VST effects one time).
3. Changed: Added DSD low-pass 'Off' setting to go along with Safe, Medium, and Permissive (might be useful if you have an external low-pass).

19.0.77 (11/15/2013)

1. Fixed: Media Editor could hang when decoding files.
2. Fixed: Seeking videos with Gizmo acting as a remote control was not working properly in the last few builds.
3. Changed: Tweaks to Carnac to better handle filenames that uses spaces instead of dots for delimiting and that use newer tokens like '3d', 'dts-ma.hd.7.1', etc.
4. Changed: Simplified DSD bitstreaming configuration so there's no need to pick DSD vs DoP (this is now controlled by the output plugin).
5. Changed: Added advanced ASIO option 'DSD bitstream in DoP format' for the few devices that use ASIO but do not support native ASIO (Lynx, etc.).
6. Changed: DoP input is reported as 'DoP 2.8MHz 1bit 2ch' in Audio Path instead of being reported as 176.4kHz PCM (the data is DSD but is packaged like PCM with DoP, so both are correct).
7. Changed: Updated YouTube integration to work better with recent YouTube changes.
8. Fixed: When scanning for TV channels, some combo boxes (e.g. "Satellite" for DVB-S, "Provider" for DVB-C, "Frequencies" for QAM) could be incorrectly disabled.
9. Fixed: Graph-building failure when scanning for QAM channels with certain TV tuner devices.

19.0.76 (11/13/2013)

1. Changed: Updated Russian translation file (thanks to Vladimir).
2. Fixed: Drag-n-drop ordering in a list editor would not allow dragging an item more than one spot per drag.
3. Internal: Revised how ASIO driver starts MC and delivers data (should be internal change, but please report any issues).

19.0.75 (11/12/2013)

1. Fixed: Filenames that were exactly 260 characters long would be rejected because they exceed the Windows shell limit, but would not be correctly reported as 'filename too long' on the import summary.
2. Fixed: Theater View Guide arrow navigation could get stuck if a row was blank.
3. Fixed: Revised the rules for Theater View Guide up / down navigation to track more logically in a list with uneven program start times.
4. NEW: Added Options > Audio > Advanced > Auto configure output settings on playback error (previously it was always in 'Ask' mode on Windows and 'Yes' mode on other platforms).


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.87 -- Available Here
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2013, 10:21:45 am »

Theater view Hulu hasn't worked in the last few months of builds. Any plans to bring this feature back?



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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.87 -- Available Here
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2013, 10:36:27 am »

Theater view Hulu hasn't worked in the last few months of builds. Any plans to bring this feature back?


It's working here.

However, it's possible it will only work in the US.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.87 -- Available Here
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2013, 10:44:53 am »

Code: [Select]
5. SDK: MCWS calls that return an image will fill padding (the Pad parameter) with the color provided in the FillTransparency parameter.
This works ok now. Thanks for that, the performance is now considerably higher than when using png!


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.87 -- Available Here
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2013, 11:29:46 am »

I posted this error yesterday for JRiver Media Center version 19.0.82 but am re-posting it here (ver 19.0.87) since the problem still exists...

The Media Editor was fixed to stop it from hanging in MC version 19 when decoding files a few weeks ago but now I'm getting a new error after successfully editing an mp3 file and exiting the program.  I'm running Windows 7 64-bit and tried installing the latest Visual C++ redistributable I could find on the internet (Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable (x86) - 11.0.61030) and still get the error.  See attached screen capture of the error message.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.87 -- Available Here
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2013, 12:42:04 pm »

Changed: The JRiver ASIO driver can be enabled and disabled in Options > General > Features > ASIO Driver.

YEAH!!  My Pinnacle software works again 



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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.87 -- Available Here
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2013, 02:05:18 pm »


"NEW: The list of articles in the program is user configurable in Options > Tree & View > Sorting (semi-colon delimited list)."

I asked for this YEAAARS ago...Yeah


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.87 -- Available Here
« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2013, 05:26:15 pm »

Double click a file in Playing Now which is included twice in the Playing Now List makes MC play the right file but the view jumps to the place where the file is listed first.

