Hi all, been a user since Jukebox 7. Here are some requests (some may already be implemented, been out of touch for quite a while, and have not installed 18 yet). Also, have admittedly not read all of this now 7 page(!) thread. Tell me if I am unclear or if anything is already part of the program:
1) Gizmo should play local files - make it into a real player that can play from the Android phone's own card. Seems you could OWN this market and bring in a ton of new customers! I would pay extra for this.
2) Gizmo should have more rights - Gizmo should be allowed to delete, tag, and add files to play/smart lists. I want to be away from my computer and use Gizmo on my Droid as a way to edit my music collection. At least be able to put the crappy song into a "probably delete later" playlist!
3) Built in MP3Gain - Has this changed? I am still (last few years) scanning new MP3s with MP3Gain first, then importing and analyzing within MC (Analyze Audio). And is it possible to do internal, MP3GAIN-like volume changes to non-MP3 files as well?
4) Auto import of custom art when upgrading - When upgrading, I still have to manually copy over some customizations such as my own replacement image that gets used instead of MC's default image (sorry, I forgot what this is called. It is located at: C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 17\Data\Custom Art.) This should be automatic.
5) Import "INCLUDE this folder but NOT child folders" - There should be an option to "INCLUDE this folder but NOT child folders". It would make setting up importing easier. Tools -> Import -> Configure auto import -> Folders -> Edit
6) Updating version info - When MC finds an update, it should tell you what version it has found (and possibly what version you already have as well), not simply "an update is ready to install".
7) Multiple images per file - Do we have multiple images per music file yet? I want multiple album art AND multiple artist images per single song to slideshow WITHIN a Track Info plug-in.
8] "Fingerprint" ID of media files - Anything you can do to develop or improve fingerprint identification (metadata) of media files, including finding files that seem to be mislabeled.
And thanks for listening to us. This, more than anything, is what I believe makes MC the greatest software project out there, and honestly what keeps me a paying customer.
Long live JRiver!