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Author Topic: Feature Requests  (Read 140504 times)


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #300 on: September 23, 2012, 03:13:38 am »

A simple request: Please add the "Open URL" feature to WebGizmo so that when I'm remotely controlling Media Centre I can play web radio easily. Adding a URL to a playlist doesn't always work. For instance, with UK BBC radio streams that doesn't work because of some clever stuff they do with adjusting the bitrate based on IP address (i.e. location).


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #301 on: September 23, 2012, 04:09:52 am »

1) 'Auto-Hide' function for File List and Tree in Playing Now

2) Allow 'Radio' buttons to hide when File List is closed so as not to distract from the Display area

1) +1

2) +1


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #302 on: September 23, 2012, 04:17:11 am »

old request, please give us sidecars for data and image files


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #303 on: September 23, 2012, 07:17:42 am »

I would like to see the server component packaged as a Synology app to run on my Intel based NAS.



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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #304 on: September 23, 2012, 09:25:16 am »

Please make possible to add all CD-booklet images into audio files (not only one per track -front cover - as it is usual in any player) and let us see them as a slideshow when playing music in Theater view (for example in playing now instead of seing only the front cover or in the "list", everywhere at the best) :-)



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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #305 on: September 23, 2012, 11:22:28 am »


Please make possible to add all CD-booklet images into audio files (not only one per track -front cover - as it is usual in any player) and let us see them as a slideshow when playing music in Theater view (for example in playing now instead of seing only the front cover or in the "list", everywhere at the best) :-)



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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #306 on: September 23, 2012, 03:30:20 pm »

Please make possible to add all CD-booklet images into audio files (not only one per track -front cover - as it is usual in any player) and let us see them as a slideshow when playing music in Theater view (for example in playing now instead of seing only the front cover or in the "list", everywhere at the best) :-)

+1 but also images in the folder not only the images embedded in the audio files (for example images called folder1, folder2, etc)



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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #307 on: September 23, 2012, 09:28:25 pm »

Hi all, been a user since Jukebox 7. Here are some requests (some may already be implemented, been out of touch for quite a while, and have not installed 18 yet). Also, have admittedly not read all of this now 7 page(!) thread. Tell me if I am unclear or if anything is already part of the program:

1) Gizmo should play local files - make it into a real player that can play from the Android phone's own card. Seems you could OWN this market and bring in a ton of new customers! I would pay extra for this.

2) Gizmo should have more rights - Gizmo should be allowed to delete, tag, and add files to play/smart lists. I want to be away from my computer and use Gizmo on my Droid as a way to edit my music collection. At least be able to put the crappy song into a "probably delete later" playlist!

3) Built in MP3Gain - Has this changed? I am still (last few years) scanning new MP3s with MP3Gain first, then importing and analyzing within MC (Analyze Audio). And is it possible to do internal, MP3GAIN-like volume changes to non-MP3 files as well?

4) Auto import of custom art when upgrading - When upgrading, I still have to manually copy over some customizations such as my own replacement image that gets used instead of MC's default image (sorry, I forgot what this is called. It is located at: C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 17\Data\Custom Art.)  This should be automatic.

5) Import "INCLUDE this folder but NOT child folders" - There should be an option to "INCLUDE this folder but NOT child folders". It would make setting up importing easier. Tools -> Import -> Configure auto import -> Folders -> Edit

6) Updating version info - When MC finds an update, it should tell you what version it has found (and possibly what version you already have as well), not simply "an update is ready to install".

7) Multiple images per file - Do we have multiple images per music file yet? I want multiple album art AND multiple artist images per single song to slideshow WITHIN a Track Info plug-in.

8] "Fingerprint" ID of media files - Anything you can do to develop or improve fingerprint identification (metadata) of media files, including finding files that seem to be mislabeled.

And thanks for listening to us.  This, more than anything, is what I believe makes MC the greatest software project out there, and honestly what keeps me a paying customer.

Long live JRiver!


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #308 on: September 24, 2012, 10:33:45 am »

Hulu - can we get more information about the shows? 

I had 5 episodes of Covert Affairs in my queue and there was no information about Season or Episode number in the descriptions.  I had to launch the hulu desktop app to see what order to watch the episodes in.  Therefore this would be a nice add (and probably an easy one).