Reported here:
and here:


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.87 -- Available Here
« Reply #8 on: December 05, 2013, 10:42:05 pm »

Working Nicely !   8)  8)  8)


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.87 -- Available Here
« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2013, 04:33:38 am »

Wrong theater view 'list-style' still there, reported here:
Lian Li PC-C60B HTPC Case
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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.87 -- Available Here
« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2013, 05:06:23 am »

Seeking video on full screen work wrong


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.87 -- Available Here
« Reply #11 on: December 06, 2013, 09:00:55 am »

6. NEW: The list of articles in the program is user configurable in Options > Tree & View > Sorting (semi-colon delimited list).
7. NEW: Exceptions to articles can be added[ by starting an entry with - (example: ...;les;-les paul;... so that Les Pecheurs de Perle > P and Les Paul > L).

For me a good reason for upgrading to V.19. :-)

[EDIT] Opss! I didn't realize I shoulden't post in this thread, please feal free to delete. ;-)



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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.87 -- Available Here
« Reply #12 on: December 06, 2013, 05:39:08 pm »

For some reason I can't play a ripped DVD image in MC19 (always could in MC 18). When I get to the DVD menu, MC hangs after selecting the film. I can play straight video files of all kinds without problems, but there's something about the DVD emulation that's not right.

Media is on USB3 external drives, but since I can stream them over a network to another computer, I doubt that's the problem.

Video drivers maybe? Using NVidia card on Win 7 64bit...


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.87 -- Available Here
« Reply #13 on: December 06, 2013, 05:58:17 pm »

"Fixed: Switching from 176.4kHz DSD as DoP to 176.4kHz PCM could result in the PCM incorrectly playing as DSD (and sounding distorted)."

I can confirm this is fixed for switching both DSD (176.4kHz) <-> 176.4kHz PCM and 2xDSD (352.8kHz) <-> 352.8kHz PCM.



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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.87 -- Available Here
« Reply #14 on: December 06, 2013, 10:19:57 pm »

Still can't see check boxes in DSP Studio.
Black on dark grey is barely visible (blue steel skin).


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.87 -- Available Here
« Reply #15 on: December 07, 2013, 03:19:44 am »

Hanging on Analyzing Devices during every startup. I'm not sharing anything, why are Sharing Plugins running so much:

