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 on: Today at 01:03:36 am 
Started by JimH - Last post by JimH
Distorted Sound from One Channel
Repairing the receiver solved it:,140021.msg975438.html#msg975438

 on: Today at 01:00:42 am 
Started by JimH - Last post by JimH
This topic has been moved to Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins.

 on: Yesterday at 09:08:30 pm 
Started by leperlord - Last post by leperlord
You can right-click a file and pick Locate > Genre.

You can type a genre into Play Doctor and it will make a mix.

This play doctor has me intrigued

But "You can find Play Doctor in the Playing Now pane when no media is playing. If it is not visible, look for two small up and down arrows at the very top of the pane. Click on the right down arrow and Play Doctor will appear." that does not find play doctor

Has it moved for Version 31?

 on: Yesterday at 08:55:02 pm 
Started by leperlord - Last post by leperlord
Cheers mate

I have used JRiver for a long time mate. I mostly just dragged and dropped files to play, because for the high quality, it cannot be beaten. I played with the  library a bit, but was even lazier back then than I am now lol

The library takes forever to build, but several nights ago I had another insomnia bout and decided if I am awake all nite I may as well do this

At the same time as u may see I was sussing the media server out to play files in another room

Also can't be beat for hi-res video and atmos audio, ISOs, and the whole show.

Looks like I need to sus this "play doctor out"


 on: Yesterday at 07:20:02 pm 
Started by leperlord - Last post by Matt
You can right-click a file and pick Locate > Genre.

You can type a genre into Play Doctor and it will make a mix.

 on: Yesterday at 07:11:51 pm 
Started by leperlord - Last post by leperlord
Does JRiver have the ability,ie: like other apps do, to show a list of similar and related genres and artists that I am currently listening to, from my library?

 on: Yesterday at 06:44:12 pm 
Started by leperlord - Last post by leperlord
~d=r shows the "removed" files, ie, files you manually deleted in MC but not necessarily on disk. They may be duplicates, for instance. If you delete them there and then run AutoImport, they will be reimported as normal files.

Check the ~d=b on the Video and Image sections.

If nothing is there, then you can enable Help->Logging and do another AutoImport, then check the log file to find which files are considered bad. The log will be huge though - don't forget to turn Logging off afterwards.

OK mate I did that and clicked details

It was way smaller than any other scan I ever did

It only mentions successful imports and Updates

No mentions of any errors,but there were errors

 on: Yesterday at 06:12:42 pm 
Started by cFortC - Last post by cFortC
I have a case where I record two consecutive hours from the same Stream (URL). For example, first recording starts at 18:00 with duration 60 minutes, second recording starts at 19:00 duration 60 minutes.

In the past (MC 32), the first recording overlapped about 15 seconds into the second recording. I liked that, because I was guaranteed not to miss any program material when I listened back the next day.

Sometime during MC33, this overlap dropped to about 3 seconds. I felt that was cutting it close, but still OK since a clear overlap was still there.

In the most recent drop of MC33 (came onto my system about February 16), this overlap was changed to zero. Somebody apparently thought it would be cool to cut down the first recording to the very last sample with no overlap to a new recording starting on the next sample.

I think this is cut too close. On two consecutive recordings that occurred last night, I'm not convinced that samples aren't missing. Please restore the code to at least the state where there were 3 good seconds of overlap. Please don't continue to fool with the code to try to achieve no duplicated/missing samples in this use case. The time is better spent on regression testing or implementing new worthwhile features.

 on: Yesterday at 05:35:18 pm 
Started by bob - Last post by bob
New: Image playback to the local iDevice can do a slideshow (timer is in settings).

 on: Yesterday at 05:33:46 pm 
Started by seantrow - Last post by seantrow
I'm trying to use Panel view types to implement a custom filtering system for browsing my album library. I am frustrated by what seems like a bug (or at least inconsistent behavior) in the Panel view I'm working with (vs. the Categories views I have used before.)  Plus, I can't figure out how to work around it to get the behavior I need out of the (otherwise useful) Panel view.

Background: a complication in my library is that I have multiple versions of many albums.  Therefore I have a custom field "Album Edition" which is unique per release, as opposed to "Album" which is the same across all the copies.  Generally in my views I want a thumbnail per Album Edition.

I have experimentally set up a new Panel view with a set of custom categories useful for filtering.  (These are mostly defined as expressions)  The view is sorted primarily by "Album Edition" by default.

If I put the view in ListMode = Thumbnail I get the view in the first screenshot below.  The surprising thing here is that it shows one (identical) thumbnail per song, under a group heading for each Album Edition.  This view is "correct", but when I have a similar view in a Categories view with ListMode = Thumbnail, it displays a much simpler view of one thumbnail per album edition. (The latter is what I am going for.)

So, if I change to ListMode = Album Thumbnail, I get the second screenshot. Here it indeed grouped the songs back into albums.  The problem is that it has implicitly "merged" all the Album Edition's for each Album; this has destroyed the sort order as well as putting all copies of the album into the same thumbnail.  (The latter is not useful for playback.)

I know the Panel view is kind of a complicated beast but I cannot see a reason for this behavior difference.  The difference seems to be only related to panel views (even if I make an empty Panel view, it still has this different List=Thumbnail behavior from an empty Category view.)

Is it a bug?  Is there another way to get my Album Editions to look like albums in the Panel view?


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