Media PC: Ryzen 3900X, Asus ROG Crosshair VIII Hero, 16GB RAM, Sabrent 1TB Rocket NVMe PCIe 4.0, NVidia 1070 GPU
Software: JRiver MC 26.0.22, AnyDVD HD
Audio Processor: Lynx AES16e (FW: 14.1) w/ Aurora 16-VT (FW: 31)
Amp: Emotiva MPS-2
Speakers: Ascend Acoustics Sierra Towers w/RAAL & Horizon w/RAAL and Sierra-2's as surrounds
Sub: Dual Rythmik Audio FV15HP
TV Tuner: HD HomeRun Prime


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #309 on: September 24, 2012, 11:12:27 am »

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Please make possible to add all CD-booklet images into audio files (not only one per track -front cover - as it is usual in any player) and let us see them as a slideshow when playing music in Theater view (for example in playing now instead of seing only the front cover or in the "list", everywhere at the best) :-)<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Yes this would be nice,

I am also missing a good way to show/use a PDF booklet, if I have an album playing, and I then open
the PDF booklet file by double clicking the file within MC, it will show the pdf file in my pdf-viewer,
but it also stop playing the music.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #310 on: September 24, 2012, 03:17:26 pm »

For theater view:

I would really like to view the available titles without using the right-click mouse menu.  I use a remote, and when I flip through the titles I have to go VERY slowly or media center freezes.  Having an option to view all of the titles via remote, along with their times, would be great.

Also, I would find it very handy to display the framerate as well as any input data available, like formats and bitrates.  In particular the framerate though, as sometimes I don't know what framerate the video is and don't know if the refresh rate should be changing or not. 

I would even settle for just the option of having this info.  If the theater view playback OSD could be customized with options, I think I might cry with joy.

I like that the left and right keys can turn the volume up and down, but when a video first starts the volume bar pops up and if you try to change the volume it seeks through the video instead.  Even though the bar is showing, you have to go up or down to view other information, like the time for example, before going back to volume in order to change it.  Not sure if that's a bug or was intended, but I'm finding it annoying.

Just wanted to say again that these all apply to theater view.

It's still an amazing piece of software and I can't believe it's not more popular than it is.  The playback quality is fantastic!  Much better than xbmc/wmc/boxee/plex/mediaportal in my opinion.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #311 on: September 25, 2012, 07:49:03 pm »

Now that we have 16-channels of pEQ, are there plans to update JRSS to allow for 9.x or 11.x surround mixing?  I have an Echo AudioFire12 and would love be able to mix the High channels of 9.x.  I have a 5.1 now and will be upgrading my front sound stage in the next 6 months and would like to use the old front bookshelf speakers as high speakers (room isn't wide enough for the wide channel).  So this would really be a 7.1 system but instead of rear surrounds, I would have high fronts.

I think this type of customization would take the home theater processing of JR to the next level as receivers that process 9.x or 11.x are big money.

Media PC: Ryzen 3900X, Asus ROG Crosshair VIII Hero, 16GB RAM, Sabrent 1TB Rocket NVMe PCIe 4.0, NVidia 1070 GPU
Software: JRiver MC 26.0.22, AnyDVD HD
Audio Processor: Lynx AES16e (FW: 14.1) w/ Aurora 16-VT (FW: 31)
Amp: Emotiva MPS-2
Speakers: Ascend Acoustics Sierra Towers w/RAAL & Horizon w/RAAL and Sierra-2's as surrounds
Sub: Dual Rythmik Audio FV15HP
TV Tuner: HD HomeRun Prime


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #312 on: September 26, 2012, 12:03:47 am »


Ability to use a tag to activate specific DSP. This will be VERY usefull to tweek some songs.

EX: I have 4 DSP preset.

1 - OFF
2 - My curve 1
3 - My curve 2
4 - My curve 3

In tag (ex: DSP_CURVE  (value) 3)
When JRiver see the tag "DSP_CURVE" they enable the preset 3.

This will allowing to have a specific EQ/DSP per song !


Don W

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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #313 on: September 27, 2012, 08:19:35 am »

Ability to remove Rating from Playing Now in Theater View. This alone would be worth the price of upgrade to me.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #314 on: September 27, 2012, 11:09:37 am »

Please add the ability to analyse audio for DSD (SACD) to show Sampling Frequency in the columns. It would be nice to see if its DSD 64x or 128x (or show the frequency as 2822.4 khz, etc)



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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #315 on: September 27, 2012, 12:37:51 pm »

One thing that would be good is updating the file type descriptions for supported files.  I use Media Center for all my music formats and video, but I purposely don't associate the player with them because it makes them all the same icon and with the same file type - Media Center file.  This is annoying when you have FLAC, MP3, and different video formats that all look like the same file type.  Can't this be changed?