1045145: 2776: Sharing Plugins: CHTTPRequestMessage::ReadPreamble: Failed to read Method
1045145: 2776: Sharing Plugins: CHTTPListenerWorker::HandleConnection: Finish (5507 ms)
1045628: 5368: Sharing Plugins: CUDPSocketReader::Accept: Finish (624 ms)
1045628: 4340: Sharing Plugins: CHTTPListenerWorker::HandleConnection: Start
1045628: 4340: Sharing Plugins: CHTTPListenerWorker::HandleRequest: UDP: M-SEARCH:*
1045644: 4340: Sharing Plugins: VHTTPMessage::Write: Wrote 0 bytes
1045722: 4340: Sharing Plugins: VHTTPMessage::Write: Wrote 0 bytes
1045815: 4340: Sharing Plugins: VHTTPMessage::Write: Wrote 0 bytes
1045909: 4340: Sharing Plugins: VHTTPMessage::Write: Wrote 0 bytes
1045971: 4340: Sharing Plugins: VHTTPMessage::Write: Wrote 0 bytes
1046065: 4340: Sharing Plugins: VHTTPMessage::Write: Wrote 0 bytes
1046159: 4340: Sharing Plugins: VHTTPMessage::Write: Wrote 0 bytes
1046221: 4340: Sharing Plugins: VHTTPMessage::Write: Wrote 0 bytes
1046221: 4340: Sharing Plugins: CHTTPListenerWorker::HandleConnection: Finish (593 ms)
1046221: 5368: Sharing Plugins: CUDPSocketReader::Accept: Start
1046221: 5368: Sharing Plugins: CUDPSocketReader::Accept: Finish (0 ms)
1046221: 6160: Sharing Plugins: CHTTPListenerWorker::HandleConnection: Start
1046221: 6160: Sharing Plugins: CHTTPListenerWorker::HandleRequest: UDP: M-SEARCH:*
1046315: 6160: Sharing Plugins: VHTTPMessage::Write: Wrote 0 bytes
1046393: 6160: Sharing Plugins: VHTTPMessage::Write: Wrote 0 bytes
1046471: 6160: Sharing Plugins: VHTTPMessage::Write: Wrote 0 bytes
1046549: 6160: Sharing Plugins: VHTTPMessage::Write: Wrote 0 bytes
1046642: 6160: Sharing Plugins: VHTTPMessage::Write: Wrote 0 bytes
1046720: 6160: Sharing Plugins: VHTTPMessage::Write: Wrote 0 bytes
1046798: 6160: Sharing Plugins: VHTTPMessage::Write: Wrote 0 bytes
1046892: 6160: Sharing Plugins: VHTTPMessage::Write: Wrote 0 bytes
1046892: 6160: Sharing Plugins: CHTTPListenerWorker::HandleConnection: Finish (671 ms)
1046892: 5368: Sharing Plugins: CUDPSocketReader::Accept: Start
1046892: 5368: Sharing Plugins: CUDPSocketReader::Accept: Finish (0 ms)
1046892: 6792: Sharing Plugins: CHTTPListenerWorker::HandleConnection: Start
1046892: 6792: Sharing Plugins: CHTTPListenerWorker::HandleRequest: UDP: M-SEARCH:*
1046970: 6792: Sharing Plugins: VHTTPMessage::Write: Wrote 0 bytes
1047048: 6792: Sharing Plugins: VHTTPMessage::Write: Wrote 0 bytes
1047126: 6792: Sharing Plugins: VHTTPMessage::Write: Wrote 0 bytes
1047219: 6792: Sharing Plugins: VHTTPMessage::Write: Wrote 0 bytes
1047297: 6792: Sharing Plugins: VHTTPMessage::Write: Wrote 0 bytes
1047391: 6792: Sharing Plugins: VHTTPMessage::Write: Wrote 0 bytes
1047453: 6792: Sharing Plugins: VHTTPMessage::Write: Wrote 0 bytes
1047563: 6792: Sharing Plugins: VHTTPMessage::Write: Wrote 0 bytes
1047563: 6792: Sharing Plugins: CHTTPListenerWorker::HandleConnection: Finish (671 ms)
1047563: 5368: Sharing Plugins: CUDPSocketReader::Accept: Start
1012697: 5636: General: JRWebApp::Destroy: Start
1012697: 5636: General: JRWebApp::Destroy: Finish (0 ms)
1012697: 5636: General: JRWebApp::Run: Finish (1012665 ms)
1012697: 5636: General: JRWebApp::ExitInstance: Start
1012697: 5636: General: JRWebApp::ExitInstance: Stopping web engine
0267932: 6216: General: JRWebApp::Destroy: Start
0267932: 6216: General: JRWebApp::Destroy: Finish (0 ms)
0267932: 6216: General: JRWebApp::Run: Finish (267901 ms)
0267932: 6216: General: JRWebApp::ExitInstance: Start
0267932: 6216: General: JRWebApp::ExitInstance: Stopping web engine
1012712: 5636: General: JRWebApp::ExitInstance: Stopping callback server
1012712: 5636: General: JRWebApp::ExitInstance: Stopping interface server
1012712: 5636: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::ServerStop: Start
1012712: 5636: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::ServerStop: Canceling thread
1012712: 5636: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::ServerStop: Canceling pending run
1012712: 5636: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::ServerStop: Stopping thread
1012712: 5652: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::Thread: Thread finishing (cancel: 1; errors: 1)
1012712: 5652: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::Thread: Finish (1012696 ms)
1012759: 5636: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::ServerStop: Canceling response threads
1012759: 5636: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::ServerStop: Deleting response threads
1012759: 5636: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::ServerStop: Closing notification window
1012759: 5636: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::ServerStop: Finish (47 ms)
1012759: 5636: General: JRWebApp::ExitInstance: Finishing
0268041: 6216: General: JRWebApp::ExitInstance: Stopping callback server
0268041: 6216: General: JRWebApp::ExitInstance: Stopping interface server
0268041: 6216: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::ServerStop: Start
0268041: 6216: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::ServerStop: Canceling thread
0268041: 6216: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::ServerStop: Canceling pending run
0268041: 6216: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::ServerStop: Stopping thread
0268041: 5508: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::Thread: Thread finishing (cancel: 1; errors: 1)
0268041: 5508: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::Thread: Finish (268026 ms)
0268056: 6216: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::ServerStop: Canceling response threads
0268056: 6216: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::ServerStop: Deleting response threads
0268056: 6216: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::ServerStop: Closing notification window
0268056: 6216: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::ServerStop: Finish (15 ms)
0268056: 6216: General: JRWebApp::ExitInstance: Finishing


