Like briefly mentioned before, most of the time this is caused by bad configuration in the video driver control panel.
For an Intel GPU, these steps should get you there.
1) Find "Intel HD Graphics Control Panel" in the Start Menu and run it
2) Open the "Video" section
Now the next steps depend on the version, since Intel created a completely new control panel recently.
Assuming the newest version.
3) First Screen should show options for "Standard Color Correction" and "Input Range", and an "Advanced" Tab
Make sure all settings here are set to "Application Settings", and under "Advanced", Total Color Correction should be "Off"
4) On the top it says "Video" with a small arrow next to it, click it and select "Image Enhancement"
5) Like on the previous screen, everything should be "Off" or "Application Settings", both on the Basic and Advanced Tab
6) Repeat the same process for the "Image Scaling" and "Gamut Mapping" options from the top "Video" menu
All options on these screens should also either be "Off" or "Application Settings".
I hope this helps. In older driver versions the options look quite different.
If you don't even have a "Intel HD Graphics Control Panel", I would recommend to start with updating the driver, directly from
I have personally tried various DVDs, and everything seems to play just perfectly.
Regarding Convolution, its in the Audio DSP Settings in MC19. If you've never turned it on, then it shouldn't be a problem.