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #316 on: September 28, 2012, 12:25:55 am »

Please Please add select all for tagging in theater view.
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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #317 on: September 28, 2012, 12:46:44 am »

Some more simple requests with big payoff in terms of usability:

1) When importing, "Don't show this message again" - When importing, some of the confirmation prompts can be unnecessary (once you get used to them). It would be nice if you had a 'check here to' "Don't show this message again" on some of them (like you do on the "delete empty folder prompt"). For example, when using "Rename, Move & Copy Files" I don't need to see the "Confirm Library Changes" prompt anymore. Of course it should be complemented with a place in Options to redisplay the prompts.

2) Custom "Clean File Properties" - Under "Clean File Properties", add a user customizable category that allows things like UFO or III (roman numerals) to be capitalized correctly. I have seen other programs do this and it is nice.

3) Cut, Copy and Paste - When right clicking the search bar at the top of the program, make the Cut, Copy and Paste options NOT be under an "Edit" sub-menu, but have them right there instead!

4) Combine "Clean File Properties" with "Rename, Move & Copy Files" Option - Add an option to combine "Clean File Properties" with "Rename, Move & Copy Files" so you only have to click once and they both happen sequentially and with the option for no prompting.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #318 on: September 29, 2012, 06:52:38 pm »

Suggestions for 'Get TV/Movie Data':

For the supported sites, have a place to map what fields from the site go to what specific field in MC.   That would allow the use of similar data from multiple sites, or even data from the site that MC doesn't current use.

Allow the 'get data' function to pull from multiple sites at once, and add to the above mapping the ability to control which sites are used for which fields.  Currently I find that no one site has the 'best' data.

Allow a cover art selection tool like you have with CD cover art.  The 'default' artwork is often not the one that I would prefer when the site has multiple selections.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #319 on: September 29, 2012, 09:29:38 pm »

Add native frame packed 3D support


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #320 on: September 30, 2012, 12:58:22 pm »

If this request has already been made, consider this a +1  ;D

I'd like to see a per-channel equalizer with a few more bands like 40hz and 20khz.

Now that I've turned off all in-receiver processing, I realized MC17/18 can't do this. My surround/center speakers are Magnat Vector Needles, subwoofer is a REL Q200E and front speakers are Magnepan 2.7. They have different characteristics and ideally I'd like to adjust the surround speakers individually.

Thanks for considering 7 pages of feature requests  :P


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #321 on: September 30, 2012, 01:59:03 pm »

Allow IP Based Cameras to be listed as a media source/stream (Via Gizmo)


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #322 on: October 01, 2012, 12:39:48 pm »

If this request has already been made, consider this a +1  ;D

I'd like to see a per-channel equalizer with a few more bands like 40hz and 20khz.

Now that I've turned off all in-receiver processing, I realized MC17/18 can't do this. My surround/center speakers are Magnat Vector Needles, subwoofer is a REL Q200E and front speakers are Magnepan 2.7. They have different characteristics and ideally I'd like to adjust the surround speakers individually.

Thanks for considering 7 pages of feature requests  :P

Can't you do this today with the parametric eq's?
Media PC: Ryzen 3900X, Asus ROG Crosshair VIII Hero, 16GB RAM, Sabrent 1TB Rocket NVMe PCIe 4.0, NVidia 1070 GPU
Software: JRiver MC 26.0.22, AnyDVD HD
Audio Processor: Lynx AES16e (FW: 14.1) w/ Aurora 16-VT (FW: 31)
Amp: Emotiva MPS-2
Speakers: Ascend Acoustics Sierra Towers w/RAAL & Horizon w/RAAL and Sierra-2's as surrounds
Sub: Dual Rythmik Audio FV15HP
TV Tuner: HD HomeRun Prime


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Remote Relay Commands via WiFi
« Reply #323 on: October 01, 2012, 02:38:40 pm »