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.87 -- Available Here
« Reply #16 on: December 07, 2013, 04:30:06 am »

17. Changed: Improved how memory playback of huge files (like DSD) is managed.
Playback of DSD is still skipping when Memory Playback is enabled. (135MB DFF track, 8 minutes long)
Skipping is not related to CPU usage or the size of the DAC's audio buffer.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.87 -- Available Here
« Reply #17 on: December 07, 2013, 08:17:59 pm »

Playback of DSD is still skipping when Memory Playback is enabled. (135MB DFF track, 8 minutes long)
Skipping is not related to CPU usage or the size of the DAC's audio buffer.

I had no problem playing DFF files of over 10 minutes long (aprox. 500 MB) when Memory Playback is enabled.
My computer has 16GB of RAM. MC process takes little more than 1 GB of RAM.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.87 -- Available Here
« Reply #18 on: December 08, 2013, 03:11:08 am »

Playing Now View (theatre mode) doesn't update to the next track being played. This is probably also linked to the other issue where if you have played several tracks then press skip to next track, it skips from the original track, not the one currently being played


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.87 -- Available Here
« Reply #19 on: December 08, 2013, 07:16:21 am »

Same Runtime C+++ error as previously reported, now more frequent, doesn't seem to be associated with playback through client machines or other specific actions. Like jgleim, am running Windows 64 bit.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.87 -- Available Here
« Reply #20 on: December 08, 2013, 08:03:59 am »

Do I have to purchase MC19, since I already purchased MC18? If not how do I upgrade and if so what is cost for current owners?


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.87 -- Available Here
« Reply #21 on: December 08, 2013, 08:50:32 am »

Do I have to purchase MC19, since I already purchased MC18? If not how do I upgrade and if so what is cost for current owners?
If you purchased in July of 2013, you received an MC19 license.  More here:


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.87 -- Available Here
« Reply #22 on: December 08, 2013, 10:25:14 am »

I had no problem playing DFF files of over 10 minutes long (aprox. 500 MB) when Memory Playback is enabled.
My computer has 16GB of RAM. MC process takes little more than 1 GB of RAM.
It's not related to length but - I believe - the fact that DSD files will not fit inside Media Center's 1GB decoded audio buffer.
I had some time to spend on it this afternoon, so I was able to hook up my DAC to an old MacBook and record its output.
It's definitely skipping about a tenth of a second at some point in the second half of most DSD tracks when Memory Playback is enabled.
With a 4:16 long, 68MB DSF file, it skipped around the 2:45 mark.
I then made a second recording of the track, seeking to around 2:35 and letting it play. Even with Memory Playback enabled, you don't usually get skipping right after seeking, only after a couple of minutes of playback.
Here's the waveform in Audacity:

These were aligned to the sample at the beginning and end of the selection (though copying and pasting seemed like it may have slightly altered the selection) and it's clear that the first recording has skipped about a tenth of a second.
That might not sound like much, but it's very obvious to me when listening to music.
I have only noticed this when Memory Playback is enabled, and I don't recall it being an issue in MC18.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.87 -- Available Here
« Reply #23 on: December 08, 2013, 10:49:45 am »

These were aligned to the sample at the beginning and end of the selection (though copying and pasting seemed like it may have slightly altered the selection) and it's clear that the first recording has skipped about a tenth of a second.
That might not sound like much, but it's very obvious to me when listening to music.

I'm confused by that, because a buffer shortfall should play as silence, not a blip of noise.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.87 -- Available Here
« Reply #24 on: December 09, 2013, 01:15:38 am »

MC19's DLNA server appears not to be able to serve certain WMV files.

See this thread:


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.87 -- Available Here
« Reply #25 on: December 09, 2013, 05:40:55 am »

I've had the trial version for about five days. I can't remember when, if ever, I have had so much fun with a piece of software.  I knew my heart was stolen when I saw Media Center had a parametric eq. ;D And how satisfying it is to be able to jettison the loathsome bloatware provided by giant non-taxpaying mega-corporations on which I formerly relied.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.87 -- Available Here
« Reply #26 on: December 09, 2013, 10:54:26 am »

Blu-ray channel problem discussion was split.

Originally posted by 6233638 ....