The ability to control other equipment via remote relay/WiFi from an IOS or Android device would be so sweet. Many newer AVR's and processors do come with their own control app now, but to do it all from within a single app like JRemote would be awesome. I know this has been requested in previous versions, but I really think the time is now, Carpe Diem!   ;D


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #324 on: October 01, 2012, 07:39:24 pm »

i discovered two things: "Number Plays fields" and customization of menu entries.

with this knowledge i can filter movies i have watched

i still think tvshows display capabilities and certainly iso handling can still be improved


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #325 on: October 03, 2012, 07:50:48 am »

Ability to hide sidecar and associated jpg files


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #326 on: October 04, 2012, 09:25:00 am »

I'd still like to see separate default file paths for each file type in each library.
It would be nice to have a .jmd file entry in each library for the default file path for each file type (Video, Audio, Image, etc.).
Example:  I have a separate library for my files on my cloud called "Cloud" (go figure).  When I go to import videos from that source, the file default path is the last used (let's say, Audio from my Main Library).  I have to change the file path to import the video from my cloud.  I have a separate folder all together for my audio, image and such.  When I change back to my main library and want to import the lastest CD, then I have to go and change the file path from the cloud Video back to Main Audio.  I have well over 50K MP3s and do not want that folder to be checked when all I want is to import video, so again it would be nice to have default paths to each so if I want to import both audio and video, I just click on both option buttons in the import menu and both file locations in that library are imported.  Otherwise only the path to the particular type is searched (just video for example) in that library.

It doesn't seem like a major thing to do, except if the .jmd DB is locked to a certain number of fields for this build.
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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #327 on: October 06, 2012, 02:09:27 pm »

Here is a major, yet simple, annoyance:

Right Click for "Clear Playing Now" - When viewing, say, "Audio" in the main 'tree' on the left, I want to be able to right click on "Playing Now" and select "Clear Playing Now" WITHOUT LEAVING AUDIO.  I used to be able to do that in the past, but now when I right click Playing Now while trying to remain in Audio, it just gives me a choice of "Add Zone" and "Delete Zone".  I then have to actually go select Playing Now first before I can right click on "Player" and select Clear Playing Now.

I lose my place in Audio and it disrupts my work flow. Is there a work around for this? If not, please at least give me an option to do it in the new version.

Note: I am still using latest v.17.xx, so this may be different.

Thanks yet again for your consideration!


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #328 on: October 06, 2012, 02:17:30 pm »

Possible help:

   Player > Playing Now > Clear Playing Now

or Leave a Playing Now tab open, and use the tab's drop-down menu.
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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #329 on: October 11, 2012, 03:45:42 pm »

Add an option to "Quit in one-step when required". Having to "exit" twice on several occasions (when "quit" is obviously required), is incomprehensible.
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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #330 on: October 11, 2012, 04:05:12 pm »

I very much hope that the improvements to blu-ray disc and improvements to ISO handling discussed in the appropriate threads make it into MC18.

- In 2012/13, MC needs to be able to automatically import blu-ray, whether in folder or ISO format, in the same way as DVD, without manual user trickery and with auto import of metadata.
- Blu-rays should be marked as such in appropriate views, in the same way as DVDs are currently.
- MC should intercept open source developments in Blu-ray menuing so it can use non-Java menus, specifically Slysoft Speedmenu. XBMC should not have better bluray support than MC18.
- There should be semi-automatic configuring of an external player for Blu-ray, either for all Blu-ray or just for 3D, according to the user's wishes. If possible, MC should auto-discover if a disc is 3D, 2D or both and offer appropriate options. If auto-discovery is not possible then the user should be able to easily tag Blurays as 2D, 3D or 3D/2D.

- The player needs an "info" box (ideally when the info key available on most remotes is pressed) that in particular shows subtitle and audio language AND audio codec (eg. DTS HD-MA) so the user can quickly and easily see if the player has selected the right default subtitle/audio options.

+ ability to use a server/client setup. Actually iso on the server (remote library) cannot be used by a client MC


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #331 on: November 19, 2012, 12:51:47 pm »

Currently, during playback in full screen with JRiver 18 (I'm using version 18.0.74 as of Nov. 15th), whenever I use the arrow-down function, the currently played title display is not available anymore (?). I don't understand why this feature has been removed.

Furthermore, I would like by default for TV series to have their title display in Theater View and Display View their given file name (as in Windows Explorer) instead of a stripped down version of it that only shows the series title (without the series name and season). Currently, I have no clue as to which series/season/episode I'm watching while keying the arrow down key in Display View or navigating the list view in Theater View. This has been the default option up until JRiver16 but changed since JRiver17. It is also the default manner of displaying titles during playback for many players I know of (MPC, Zoom Player...).

I believe similar requests has been expressed in other postings but wanted to add mine to this common thread:
JRiver 18 board:
And accessorily in JRiver17 board:

Thank you very much for considering this.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #332 on: November 19, 2012, 01:15:20 pm »

I would love to see JRiver remote being able to execute at least the four basic media keyboard functions (Play/Pause, Stop, Back, Forward) even if it does not have focus. My keyboard (Logitech) can do this but somehow I can't find a way to make these operations work the same with the remote. I don't know if this is a special programmatic design for which JRiver would not be able to implement because these functions are only available for a keyboard but I think this would be a real plus for us who have multi-monitors systems.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #333 on: November 20, 2012, 08:28:12 am »

Better support for playing video off of sleeping network drives.  Right now it seems to hang Theaterview with the sound playing in the background but nothing onscreen.  Maybe it needs to pause 10 seconds before trying to start playing the movie...not sure really.



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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #334 on: November 20, 2012, 01:35:44 pm »

I would like to see the server component packaged as a Synology app to run on my Intel based NAS.


aaahhhh !! this one might be a good one. Eventhough I prefer my DIY home-server porting the MC server to synology would make a lot of people happy


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #335 on: November 22, 2012, 03:00:01 pm »

Better use of media remote control when searching
Would be great for the people who dont have keyboards connected to there HTPC to be able to search using there media remote controls. I realize there is a  keyboard layout in Youtube within Theaterview but the constant up, down, left, right is annoying, why cant we have a mobile texting type interaction when punching in your searches?


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #336 on: November 22, 2012, 09:28:17 pm »

Three little things that would make me soooo happy:

1.) Smarter seeking in Theater View. I want it exactly like in Media Portal. When you klick seek forward the OSD shows:

1 tap - 10 sec
2 taps - 30 sec
3 taps - 1 min
4 taps - 5 min
5 taps - 10 min
6 taps - 30 min
7 taps - 1 hour

And so on. It doesn't execute the actual seek until you stop tapping for about 2 seconds. This makes it so much easier to find a specifik point in a movie.  Now in MC you have to hold down the seek and pray.

2.) A simple dialog box for half watched movies. Continue from the last time or start from the beginning. As simple as that.

3.) Better remote response. Now it's like 500ms lag from when you push a button until it actually happens.

Fix these three little things and i'll be yours forever! Loving the image quality i'm getting with LAV and MadVR <3



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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #337 on: November 22, 2012, 10:31:12 pm »

Three little things that would make me soooo happy:

1.) Smarter seeking in Theater View. I want it exactly like in Media Portal. When you klick seek forward the OSD shows:

1 tap - 10 sec
2 taps - 30 sec
3 taps - 1 min
4 taps - 5 min
5 taps - 10 min
6 taps - 30 min
7 taps - 1 hour

And so on. It doesn't execute the actual seek until you stop tapping for about 2 seconds. This makes it so much easier to find a specifik point in a movie.  Now in MC you have to hold down the seek and pray.

2.) A simple dialog box for half watched movies. Continue from the last time or start from the beginning. As simple as that.

3.) Better remote response. Now it's like 500ms lag from when you push a button until it actually happens.

Fix these three little things and i'll be yours forever! Loving the image quality i'm getting with LAV and MadVR <3

+1 for #1 & #3


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #338 on: November 23, 2012, 07:27:27 am »

#1.  You can use the right and left arrows to seek.  Right goes forward 30 seconds, Left goes back 10 seconds.  You can also change these intervals.

#3.  That lag is not normal.  Something else is probably getting in the way.  You could start a thread to get help.  In MC's Theater View settings, disable Windows MC.  Use the keyboard arrows to test to see if it's a remote problem or a more general problem.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #339 on: November 23, 2012, 07:42:27 am »

#1.  You can use the right and left arrows to seek.  Right goes forward 30 seconds, Left goes back 10 seconds.  You can also change these intervals.

#3.  That lag is not normal.  Something else is probably getting in the way.  You could start a thread to get help.  In MC's Theater View settings, disable Windows MC.  Use the keyboard arrows to test to see if it's a remote problem or a more general problem.