I'm confused by that, because a buffer shortfall should play as silence, not a blip of noise.
It's the other way around - that's not a blip of noise, it's part of the track that was skipped over when Memory Playback was enabled. (and playback began at the beginning of the track)

Bugs, this time relating to video:
Media Center is still clearing out the LAV Filters plugin directory (%APPDATA%\J River\Media Center 19\Plugins\lav) so the dtsdecoderdll.dll disappears every so often.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.87 -- Available Here
« Reply #27 on: December 09, 2013, 11:20:45 am »

It's the other way around - that's not a blip of noise, it's part of the track that was skipped over when Memory Playback was enabled. (and playback began at the beginning of the track)

Next build:
Fixed: When using memory playback, if a large file was played that used 1GB (or more) of memory but the system was unable to allocate that much memory, a small chunk of the song could get lost during playback.

I'm pretty sure this is it, but testing appreciated.

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.87 -- Available Here
« Reply #28 on: December 09, 2013, 11:31:22 am »

I've had the trial version for about five days. I can't remember when, if ever, I have had so much fun with a piece of software.  I knew my heart was stolen when I saw Media Center had a parametric eq. ;D And how satisfying it is to be able to jettison the loathsome bloatware provided by giant non-taxpaying mega-corporations on which I formerly relied.


And as a Seinfeld fan, I love your user name :)
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.87 -- Available Here
« Reply #29 on: December 09, 2013, 11:45:56 am »

Bugs, this time relating to video:
Media Center is still clearing out the LAV Filters plugin directory (%APPDATA%\J River\Media Center 19\Plugins\lav) so the dtsdecoderdll.dll disappears every so often.

Hi Jim,

Could this prevent a ripped DVD image (VOB files) from being navigated with the DVD menus etc...? (but reported above)



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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.87 -- Available Here
« Reply #30 on: December 09, 2013, 12:04:03 pm »

Double click a file in Playing Now which is included twice in the Playing Now List makes MC play the right file but the view jumps to the place where the file is listed first.

Reported here:
and here:

Thanks for patiently reporting this one.

Next build:
Fixed: When double-clicking a file in Playing Now, if the file was in the list multiple times, the behavior could be incorrect.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.87 -- Available Here
« Reply #31 on: December 09, 2013, 12:09:51 pm »

Media Center is still clearing out the LAV Filters plugin directory (%APPDATA%\J River\Media Center 19\Plugins\lav) so the dtsdecoderdll.dll disappears every so often.

I think the wiki was wrong.  That was not a safe place to put the file.

But next build:
Changed: When installing an updated LAV, if there's a copy of dtsdecoderdll.dll in the AppData LAV folder it will be preserved.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.87 -- Available Here
« Reply #32 on: December 09, 2013, 12:11:54 pm »

I think the wiki was wrong.  That was not a safe place to put the file.

But next build:
Changed: When installing an updated LAV, if there's a copy of dtsdecoderdll.dll in the AppData LAV folder it will be preserved.
Unless you were loading an external LAV Filters installation, I'm not sure where else you would have put it. But thanks for the fix!


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.87 -- Available Here
« Reply #33 on: December 09, 2013, 12:13:40 pm »

Unless you were loading an external LAV Filters installation, I'm not sure where else you would have put it.

The system folder.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.87 -- Available Here
« Reply #34 on: December 09, 2013, 12:27:33 pm »

Or MCs installation folder if you dont want system wide.
The DLL loading always looks in the folder of the .exe file of the process as well.
~ nevcairiel
~ Author of LAV Filters


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.87 -- Available Here
« Reply #35 on: December 09, 2013, 03:47:10 pm »

I've had the trial version for about five days. I can't remember when, if ever, I have had so much fun with a piece of software.  I knew my heart was stolen when I saw Media Center had a parametric eq. ;D And how satisfying it is to be able to jettison the loathsome bloatware provided by giant non-taxpaying mega-corporations on which I formerly relied.

Yes, the parametric EQ is worth the price of admission by itself.  I'd love to have a way to toggle it without opening the menu structure.


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Data icons not displaying properly
« Reply #36 on: December 10, 2013, 07:29:01 am »

The 18.0.154 (3/20/2013) changelog says

5. Fixed: Data icons were not displaying properly.

but this problem persists in 19.0.87. Details at .
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