#1. I think that Najland wants more presets options to do multiple jump/seek instead of the couple proposed. At least, it's what I understand by her/his request.

#3. For me, the lag is mainly with operations initiated by the use of up/down/right/left arrows during playback. Until the OSD of these operations is executed and done displaying, another command such as Play/Pause will be ignored, unless it is initiated by using the (media) keyboard. The latter is able to take over immediately while JRiver's commands cannot (this observation/wish is similar to my above-mentioned request, 'Reply #332').



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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #340 on: November 25, 2012, 08:43:19 pm »

Is it possible to get Play Last.Fm radio as an available button for the toolbar?

Can it also get added to Theatreview (I guess it I can add it as a webpage, but something a little more minimilist would be nice??)?



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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #341 on: November 25, 2012, 09:41:20 pm »

I'd like to be able to use the equalizer when playing over DLNA.  Airplay/Itunes allows this, and it's the one thing I miss.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #342 on: November 26, 2012, 09:27:01 am »

CONVOLVER: automatic sample rate file selection

I wish to see implemented a simple feature in the convolver: only for 2 channels stereo MC automatically uses the
convolver file that matches the music sample rate.

The way convolver is implemented today it allows to choose the path to the convolver file and MC uses its internal resampler if
there is a mismatch between music sample rate and convolver file. My proposal is storing in the same directory/path
all the convolver files for each sample rate (i.e. 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, etc.) and MC (which is capable to read which sample rate was used)
chooses the best match. With only one convolver file MC should behave as it does now.

This is to avoid the configuration file that might be difficult to edit/understand and probably not really
needed for simple stereo.

Thanks!  :)


  • World Citizen
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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #343 on: November 26, 2012, 12:29:10 pm »



  • Galactic Citizen
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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #344 on: November 27, 2012, 04:13:41 pm »

Minor addition to request for button above...

in the play doctor options, can we have an additional option in playdoctor optinos that only gets songs from  it seems to me that the user input is identical between pd and lastfm, we just need the option.  This then puts front and center if we choose and saves going up to the menu (which I typically never have to, must mean the interface is good??).



  • World Citizen
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Re: Feature Requests [minor GUI improvement]
« Reply #345 on: November 28, 2012, 12:01:25 am »

The vertical splitter bar between the main view window (on the right) and the Action Window and Tree (on the left) is movable, but it keeps snapping back to its old place when some action takes place.  The tag window is too narrow for my taste.

I would just like the splitter to stay where I put it -- stop resetting.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #346 on: November 30, 2012, 10:01:06 am »

i would like to have "presets" 1/2/3 for parametric. eq. and

the possibilty to change the names of channels outputs (9-16). for example channel 9 -> copy front left ......ect




  • World Citizen
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  • Posts: 139
Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #347 on: December 04, 2012, 09:54:05 pm »

- Hability to set text based subtitles color and shadow
- Hability to choose video and/or audio streams from Gizmo
- Hability do choose subtitle from Gizmo
- ISDB-T (Japan) and ISDB-Tb (Brazil and most of South America countries) Digital TV support



  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #348 on: December 05, 2012, 06:43:10 am »

More customized TheaterView. I would like to see more control over options that are being displayed. [I use JRiver as a music server only].

Screen saver with "album/title" of the current song played.

Better support for remote controls... [the learning built in does not work for me, I had to use FLIRC device, I cannot use Windows Media Center as I use this remote for another computer in the room...]

JRiver on Silent/Fanless STREACOM FC5 EVO -> DSD through Firewire on Mytek 192 DSD -> CODA 05r pre/CODA 10.5 amp -> Sonics Amerigo Speakers


  • World Citizen
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  • Posts: 203
Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #349 on: December 05, 2012, 08:55:43 am »

I'm a relatively new user. I didn't buy after my trial period initially for a couple different reasons, but one sticking point was all the .xml and .jpg files that MC 18 litters my hard disks with. I don't mind the files themselves, but I don't want to see them in my file browser (Total Commander). I'd love to see an option to have the Library files stored with the Hidden attribute. I can then set my file browser to not display hidden files.

One more thing. I use Custom settings in Video so I can use LAV and madVR, but since these options are added on top of Red October and Red October HQ, I'd like to see some documentation on those profiles.

Otherwise, I'm finding this to be a great program.
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